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unlomcom 10-05-2007 10:54

Non-VM branded Cable Modems

I have phoned up VM to try and get my Motarola SB5100 on the VM network. I asked them to change my registered MAC to the SB5100 one but the foreign guy said "no you cannot use a modem that has not been provided to you by VM" but I know other people who have been allowed! Was that tech guy just being awkward or can you not do this now?

ps. Reason for wanting to use my own cable modem is that the Ambit one I am currenty using seems unreliable!


Derek 10-05-2007 10:55

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
You can only connect VM supplied equipment to their network.
Thats been the case for as long as I can remember.

dilli-theclaw 10-05-2007 10:57

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
Where did you get the other one?

Anyway you should only attach a modem that virgin give you to the network.

If you're ambit isn't working properly call them and get an engineer out to look at it.

unlomcom 10-05-2007 11:00

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems

^ Purchased there

I did try and get an engineer out but they say "there nothing wrong with my Ambit" but I say "so that's why I get cut off all the time!"... still nothing from them

jubbi 10-05-2007 11:00

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
If you think your modem is faulty you should ask Virgin to replace it. After all, you are only leasing the hardware and upkeep of the modem is virgins responsability. Could always be worse. I have a GI branded surfboard 3100!

Stuart 10-05-2007 12:05

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems

Originally Posted by unlomcom (Post 34299909)

^ Purchased there

I did try and get an engineer out but they say "there nothing wrong with my Ambit" but I say "so that's why I get cut off all the time!"... still nothing from them

If you are having problems, there is either something wrong with your modem (in which case VM should replace it) or your connection (in which case, the new modem, even if VM allowed it would probably have the same problem).

All I can suggest is try again.

jem 10-05-2007 15:47

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems

Originally Posted by unlomcom (Post 34299904)

"no you cannot use a modem that has not been provided to you by VM" but I know other people who have been allowed! Was that tech guy just being awkward or can you not do this now?

Didn't NTL used to sell the modems to the user for a one-off fee? but I didn't think they ever had a policy of allowing third party equipment to be attached.

And you can understand VM's reasons for it, you might well have purchased a perfectly good, reputable make of modem, but VM can't be sure of that. If they start making exceptions and allow people to attach whatever they like to the cable infrstructure, who's going to be liable when something goes horribly wrong and it messes up other people's connections? Far better to ban everything not supplied by them and then everyone should know exactly what is attached.

Bit of a pain in the proverbial for you though. If you can, see if you can return it and get a refund. If there is a problem with your modem then VM will swop it out but it's also possible that the problem is with signal levels or even a cable fault and no amount of modem swopping will sort that out so you still might have wasted your money.

You say you know of others who are using non VM modems-well I can't really comment on that as I don't know the details, but if they have been allowed then I would suspect someone in CS or Technical Services has fouled-up

mark1979 10-05-2007 15:52

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
i had a problem with my old modem so i asked for a replacement,and 2 days later i had 1

i had a scientific atlanta EPC2100R2 supplied to me and was told it would accept the upcoming 20mb speeds.

helmutcheese 10-05-2007 16:33

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
I dont see the issue as its a Moto SB modem and the ISP has always used them but again they dont let you supply your own modem, I guess you bought it as they were messing you about giving you a replacement modem.

Nikesh 10-05-2007 16:36

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
I would try again and get your modem swapped because now VM can send you a new modem in the post. :)

Halcyon 10-05-2007 16:37

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
By having an account with Virgin Media you are entitled to use their own modem that they loan to you during your time with them.
If you did not receive a modem or the one that you were given is faulty then phone up customer services and tell them to send you a new one.

Nedkelly 10-05-2007 16:55

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
As the others have said VM supply you with a modem .There was customers who bought there modems some time ago but that never kicked off and it caused all sorts of problems when they had a fault ie if the modem was faulty it was up to you to get another one or NTL would charge you :)

futard 10-05-2007 17:01

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
yea VM wont allow you to use your own modem because they include a monthly rental charge in the package price for your modem, which would have to be deducted from your monthly bill, this is not in their best interests.

I remember a friend of mine got his old SB3100 ( i think ) from NTL for a small fee or maybe it was free(dont remember exactly) when he signed up with them, and they deducted £5 a month from his bill because he owned his own modem, but once an upgrade became availible they forced him to take their new modem over his old modem(which was still capable of the speed upgrade) and charged him the extra £5 a month for it.

Money talks ;)

englishpaul 10-05-2007 17:40

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
Being 'old school', I was one of the original broadbanders who opted to buy a cablemodem [from ntl] for a 'mere' £150. The option at the time was rent your modem and pay a total of £24.99 a month or buy your own and pay £19.99. Being a bit of a meanie, I equated that 2.5 years use @ £5 per month saving would 'pay me back' the £150 outlay and anything after that was 'profit'. It worked a treat [until ntl snatched back the £5 discount, though by that time I was well in credit with my CM], my SB3100 was great, until I upgraded to 10meg.

I had no end of problems trying to achieve 10meg and was, eventually, told by ntl that the SB3100 was only capable of up to 6meg and that I needed to replace it. They [CS] told me I could buy one for £50 from the ntlworld shop. I was a bit miffed that, when I upgraded online, nowhere had it stated that I might need another CM but decided that it was worth paying £50 for the full service. :rolleyes:

Except, there were NO CMs on the ntlworld shop site.

Annoyed, I went back to CS who put me through to Tech who siad that new CMs was a CS problem and that they should send me one out [for £50]. Back to CS, who dutifully put me back through to Tech who told me to contact CS... FFS! :mad:

Somewhat perplexed I felt that I had to find a way to resolve the situation, that was when I discovered online tech assistance from ntl, who, after I'd explained my dilema, said I could source my own CM then let CS know the new details and all would be well. :tu:

I found myself an SB5100 [£45 delivered], connected it all up, rang CS who insisted I could not possibly be connected with a non-ntl CM! :mad:

Back to the online thang, where I managed to gain a sympathetic ear and once supplied with details, they sorted my connection :tu:

Except.... I /still/ couldn't get above 6meg :mad: :mad: :mad:

Furious, I went back to CS, who insisted that there was nothing wrong with my set-up/connection but they'd send an engineer round. The engineer came, could find nothing wrong but swapped out my SB5100 for a 250 [I failed to mention ownership to him :blush:] declared all well and went. Tests later showed I was still unable to get above 6meg! CS suddenly changed tack and suggested that there was a network problem in my area and that the full 10meg would not currently be available... :doh:

I was on the verge of completely losing the plot when, out of nowhere, suddenly everything came up to speed [some weeks after getting the 250].

Anyhow, having rambled on a bit, my point was that although, theoretically, you cannot provide your own CM, there are ways and means of getting one connected.

Now, wheres my 20meg????? :mad:


lincsat 11-05-2007 23:42

Re: Non-VM branded Cable Modems
I too bought my modem a SB4100 for £150, in return I was promised £5 discount off my broadband bill for as long as I continued to subscribe.

Now, they've tried to welch on that promise on several occasions, but I currently do still get £5 off, but now only while I subscribe to the middle tier - or whatever they call it this week :)

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