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Old 24-09-2019, 11:21   #364
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Re: Brexit Development(s) Discussion

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
Not really surprised by the ruling, kind of expected it, with how they were asking their questions last week, during the hearing, that said, what we really need now is ****A GENERAL ELECTION****!

But you just know the Remainiacs in Parliament will now ride rough shot and do their upmost to frustrate Brexit further. Possibly legislate a new referendum, revoke A50, if some people think this will answer everything, it will not, the country will be in a big big crisis, far bigger than the dire predictions of what Brexit would look like.

The Fixed Term Parliament Act - worse piece of legislation ever.

She has not got a fecking clue what she is on about - the Queen is above the law. The Queen could quite rightfully enter "Her" Supreme Court and overrule her Justices, say Parliament is Prorogued - they are her subordinates, obviously she won't, but in theory she could because she cannot be legally challenged on anything, we are dealing with the advice she was given that has been quashed.

What if at this late stage in her reign, she got so fed up of what is going on and entered the political arena and insisted Parliament is still prorogued and that she is making that decision on her own accord and not Boris - again she won't do that, but could and noone could stop her, so Cherry, is wrong, but she is feeling the "high and mighty" rush at the moment, that has obviously gone to her head.
Republic! Republic!
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