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Halcyon 11-03-2024 15:13

Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
Everyone seems to be ill around at the moment which is the season I guess.
But do you take any health boosts or vitamins on a daily basis that you think make you healthier? Give you more energy, etc?

Maybe you take ginger or Ginseng and find it helps?

What has worked for you or do you think we don't need it?


Jaymoss 11-03-2024 15:14

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
Vitamin D and K2 because no one in this country gets enough vitamin D from our sun and the K2 makes sure any Calcium benefits from Vitamin D uptake goes to the right places

Hugh 11-03-2024 15:20

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
Flax seed on cereal (for Omega 3), Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Vitamin B12

SnoopZ 11-03-2024 16:31

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
I've taken 1 multivitamin every morning for maybe 20 years or so, I'm hoping it does something, one of the reasons I take it is I think vegetables are poison so I don't eat much of them unless there is a stray pea or carrot. Lol

jfman 11-03-2024 17:15

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
I come on here. Laughter being good for the soul.

That and Vitamin D in the winter.

Taf 11-03-2024 17:28

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
A multivitamin with calcium, and a cod liver oil capsule. I've done so for decades. Only a few pence a day (thank-you Tesco) so even if they just have a placebo effect, it's not doing me any harm healthwise or financially. Since I started taking them, I have never had a hangover or headache.

Paul 11-03-2024 17:32

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
Small B12 tablets daily, low B12 is a known effect of the PPIs I take.

Multi-V a couple of times a week, it doesnt do any harm, may do some good.

denphone 11-03-2024 17:40

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supliments?
l take none as they can interact with my prescribed medication.

joglynne 11-03-2024 20:29

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
I take a shed load because my body can't convert the food I eat into the required amount of vitamins and other bits I need. All on prescription due to my medical conditions and I'll be taking them for the rest of my life.

Multivitamins and minerals = Forceval
plus additional...
Calcium/Vit D3
Ferrous Sulphate
+ B12 injection every 12 weeks

Wish I could just convert the food I eat to give me what I need but I guess popping pills is better than the alternative.

spiderplant 11-03-2024 20:30

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
D3 + K2. I took fish oil for many years but have stopped for the past year or so and haven't noticed any difference.

Halcyon 12-03-2024 08:30

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
I take a multi vitamin Wellman tablet every few days.
I think it just keeps me topped up of anything I may be be lacking in and gives me a boost in the winter time.

tweetiepooh 12-03-2024 12:30

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
Just Vit D as I spend too much time indoors.

Halcyon 12-03-2024 14:47

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
I think I definately need some vitamin D or maybe I should book a sunny getaway. Feel like I could do with a break.

Paul 12-03-2024 15:18

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?

Originally Posted by Halcyon (Post 36171911)
.... maybe I should book a sunny getaway. Feel like I could do with a break.

I bet you're not the only one. :Sun:

peanut 12-03-2024 15:29

Re: Do you take any health boosts / vitamin supplements?
I also take Hydroxocobalamin (B12) injections every 12 weeks. Along with daily Calchichew D3 (Vit D).

A hemicolectomy means I no longer absorb B12 from food nor supplements.

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