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Old 23-05-2020, 20:16   #122
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Re: Dominic Cummings visited parents during lockdown measures

Originally Posted by nomadking View Post
The HOUSEHOLD as a whole self-isolates, as the others could still be carrying it, without yet showing symptoms. What other household did they have contact with?

Most people wouldn't have the option of moving to a spare property whilst self-isolating. The advice has to be set out how it is likely to apply for MOST people.
They did it out of NECESSITY.
I never said otherwise and also didn't mention a spare property. I said they should isolate as much as possible away from the wife in the same house.

The one he presumably dropped the child at? Who as you say could not be showing symptoms yet but could still be carrying the virus.

They didn't do it out of necessity. If he was well enough to drive 250 miles, then he was well enough to stay at home. Worst case scenario is if he becomes too unwell then I'm sure with the position he holds, emergency care would have been put in place for the child.
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