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Old 02-12-2016, 10:33   #2914
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Chris View Post

Personally, as someone who voted leave, I'm a little tired of remainers constantly claiming they know leavers' reasons for their vote better than they do themselves. Laurie Penney tried it on on Question Time last night and quite rightly got absolutely savaged for it.

"Hard Brexit" and "Soft Brexit" are the imaginings of remainers trying to frame a debate, they are not a serious or useful means of describing the decision making process of people who voted leave.

I find it pathetic that they seem to know how or why we voted leave and that they think we want to stay one foot in the door to the EU. No way. It did not say on the ballot form, 'Partially' leave the EU. It was a simple sweeping question and Leave was one of the options.

Now for the vast majority of the leave camp, I am pretty certain, we voted to leave the EU in it's entirety because at the end of the day, leave means LEAVE and we KNEW that voting leave meant:-

Go away from. depart from, go from, withdraw from, retire from, take oneself off from, exit from, take one's leave of, pull out of, quit, be gone from, decamp from, disappear from, abandon, vacate, absent oneself from, evacuate; say one's farewells/goodbyes, make off, clear out, make oneself scarce, check out; abscond from, run away from, flee (from), fly from, bolt from, go AWOL, take French leave, escape (from); informal push off, shove off, cut, cut and run, do a bunk, do a disappearing act, split, vamoose, scoot, clear off, take off, make tracks, up sticks, pack one's bags, flit.
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