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Old 13-04-2008, 14:55   #3068
Location: Sale, Cheshire
Services: 10MB Broadband, DTV, Telephone
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Re: Virgin Media Phorm Webwise Adverts [Updated: See Post No. 1, 77, 102 & 797]

Originally Posted by 80/20Thinking View Post
Oooops. Careful about straying into black helicopter terrain. My views about the legality under the DPA are clearly stated elsewhere. We aren't in a position to judge the RIPA legality. As for your latter assertions, pleeeeeease. I think you just confused BT with PI. I doubt any of us could afford to buy shares in anything, even if we inclined to do so.

But, just for the record: I affirm that no staff member or director of Privacy International, past or present, has either worked for Phorm or is now working for Phorm or has any financial interest whatever in Phorm. We as 80/20 Thinking are contracted as a third party to provide an independent assessment of Phorm.
To avoid any confusion, Simon, could you elaborate on the exact relationship between PI and 80/20? I think I read recently (think it was in the NY Times) that 80/20 was the commercial arm of PI. Is that the case, or are the two organisations independant with some people (particularly yourself) involved with both? Again, for the record, your asertion specifically talks about staff members of PI. Can you confirm that the same applies to staff members of 80/20? (I'm sure it does, but with so many conspiracy theories....)