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Old 07-01-2014, 17:43   #773
Posts: n/a
Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.

Am hearing this "if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain" a lot and hearing it more as we get near an election but as Russ says what other way do we really have to protest our discontent with the current system. Some say spoil your paper, why yes they count the number of spoilt votes but take zero notice of it but low voter turn out gets politicians talking about it everwhere. Trouble is the reality is we have a current political class which doesn't care one bit about the electorate they are simply a means to get power thatcan be ignored once poower is achieved.

I've voted all my adult life and all that time i've been a consevative voter but i cannot vote for this bunch in the party right now and will not vote labour either what else can i do but not vote.
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