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Old 17-07-2019, 17:06   #1297
Architect of Ideas
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Re: Coming Soon to Virgin TV (2019)

Originally Posted by OLD BOY View Post
Yes, but you still have the bother of organising the schedules, filling the ads at specific slots, continuity announcements and so forth. You also have to pay for EPG slots, etc.

Why bother when you can just upload the lot?
No bother at all as long as you have eyeballs looking at it, people tweeting about it and tabloids talking about it.

Take Love Island for example. I’m going to guess it’s so far beneath you I’ll make a synopsis available for the forum. The “plebs” seem to enjoy watching fellow semi attractive plebs of limited intelligence romancing, occasionally folk get voted off, but they all aspire to turn up to local nightclubs in your local towns/villages for small appearance fees.

Anyway, the mass interest in it results in people engaging with each other in real life the following morning to discuss it, at coffee machines, break out areas, on trains and in other public places. All in all it’s a bit of a menace really.

My point being it doesn’t work being dumped online at a certain time as a series. Or even nightly - tens of thousands of people engage on Twitter in a way they couldn’t unless they all hit play at the exact same time.

An EPG slot costs about 40 grand does it not? Considering you’re pushing Amazon into a £5bn TV deal with no plan to make a profit I think you can give me a pass on that one.
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