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Old 06-12-2003, 14:19   #58
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Re: Annoying things in life

Originally Posted by kronas
you do know due to the way some peoples speech is 'shaped' they cannot help saying that...........
So they say things like "I'm off fishing, now where's my flaxe of coffee?"
Or if they're managers "Right team, your taxe this quater is to..."

Maybe gordon brown has this problem, and he's actually saying "We're going to raise goverment tasks" but it comes out as "we're going to raise goverment taxes"

Originally Posted by Scarlett
Drivers who drive right up behind you in the fast lane of the dual carrage way when you are doing the legal limit and flash there lights cos they want to get past.
People who do 40 along single carrige ways when it's the national speed limit, then keep doing 40 or even speed up when they go through a 30limit village returning to 40 when they get to the national speed limit the other side.

People who do 60 on a single lane duel carrige way. For goodness sake why do people think the duel in duel carrigway means 2 lanes and not 2 carrigways?

Or slow right down to something like 30 when you can't safely overtake, but speed up when you could. (corsicans have the right [tho dangerous, and completely stupid so don't do it] idea, they just close their eyes and overtake. ever noticed that you only seem to pass cars coming the other way at the straight bits of country lanes?)
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