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Old 02-04-2013, 15:05   #88
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Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.

Originally Posted by martyh View Post
Since all the threads have now been merged i will mention this little snippet quoted on the Jeremy Vine show today .
When LABOUR in 2008-9 decided to reassess everyone on disability payments the result was astounding .800,000 people decided not to go for the medical and simply ended their claims .Now if that figure is true it is eye watering ,if it has been exaggerated by 50% it is still terrible and shows how many where allowed to claim benefits falsely ,which is probably why doctors where removed from making the decision as to whether someone was fit to work or not .
Now i have to go back to work and earn some benefits for someone so i'll let someone else find the official figures to back up Edwina Curries statement.
yeah and it was Thatcher who encouraged claimants onto the sick remember her way of doctoring the unemployment figures after they drove past 3 million
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