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Old 28-03-2008, 01:19   #1841
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1
thejaygee is an unknown quantity at this point
Re: Virgin Media Phorm Webwise Adverts [Updated: See Post No. 1, 77, 102 & 797]

Once upon a time, I was saying the same thing about giving credit card numbers out over the internet -- I think I was right, but a lot of good it did me. Google is getting lots of ad dollars -- the ISP's aren't getting squat. Google gets money because the advertisers get results, so they keep buying/bidding on keywords. Relevance is the big deal -- (well) targeted adverts can be a service, if I want them, and if it is a good deal for me. Virgin hasn't answered the most important five words in the language, "What's in it for me?". Possible answers: money (free or cheaper service- maybe pay me to let them look at me , unobtrusive ads that are more likely to be for something I might want, satisfying me that nobody is watching me in my weaker moments, and letting me be sure that big brother won't (can't) resurrect my browsing history ten years from now when I am a candidate for ?? Can they do all that? If not, this is something with no quid pro quo -- merely doing "to me", with little or nothing "for me". Are they even trying to answer those questions? If this is the potential gold mine that one report I read said that it was, then hey, let's spread the wealth a bit, eh? I can be bought -- I buy on Amazon all the time, and their ability to anticipate what I am going to do next (based on what I have done there in the past) is remarkable -- maybe it should be scary, but it isn't; it makes my life a lot easier. Come on Virgin -- giving me anti-phishing protection just doesn't cut it. Offer me something that EYE will perceive has value to ME.
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