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Old 23-06-2020, 19:19   #722
richard s
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richard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful one
Re: Black Lives Matter

All Lives Matter! so we cannot say or or display print that says White Lives Matter... The aircraft towing a banner are NF, Britain First or right wing fascists were at the controls according to the press, TV news stations.
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