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Old 07-03-2008, 08:38   #687
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Re: Virgin Media Phorm Webwise Adverts [Updated: See Post No. 1, 77 & 102]

Originally Posted by lucevans View Post
Here's one of the FAQs quoted from (Phorm's consumer portal);

"Q. Is my data still viewed when I opt out of the system?

A. When you opt out -- or switch the system off -- it's off. 100%. No browsing data whatsoever is passed from the ISP to Phorm. We should be clear: the Phorm servers are located in the ISP's network and browsing data is not transmitted outside the ISP. Even if you are opted out, websites will still show you ads (as they do now) but these will not be ads from the Phorm service and they will not be more relevant to your browsing."

This statement is inconsistent.

First it assures us that no browsing data whatsoever is passed from the ISP to Phorm. (I suspect that the use of the word "Phorm" here does not refer to the servers that Phorm have installed inside the ISP, but rather to the company itself)

Then it says that the Phorm servers are located inside the ISP network.

Then it tells us that Browsing data is not transmitted outside the ISP.

Well, if the Phorm servers are inside the ISP, then data doesn't have to be passed outside the ISP in order to be transmitted to the Phorm Servers, does it?
So do they mean that no browsing data is transmitted to the Phorm servers inside OR outside the ISP,
or do they mean that browsing data is transmitted to the Phorm servers inside the ISP, but not to any Phorm server outside the ISP?

I suspect the latter, and if this is the case, then as far as I'm concerned, the webpages I'm viewing are still being "analyzed" (i.e. spied upon).
You ask a simple intelligent question.

Personally, I think that they know our data will reach Phorm systems/servers at some point in the chain but they do not want to admit that as people will (rightfully or wrongfully) view that as spying. So what we get are carefully worded replies to help avoid giving the answers they do not want to give. In other words, they give some of what you want to hear, just not all of it. Politicians are especially good at this.

I have noticed their responses on other sites/blogs are extremely well considered and deliberately ambiguous in places where detailed answers are required.

The way in which their system will work appears (at least to me) to be carefully guarded and as such I suspect we will never really truly know to what extent it reaches. We can and will ask questions (as is our right to) but I do not think we will get sufficient answers.

At the end of the day, how can you really trust a company that has made its previous fortunes in generating spyware.
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