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Old 14-03-2005, 12:18   #2
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Re: *ALL* ntl Cap Discussion Here Please. (Part 2)

Originally Posted by obvious
Well apparently ntl have blocked programs like DocsDiag from seeing just how under utilised their network is. ntl no longer permit SNMP access to the ISP-side addresses of cable modems, so the -traffic facility of DocsDiag will no longer work.
That program never actually worked properly and any figures it gave were a guesstimate and usually quite on the low side.

Also do you actually know at which point load on a downstream or upstream becomes service affecting? It's not 100%

Just why should we allow customers to observe the traffic on the equipment of ours they connect to. If/when this stuff starts getting enforced, people will be able to check their own traffic. Load on our network isn't really any of their business - we generally require some free capacity for burst, load changes a lot during the day / night, etc.

Impractical, not to mention dangerous. The idea of BT selling to postcodes on the grounds that the CMTS card covering that area is 65% utilised isn't really a big commercial goer.
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