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Old 11-01-2017, 17:41   #3759
Posts: n/a
Re: Post-Brexit Thread

I think it's time everyone understood that hard brexit is what we will have the exit process basically gaurantees it and purposely so to try and prevent members from leaving. There is not going to be any deal on access to the single market despite what some might hope and while there are a plethora of doom and gloom predictions especially about the financial sector the freedom the UK will have to make the UK an attractive place greatly increase.

There is no easy all skipping off into the future with this short term things will get difficult and have a cost to many of us but it is a price worth paying ultimately for the ability to adapt our nation to the entire world not just EU member states. For me and for a lot of others i know the referendum was not about me it was my belief in what will be better for my kids and grandkids and nothing has changed since i cast my vote. If the national division this has created was the only issue being honest I'd change my vote as i never wanted to damage my country but it isn't the only or even main issue.

It is funny how after we vote to leave all the growing problems within the EU have been forgotten and we'd be forgiven for thinking that the EU is this fantastic trouble free harmonious entity that you'd have to mentally ill to want to leave. It wasn't and it isn't and there are just as many experts that are pessimistic about the future of the EU as there are about brexit. Brexit is a complete unknown it's never happened before and no one knows anything for certain and over the last few months when I've had the chance to speak to various people that would qualify as experts they pretty much all agree that things are entering a period of great uncertainty.