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Old 07-03-2015, 15:08   #7
Location: Stonehenge
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Re: Background Noise

Originally Posted by nodrogd View Post
Nothing is ever simple. On TV its music over this, & music over that. They are doing it at more & more live sports events now as well. But decide you actually want some music on & put on the radio, what do you get! DJ's talking over everything & advert breaks that go on longer than the music in between.
If it was just music and not at the decibel level of a jet engine, I would not mind, but 80% of the time it is not music, just a damned unintelligible, disjointed noise that drowns out speech and destroys concentration. No logic in it at all, simply a random racket.

It does not matter whether a frail old guy of 100 years old is talking in his sitting room, or some incredible battle is taking place with all the normal battle noise, they even have to insert an accompanying unimaginable din on top of it.

No wonder the German entire 6th Army surrendered at Stalingrad, it was not the Russians who forced them to give up, it was the infernal racket of background noise that blew their minds into burbling submission.

I often cut out the sound in sheer desperation, to stop my brain from seizing up or biting lumps out of the coffee table in utter frustration. For many years I have frantically looked for the band in all the blood and guts battle scenes, but unlike the red sports car in Ben Hur, I have not yet spotted them amidst the mayhem.

There was a rare and lucky occasion when I did spot a guy knocking the hell out of a piano mounted on a Jeep whilst the US Marines were storming Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima. He got the Congressional Medal of Honour for bravery.

Where such highly paid cretins get their impulse to do this malpractice and completely wreck every program transmitted, I cannot possibly comprehend.
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