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Old 25-07-2011, 15:40   #777
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TheDon has reached the bronze age
TheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze ageTheDon has reached the bronze age

Originally Posted by adzii_nufc View Post
Also note John Cena is eligible for a Rematch for the WWE championship so expect something to give tonight.
Nothing major will happen with CM Punk tonight. Maybe HHH will call for him to come back, and a recap of what happened at comic con, but to play this story right they have to do it over the long haul. If it's too rushed it loses it's appeal.

One way they can do it is by invoking the old "the title must be defended every 30 days" clause, which would line up nicely for a summerslam return, where Cena can regain the title, with Del Rio then cashing in on Cena (a heel on heel cash in would be stupid, which is why it was obvious Del Rio wouldn't have stopped Punk leaving with the title, instant face turn on one of their biggest heels? No chance.) They don't like having 2 briefcases around for too long and we know Bryan's is meant to be staying around until Wrestlemania (although I fully expect him to lose the briefcase before then) so that will also give them chance to write Cena out for a while (I'd say he'll go out to a cross arm breaker, but they'd never do away with the "Cena never quits" angle).

In other news Hero and Claudio (The Kings of Wrestling tag team) have been wrote out of PWG, and rumour has it they're bypassing the WWE development territories and heading straight to the main roster. I'm hoping this means the WWE start taking the tag division seriously again, it's been lackluster for far too long.
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