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Old 14-05-2018, 01:32   #52
cf.mega poster
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RichardCoulter has disabled reputation
Re: Sandip Singh Atwal tries to steal £836,000 from our NHS.

Originally Posted by RizzyKing View Post
Equalities laws have gone too far in some respects causing not compliance with them but anger and frustration from many people whose language might be colourful but not malicious or hateful but fall foul of these overreaching laws. You and i differ massively in this respect you would prefer a veneer of sanitisation in how people talk and interact with each other while i prefer the warts and all approach to life and people. Laws are great they may punish after the offence but do nothing to protect you at the time, speech\hate crimes are pernicious imo and we are seeing it in the uneven application of those laws not to mention the ever greater police resources dedicated to those units at the expense of traditional policing.

There are way too many people these days who just can't seem to deal with the negatives of living and they want legal protections that they think will create a better nicer world when the truth is it does the opposite. We've become too damn comfortable and complacent as a society taking some thing's for granted and relinquishing personal responsibility to others to act on our behalf this hasn't made us better or stronger as a society it's made us weaker and it needs to stop.
I don't understand why people can't just be kind to each other.

In the case of disability/illness, some might simply be being thoughtless or downright malicious as they regard disability as something that doesn't affect them.

Statistically, they will become disabled at some point in their life or someone close to them will, through disease, attack, accident or old age. At this time I hope that they reflect upon their past attitude/behaviour and come to a realisation.

Cognitive impairment increases the risk of dementia significantly, but as a population it's increasing anyway, as is cancer. If people aren't kind and thoughtful to the sick and disabled when they are well, they run the risk of learning from their mistakes at a particularly low point in their life. I've even known some believe it to be as a result of karma for past mistakes, particularly if it affects a loved one as opposed to themselves.

None of us know what's around the corner, this time last week a young man I know of was fit and healthy- a doorman and a boxer, but at this point in time he's in a mortuary.

---------- Post added at 01:32 ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 ----------

Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
Occam’s Razor - it’s not your disability (which no one knew about until you mentioned it, but it hasn’t changed the style or tone of your postings), but just what and how you post that engenders a negative reaction - having a disability does not exempt you from critique if people believe you have posted inappropriately.

You have, in the past, threatened CF’ers with legal action, and when that hasn’t worked, you continually play the ‘victim’ card.

I have duty of care to employees (of which you are not one), but if any of them behaved the way you do, no matter if they had one of the nine protected characteristics, they would be having a conversation, with HR and the Union Rep present - the Equality Act 2010 does not give those protected by it carte blanche to be an arse, or equally use what could be perceived as discriminatory language (and no, saying ‘it’s been cleared up’ by denying what you said was meant to be discriminatory, but not explaining what you did mean by saying ‘it’s genetic with these people’ is not sufficient).

And being passive-aggressive by intimating that I may have mental health issues shows how hypocritical you are - whether I do, or do not, is none of your business, and how would you react* if people said that your postings and views were due to brain damage?

(*Probably with a threat of legal action)
I always try and post with respect, courtesy and dignity.

You are obviously hurting for some reason, but this isn't the way to deal with it.

My efforts to be kind and helpful are being misinterpreted as something else, so let's just leave it at that.

All the best.
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