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Old 09-01-2017, 11:15   #3708
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by RizzyKing View Post
More doom and gloom with zero basis in fact and about as relevant as the time of day all these prophecy's of doom assume the EU continuing with no major issues a delusion in itself. Things won't be all roses and sunshine following brexit and there is going to be a lot of work for the government but it is not insurmountable by any means and the UK's prospects are still better out then in mid to longterm. As for scotland leaving the union can we please not pretend that's got anything to do with brexit because it doesn't the SNP had that aim long before the referendum.

You repeatedly say your behind brexit but constantly post nothing but negative information about it Andrew so cut the crap and just be honest about what you want because your becoming very boring.
I want Brexit to be as successful as possible. As I'm British and live in the UK, I've bags of self-interest in it.
I think it's useful to see what others are saying about Brexit and that's why I shared that post. My previous post was the write-up of the Sky News interview with the headline "Theresa May: Government not muddled over Brexit."
There have been lots of tales of worries in the past. The world didn't stop on 1/1/2000 despite talk of the millennium bug. I still read daily tails of Brexiters wanting the EU to fail but they've been busy predicting its demise since 1975. They went into overdrive to predict the imminent failure of the Euro since 1999 but that's survived the global financial crisis and is going nowhere soon. So I don't think the world will end when we leave the EU. But it will be worse off; the question is how much?
Ultimately, the UK has fared well from being within the EU. The days of dumping Austin Allegros with square steering wheels on obedient Commonwealth countries are long gone and having a market of an extra 440m people on its doorstep has benefited the UK enormously. Whether the benefits of membership have been shared between everyone in the UK is another matter.
I think in 2017 the country will start to see the negative effects of the Brexit vote as prices rise, incomes remain flat and businesses hold back from investing. The more the Government talks of a hard Brexit, the more that the Pound falls and the squeeze becomes worse. Sunday's interview has now resulted in the £ receiving a further knocking. I'm concerned that Theresa May will continue to put her party before the country. People who voted Brexit didn't do so to see themselves be 5% to 10% worse off. I'm concerned that people like Theresa May and Boris Johnson who can easily afford to take such a hit will do so for the sake of their party.
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