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Old 08-10-2019, 14:31   #1107
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Re: Brexit Development(s) Discussion

Originally Posted by ntluser View Post
Currently as EU members we are subject to the EU four freedoms and operating on a legal & trading framework acceptable to the EU and the UK..

When we leave we hope to shed the Freedom Of Movement requirement and the legal and trading frameworks may well be different and these are the barriers to our deal with the EU.

The problems with immigration were mainly due to the government failing to deal with the consequences of immigration like shortages of doctors, dentists, teachers, appropriate school places, jobs and affordable housing, all things that the government could address.

To satisfy the EU, Boris will need to remove the Freedom Of Movement red line thus allowing the people of Ireland & Ulster to move freely between both areas.

He will also need to equalise the legal & trading conditions on both sides of the Irish border so that, rights, responsibilities, procedures, protocols etc are the same, with the exception that issues raised in Ireland will be dealt with by the EU courts and issues in Ulster will be dealt with by the UK courts. When the same issue is raised in both areas, an Arbitration panel consisting say of 2 EU judges & 2 UK judges would look at the issue and try to find a mutually acceptable & legal solution. In effect, trading will just be as if we were still in the EU but the EU jurisdiction will only apply in Ireland as the UK jurisdiction will be in Ulster.

Given the bullying, bull-in-a china-shop tactics used by Boris, he has not only upset our EU friends but he has also failed to renegotiate our exit, apparently aiming to leave the EU at all costs without really trying to make a deal. He may well find leaving the EU like that to be satisfactory but there are plenty of poor people & businesses who will not. The massive borrowing required will not only put us further in debt but will also bring further years of austerity which can be avoided,

My bet is that neither he or Stephen Barclay have even asked the EU if such changes would make a difference and until he does he cannot really say that no deal is the only option.

I will also bet than no journalists have questioned Boris , Michel Barnier or Donald Tusk about discussing such changes in the Brexit negotiations.

Given the repeated requests from the EU for written proposals, it is the UK government which is at fault for belatedly supplying the ill thought-out proposals recently submitted.

No-one in government seems to be asking what the EU concerns are and as we do not know what they are how can the government address them.

The whole process has been a shambles from start to finish. Lots of ordinary people will suffer if we crash out of the EU like this.

I can only hope that all politicians involved will use some common sense and bring this deal to a successful conclusion.
Load of nonsense. Technically the exit is a done deal. Either way it's meant to happen. There is the "deal" which the WA, which is "transitional, and unambiguously limited in time", and then there is the "deal", which is in the future after the WA and is not allowed to be even negotiated yet until after we've left the EU. Will people stop mixing the 2 up. With the WA "deal" we "crash" out anyway, just at the end of next year instead.

The UK Parliament won't say what they would agree to, and the EU won't budge. Anything allegedly of concern to the EU comes after the end of the transitional phase of the WA, which the WA is not allowed to deal with.

Now with the Benn act, the UK Parliament and Ireland are never in a million years going to agree to anything. They'll keep moving the goalposts. They've been given a loaded gun and have itchy trigger fingers.
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