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Old 09-11-2016, 15:38   #934
Posts: n/a
Re: US Election 2016

Trump won for pretty much the same reason brexit won the majority of people are fed up with the establishment and the political process that never seems to work for them but only for the richer people. It is ironic in this case that a billionaire was chosen to express that dissatisfaction but most viewed him as outside the establishment but would have the knowledge to make the system better for the majority. Whether that is how it will work only time will tell, i would say he was helped a lot by gun owners they were the only consistent group throughout this election from day one they supported trump and despised clinton convinced that if she got in more bans and restrictions would quickly follow 70 million gun owners are not a good thing to alienate.

Only heard a couple of clinton supporters talking so far but was struck by the rhetoric being used to describe those who voted for trump very similar almost exact terminology that was used to describe brexit voters. Never paid much attention to all these NWO nutjobs out there but given how the same group acts when they lose maybe there is a global movement lol.

Wonder how worried merkel is about next year with the way things are going .