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pooper 11-02-2007 15:12

Re: what game are you playing
Haven't got round to playing Extraction Point yet. I got really bored with FEAR.. endlessly wading through enemies in those offices... zzzzzz. Is is worth playing through?

Fahrenheit is a good game btw :D

Mr_love_monkey 11-02-2007 15:23

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by pooper (Post 34219234)
Haven't got round to playing Extraction Point yet. I got really bored with FEAR.. endlessly wading through enemies in those offices... zzzzzz. Is is worth playing through?

Fahrenheit is a good game btw :D

See I really liked fear - thought it had a really good atmosphere - the AI was really good and so on.
Also I think as it was the first game I played after I had installed the fatal1ty card, and was using it with surround sound headphones - so the game became even more creepy...

extraction point is much the same think, spook noises, and so on - if you didn't like fear you probably won't like extraction point - though it is a far shorter game

pooper 11-02-2007 15:34

Re: what game are you playing
I didn't really hate it, it just got a bit boring after the novelty of the 'bullet time' wore off. But yah the AI was good.

They should have had more of those invisible dudes... they were the only thing that semi-freaked me out :D

The end part was especially un-scary for me :(

Gareth 11-02-2007 19:45

Re: what game are you playing
Picked up Rayman Raving Rabids today... been playing it this afternoon with my son and the missus, and we've all had a real blast.

Cow tossing :erm: is good, but the disco dancing game is brilliant!

jerryl 11-02-2007 20:32

Re: what game are you playing
rome total war, grim fandango and a good ol' cs 1.6

Mr_love_monkey 11-02-2007 22:59

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by jerryl (Post 34219657)
grim fandango

Grim Fandango??? do people still play that??? I loved that game

Boaz 12-02-2007 21:36

Re: what game are you playing
TR 3 again, but for the first time on the Pc, with a pc controller. :erm:

pooper 12-02-2007 22:02

Re: what game are you playing
I just tried playing Albatross18 again, but it no longer runs very well (due to the updates between now, and the last time i played it... plus i'm running on an LCD now, and it's higher res) :'(

Uncle Peter 17-02-2007 17:27

Re: what game are you playing
Armed Assault :D flippin eck it's good but it's hard!

AndyIggs83 17-02-2007 19:06

Re: what game are you playing
Mainly playing xbox live pro evo and cod3 for xbox360

Then theres the game that wrecks my life but has done for years which is football manager 2007! (formally chamionship manager)

Skatoony 18-02-2007 11:07

Re: what game are you playing
I've got my self back into UT2004 again, playing Team Arena Master, Freeze Tag and Onslaught with 32-players :erm:

Graham M 18-02-2007 11:13

Re: what game are you playing
I just installed BF2142 yesterday, my name is LoonyZeph if anyone wants to add me :)

Bulky 18-02-2007 16:40

Re: what game are you playing
Just finished Gears of War on hardcore , straight away started insane :Yikes: , amazing game , insane is exactly what it says :cool:

Wiciu 18-02-2007 16:43

Re: what game are you playing
I play on my PS2 FIFA07, Call of Duty3, and Black (480p :-)) )all games i play Online apart from Black.

SnoopZ 18-02-2007 16:44

Re: what game are you playing
I'm playing COD 3 at the moment until i buy something else.

Gareth 18-02-2007 17:49

Re: what game are you playing
Am at the in-laws in the south of France, and didn't bring any games with me... luckily I can remember my Steam password, so I'm downloading CS right now :)

dilli-theclaw 18-02-2007 18:16

Re: what game are you playing
My missus got me battlestations midway so I will be playing that later.

zing_deleted 22-02-2007 11:19

Re: what game are you playing
UFP Afterlight :) well its a blast from the past anyway.I played Enemy Unknown for hours and hours on the old Playstation. Format is pretty much the same but obviously it looks nicer

jarvis149 22-02-2007 14:20

Re: what game are you playing
2142 was my game but i've ranked all the way and have all the unlocks now and is getting boring so gone back to bf2 and the mods poe2 and project reallity 2 great mods well worth a go and the best of it is they are FREE!!!!!!! also play COH and championship manager and gtr but tbh cant wait for quake wars to come out

Skatoony 07-03-2007 19:45

Re: what game are you playing
Bought Maelstrom today and I can't get off it. It is the first RTS game I have really got into - the alien race is so cool to play as! :D

LemonyBrainAid 08-03-2007 16:56

Re: what game are you playing
can't stop... playing... world of warcraft...

I'm such an addict nowadays.

