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Old 11-11-2017, 21:01   #50
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Re: More VM Jobs could be lost to the Philippines.

Originally Posted by Mr Banana View Post
I have never resented rich folks who have come from humble backgrounds and have done well for themselves but I do not like some of the rich who have inherited their money.
I agree with you about those who just happened to get lucky, but believe that even those who have achieved wealth through their own efforts should share a reasonable amount of their income to help those less fortunate.

Whilst having a good career or owning a successful business can very often involve risk, hard work, long hours, personal sacrifice etc a lot is simply down to good luck (of course, good luck can simply mean not having any bad luck!)

Good luck can involve having a good upbringing, being born with a decent level of intelligence, being born with some sort of extraordinary marketable talent, not being born with any kind of debilitating illness or disability, etc.

I know many successful business people and some just happened to be on the right place at the right time, conversely, I know many who have worked really hard and who have had excellent business acumen, but have failed simply due to bad luck of reasons out of their control.

I also think that if you view life as a race where we all start at the starting line, those able to run fast and progress quicker than the others have a moral duty to help pick up anyone who stumbled and falls on the way or even help to carry those that are unable to even move from the starting point through no fault of their own.
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