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Old 02-12-2016, 14:53   #1786
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Re: Virgin Media V6 - Powered by TiVo(new STB)

Originally Posted by trickytree View Post
My Virgin lady (ooer) did say that due to me being on top BB and top TV I would benefit most from it so qualified/or fitted the criteria to receive a free box.

To be honest I never asked to try and get 2 however she had on record I had a V+ and 1 1TB TiVo and said we would like to take the V+ out and move your TiVo in it's place.
It was then up to me to sort out the connectivity if I wanted to MRS.

She did ask if my SH was in the same place as my TiVo and it is not so she said they may want to move it.
I said I didn't want that as it is connected to my PC via wire and wanted to keep it like that.
She said ok well the engineer would look at this when he arrived and would not change any setup unless I was completely satisfied.

She did mention the £5 charge would go on but they knew it was a bug and would be removed over night and keep the current costs completely the same.

My current contract does not expire until May and she kept saying I am not signing you up to any new contract or anything like that.
My TV is in the living room and router in my home office two floors up.

The engineer initially said that he couldn't install it as it wouldn't work. I said that I believed that Powerline would be supplied Free of charge, which he knew nothing about.

When I pointed out that it had WiFi he agreed to install it, but said that Powerlines would still be better.

It's interesting that you were told that your router would be moved; I'll ask about this.

This may be better if there is no charge.
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