AntiSilence 08-03-2007 16:59

Re: what game are you playing
Still playing BF2. Got our own ranked server now too :D

zing_deleted 08-03-2007 17:01

Re: what game are you playing
I been playing Res evil 4 but wont anymore its awful the control system is awful its just bad

mr_bo 08-03-2007 17:15

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Rhizome (Post 34225179)
I've got my self back into UT2004 again, playing Team Arena Master, Freeze Tag and Onslaught with 32-players :erm:

Freon rocks :tu: :)

Skatoony 09-03-2007 10:23

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by mr_bo (Post 34245938)
Freon rocks :tu: :)

It is when you hear people over TeamSpeak yelling "THAW ME I'M BEING PUSHED INTO THE LAVA!!!" :D

pooper 09-03-2007 14:16

Re: what game are you playing
Just completed Rainbow Six: Vegas

Not sure what to move on to now :P

Maybe i'll play it again, but Co-op :D

Uncle Peter 10-03-2007 15:46

Re: what game are you playing
Playing GRAW2. More of the same, but in this case that can't be a bad thing :tu:

dilli-theclaw 12-03-2007 00:09

Re: what game are you playing
I have been playing panzer elite action tonight

Ahhh the fun of blowing the poo out of everything - makes me happy :tu:

Tezcatlipoca 12-03-2007 00:21

Re: what game are you playing
Started playing Oblivion again today.

Not played since May :erm:

Still bloody brilliant. Got straight back in, with a nasty Dark Brotherhood quest :devsmoke:


Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34245911)
I been playing Res evil 4 but wont anymore its awful the control system is awful its just bad

That's what always lets down every RE game IMO.

Pity, as they could be great otherwise.

Skatoony 17-03-2007 08:34

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Matt D (Post 34248795)
Started playing Oblivion again today.

Not played since May :erm:

Still bloody brilliant. Got straight back in, with a nasty Dark Brotherhood quest :devsmoke:

That's one game I can never remove from my HDD - I always end up going back to it and playing it for ages (I usually download a ton of mods to make it more fun too).

Uncle Peter 17-03-2007 12:33

Re: what game are you playing
Fancied a break from blowing stuff up so blew the dust off the X52 and been playing Flght Sim 2004

rogerdraig 17-03-2007 13:16

Re: what game are you playing
RuneScape addict here

zing_deleted 19-03-2007 09:11

Re: what game are you playing
S.T.A.L.K.E.R graphics are nice gameplay is pretty standard fps with a lot of interaction and missions :)

Ryan 20-03-2007 18:32

Re: what game are you playing
I've been playing:

+Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (Demo).
It's like Quake or Unreal as an RTS. So very fast. Love the units and it's extremely well optimised. One of my favourite series of video games will be finding it's way back onto my hard drive when it's released on March 30th!

Great atmosphere and very strategic. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to play a VERY simple, but VERY difficult strategy game with lots of atmosphere. I've never played a game before where I can kill 10 million people with one click.

+Plasma Pong
"If God played a game of Pong when creating the universe, this is what it'd be like." A fantastic variation on Pong with nice graphics. Recommended. Free download, and a fantastic sandbox mode where you can experiment with the physics and gases.

DocDutch 21-03-2007 15:37

Re: what game are you playing
playing Stalker at the moment...its good but I have to remember to save it all the time.

Stephen 21-03-2007 16:05

Re: what game are you playing
Will be playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R soon, my copy is in the post(had it on order with since 2004!! Although not sure my Athlon 2100XP, ATI 9600XT and 768MB RAM pc will be able to cope with it.

Haven't finished building my new C2D PC yet.

DocDutch 21-03-2007 16:18

Re: what game are you playing
that pc is going to suffer DY... you wont get a nice game out of that ... only at low low settings.

Kellargh 21-03-2007 16:35

Re: what game are you playing
I play CS v1.6 until I start screaming in fury, and Morrowind when I have the time.

Apart from that, I play Wii Play, and recently completed Zelda TP.

Also have a tendancy to play Theme Hospital when I'm bored hehe. Bloaty heads!!!

Stephen 21-03-2007 16:43

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by DocDutch (Post 34256218)
that pc is going to suffer DY... you wont get a nice game out of that ... only at low low settings.

Cheers, might not bother trying to play it until I have my C2D PC finished next month.

Uncle Peter 23-03-2007 20:35

Re: what game are you playing
Popped out before and bought The Chronicles of Civilization. Just about to play Civ4

gooner4life 23-03-2007 20:51

Re: what game are you playing
Motorstorm on the PS3

Nugget 23-03-2007 21:19

Re: what game are you playing
In about 2 minutes, I'm going to playing Lost Planet on the 360 :)

Mind you, once I get stuck on that, I'll just pick one of the other games I've got :D

Gareth 23-03-2007 23:31

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by DarthYoda (Post 34256254)
Cheers, might not bother trying to play it until I have my C2D PC finished next month.

