Thread: Brexit
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Old 15-05-2019, 22:40   #2198
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Re: Brexit (New Poll Added)

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
Every country has a degree of corruption - I have never advocated that there are countries which aren't (ours included).

I go on about the EU being corrupt because it is and the UK Democratically voted to leave it.

The EU way, is that they are Anti-Democratic, they have had other Member States holding important votes again and again and they want us to hold another referendum, they want us to remain but we voted out.

The EU is championing on getting rid of the "Veto" that each member has, so in other words they want to force their ways on ALL member States and cancel the veto each Member state has. Guy Verhoftstadt more or less suggested this is how the EU should be now in a TV interview just recently. They want to steal and rob sovereignty and further powers. Who the hell wants to stay aligned to this BS ?

I urge people, however they voted to go watch that BBC Documentary on Iplayer if it is still on, EU Negotiations - Behind closed doors. The EU have not acted in good faith at all towards us and Theresa May has just allowed them to piss all over us when we should have stood firm. We cannot be allowed to succeed out, they pretty much said that, so have given us a crap deal. Is this not corruption, because it is to me?
But will we be any better off dealing with other corrupt nations? Won't we just get shafted in other ways. We were always going to get a crap deal from them. They can't be seen to be dishing out good deals as that will make other countries go for leaving the EU. Do you believe the EU has done anything good for the UK?
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