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Old 02-04-2013, 20:27   #172
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Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.

Originally Posted by tizmeinnit View Post

the disabled are being effected as well the whole atos issue is about that side of it
Yes they are ,everyone on benefits is being affected ,as i pointed out yesterday we can continue to have a reduced system available for all now or a much reduced system for the few in future years .If we don't have the cuts now who would receive benefits in future when we can't have a system for all .Do you want to make that decision ? would you choose the severely disabled over the not so disabled ,would you tell fit unemployed to fend for themselves and if they don't they starve ,lose their homes .Or would you prefer to give everyone who needs it enough to survive on .I know what i prefer.
Yes people are going to struggle but they will survive the alternative is frightening and also very short sighted and a great disservice to future generations
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