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OLD BOY 01-01-2021 02:07

Britain outside the EU
So, now we have left the European Union. What now? How do we navigate our way ahead? How do we make the decision of the electorate work in practice?

Frankly, I am looking forward to making deals with all these other trading blocs around the world that are purely arrangements about trade and that don’t try to force you into some sort of political union.

Does anyone have any views on what our priorities should be? Personally, I think the next big deal should be with the US, and we need to bring in those free ports that the PM referred to a few months ago as soon as possible.

Should our farmers be gearing up to produce more now that we are free of the wasteful CAP? Which new markets should we be exploiting after the US?

So many many opportunities.

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 04:35

Re: Britain outside the EU
I would like to see us develop a global agreement on services and believe it is achievable, I'd also like to see us ensure people caught evading tax through dubious avoidance schemes are properly punished

jfman 01-01-2021 04:36

Re: Britain outside the EU
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 04:39

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

Probably to a united Ireland and maybe an independent Scotland, still we knew that and are delighted to be waving them off :wavey:

Paul 01-01-2021 05:30

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January)

Why do you always have to try and get a dig in. :rolleyes:

We officially left at 11pm Dec 31st 2020 (because that was midnight in Europe). :dozey:

Pierre 01-01-2021 10:00

Re: Britain outside the EU
There’s nothing mire amusing than seeing a media that done nothing but promote fear in regards to Brexit, trying to continue in that vein when there really isn’t anything to write about.

These are the BIG changes about to HIT Britons traveling to the EU

Which is basically no changes for most of and certainly no big ones.

Chris 01-01-2021 10:13

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36064488)
There’s nothing mire amusing than seeing a media that done nothing but promote fear in regards to Brexit, trying to continue in that vein when there really isn’t anything to write about.

These are the BIG changes about to HIT Britons traveling to the EU

Which is basically no changes for most of and certainly no big ones.

Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:


From 1 January you might also need a GB sticker - but it depends on what sort of number plate is on your car.

If it has an EU logo next to the registration number, you will need a sticker.

Plates with GB and a Union flag on them will not require a sticker in most EU countries.
I can’t help experiencing a little schadenfreude at those who have persisted in asking for EU number plates on their new cars. If you have one of these, even though it says GB on it, you still need a GB bumper sticker. On the other hand, if you have one of the sort that replaces the star-spangled blue rag with the union flag (which Europhile New Labour tried and failed to ban about 20 years ago) then you’re good to go.

Maybe the Mail on Sunday could do a commemorative re-issue of the GB/Union Flag overlay stickers they produced after Blair and the department of transport lost their court case against those who refused to leave their EU plates unmodified :D

1701-e 01-01-2021 10:14

Re: Britain outside the EU
Of course the £350M per week to the NHS from next week will be a great help..... Unless of course it stays with the Tory cronies. Led by donkeys have released another great video on the momentus year......

papa smurf 01-01-2021 10:20

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064489)
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:

I can’t help experiencing a little schadenfreude at those who have persisted in asking for EU number plates on their new cars. If you have one of these, even though it says GB on it, you still need a GB bumper sticker. On the other hand, if you have one of the sort that replaces the star-spangled blue rag with the union flag (which Europhile New Labour tried and failed to ban about 20 years ago) then you’re good to go.

Maybe the Mail on Sunday could do a commemorative re-issue of the GB/Union Flag overlay stickers they produced after Blair and the department of transport lost their court case against those who refused to leave their EU plates unmodified :D

What if you own a French car, is it given priority treatment on the dark side of the channel?

Chris 01-01-2021 10:21

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064491)
What if you own a French car, is it given priority treatment on the dark side of the channel?

I believe they’re just as likely to be upended and used to build a flaming barricade as any other.

1andrew1 01-01-2021 10:52

Re: Britain outside the EU
Well, Mark Francois of the European Research Group says

“Now that we have ‘cried freedom’ it must make sense for government departments to put their heads together and undertake a thorough analysis of areas where it makes sense of us to apply that freedom to diverge from EU regulation.”
Shouldn't we have been doing this research beforehand to inform our negotiations? This suggests to me that Phil Hammond's assertion "we are buying a notional right to diverge, which we will not use, at a very high economic price” may turn out to be correct. Before anyone mentions free ports - we've been able to do those within the EU and tried, but the economics don't add up.

Mr K 01-01-2021 11:11

Re: Britain outside the EU
Think the OP should have asked all these questions and had the answers before he decided which way to vote !

Still we've taken back control, and given it to an incompetent bunch of millionaires. Will they be looking out for us or themselves? At least he nation's fishermen are grateful; the first of many to be let down/lied to.

Happy New Year btw :)

Carth 01-01-2021 11:30

Re: Britain outside the EU
New Year, New Thread, same negative posters :p:

Hugh 01-01-2021 11:38

Re: Britain outside the EU
I look forward to any deals, with whichever countries/trading blocs, which will improve our economy and the living standards of our citizens.

Do we have any examples of prospective deals in the near to medium future?

OLD BOY 01-01-2021 11:40

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064478)
Funny you should start this thread. As the previous one had closed (despite us officailly leaving the EU in January) I was considering starting one called 'England's existential crisis' but this will do.

Where does the identity crisis lead us next?

I started the thread because the transitional agreement has now come to an end, so we are finally free from the dictats of the EU. An occasion well worth celebrating, in my book.

Happy Independence Day!

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