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Old 16-12-2016, 16:42   #3271
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 View Post
Business leaders want a Brexit plan
"Almost six months have passed since Britain made its momentous decision to leave the EU. And as politicians and the public survey what progress the UK has made in preparations for its departure, one conclusion is impossible to avoid: Theresa May’s government still hasn’t got a plan.
In his appearance before MPs this week, David Davis, Brexit secretary, said a plan would be produced before the UK triggers Article 50 in the spring — but he added that it wouldn’t be published before February and he would not say how detailed the document would be....
What should alarm Mrs May and her ministers at the end of this week is the way in which UK-based companies, uncertain about the future, are taking firm decisions about relocating operations overseas."

The many unanswered questions include:
* Will the UK leave the customs union? (Mr Davis said there are still four options.)
* What kind of immigration controls would Britain impose on EU nationals? (Mr Davis refused to reveal details.)
* Will the UK pay for access to the single market after leaving the EU?

Google the headline for the full article or subscribers can read
I can understand where the companies are coming from .They will be making plans for investment now to come to fruition in 2-3 yrs time so they need to know financial details now