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Old 20-12-2016, 16:24   #65
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Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K View Post
Like why is the Arctic ice all but disappearing ? And why do you keep trying to harm my share portfolio and chances of re-election ?

A lot of people have the head in the sand and spout 'facts' supplied from those with vested short term interests. The Sunspots etc, have being going on forever but the world is warming, much faster than ever before, that is a fact. If anybody think humans haven't influenced this they are deluded. Only when the water is coming through their doors will they think it affects them. Even then it'll somehow be the fault of EU, Brexit, Corbyn or too many immigrants weighing the land down...

Have a nice stormy Christmas; fortunately I live on high ground...
No, I've already explained why human activity is unlikely to be the cause, and I've also pointed out that satellite temperature readings do not verify the claims of the dodgy sensationalists.

Even if it was happening, why are you so convinced that we are the cause? Did anyone blame the mini ice age in the 1600s on man? Warming was going on at the end of the ice age and the pollution from the industrial revolution period (which was smoke rather than clear carbon) could have prevented a quicker recovery as the sun was blotted out more. Now, with clearer air, the recovery could be continuing now. What is more, it has been warmer than it is now in the past (well before the mini ice age).

But that could explain the warming trend if it existed.

As far as the melting ice caps are concerned, you forget (or maybe never knew) that Greenland was free of ice centuries ago (hence its name). The reason the ice caps are melting appears to be the result of changing ocean currents, which have led to warmer waters undermining the ice from the bottom.

This is an extremely complex subject, and for people to explain it all rashly by saying it's all our fault are not paying attention, or alternatively, they are making a lot of money out of it.
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