I think that would be a wise move... you don't want to ruin the surprise by playing it with the details massively scaled down. Plus it'll be an incentive to actually finish your other PC ;)

dtweek 25-03-2007 15:33

Re: what game are you playing
Just completed Resistance fall of man on the PS3 after a mamoth stint with me and few mates. Then spent a few hours killing people in the online rooms. It rocks. Though I do now have DVT and daylight makes my eyes hurt!

ZrByte 25-03-2007 15:47

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Supreme commander (A Lot) since its release. It has most features of every RTS I have played with a few extras I didnt even know I was missing.
If you have computer that can keep up with the action its also very fast paced. Sadly I dont have a computer that can keep up with it at the moment but thats gonna change real soon.

cimt 25-03-2007 16:13

Re: what game are you playing
I'm playing Test Drive Unlimited on PSP.

SnoopZ 25-03-2007 17:51

Re: what game are you playing
Still playing Crackdown.

Kellargh 26-03-2007 08:30

Re: what game are you playing
Still playing CS v1.6...if only my damn sister would get off my wireless hub I would stop lagging at 500 ping!!!!

Graham M 26-03-2007 08:37

Re: what game are you playing
Deus Ex... Classic... whooo! :)

Kellargh 26-03-2007 08:40

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Zeph (Post 34260352)
Deus Ex... Classic... whooo! :)

I'd love to get that, heard its pretty good. Anyone else played System Shock 2? :D

Nugget 26-03-2007 08:41

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 34259904)
Still playing Crackdown.

Any good? I was thinking about that as my next buy :)

Graham M 26-03-2007 08:50

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Kellargh (Post 34260353)
I'd love to get that, heard its pretty good.

It's brilliant, based on the old old UT engine, it still looks relatively good but the gameplay is excellent

Saaf_laandon_mo 26-03-2007 08:57

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34259806)
I'm playing Test Drive Unlimited on PSP.

Im thinking of buying this for the PSP. Is it any good? Whats the online game play like, can you race people all over the globe?

I want a game where I can play others online across the net, so how good is this?

Kellargh 26-03-2007 09:11

Re: what game are you playing
Whoo Zelda: A Link To The Past will be available on the virtual console!! God I love that game ^.^

DocDutch 26-03-2007 09:28

Re: what game are you playing
still suffering through Stalker, very good game but sometimes a bit hard and it has made me jump a few times...also forgetting to save after a heay action can be lethal as you would have to do it again cuz right when you think that you are safe some guy will be using your back as target practise :(

SnoopZ 26-03-2007 17:59

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Nugget (Post 34260354)
Any good? I was thinking about that as my next buy :)

I'm enjoying it but Neonknight thinks it's a bit short, but then maybe i'm just crap at it! It comes with a Halo 3 beta invite and you can pick the game up region free for £32.44 from and this includes shipping. :)

zing_deleted 26-03-2007 23:54

Re: what game are you playing
Im playing STALKER still along with FLAT OUT 2 and Test Drive unlimited all good games
Just started Playing Command and Conquer Kain Version very nice a good update as good graphics and game play as Company Of Heroes but obviously futuristic mmmmmmmmmmm

NEONKNIGHT 27-03-2007 08:17

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 34260744)
I'm enjoying it but Neonknight thinks it's a bit short, but then maybe i'm just crap at it! It comes with a Halo 3 beta invite and you can pick the game up region free for £32.44 from and this includes shipping. :)

Yeah, a bit on the short side, but bloody good fun once you get into it.;)

ScArFaCe 27-03-2007 22:48

Re: what game are you playing
Saints Row On My Xbox 360
P.S Still Need A Xbox Live Code:erm:

SnoopZ 27-03-2007 22:53

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by ScArFaCe (Post 34261832)
Saints Row On My Xbox 360
P.S Still Need A Xbox Live Code:erm:

You can get an Xbox live code here for £34.99

ScArFaCe 27-03-2007 22:56

Re: what game are you playing
I Am Trying To Find Out If Somebody Has A Spare One For Me, I Cannot Afford It At The Moment.
P.S I Have Created A Thread On This ;)

AndyIggs83 28-03-2007 12:08

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Nugget (Post 34260354)
Any good? I was thinking about that as my next buy :)

I'd recommend it, at first I was a bit unsure but you gotta keep playing and it grows on you!

Just ordered Ghost Recon AW 2 and that should be with me tomorrow so no doubt ill be playing that!

ciaran_cfc 31-03-2007 21:54

Re: what game are you playing
pro evo 6 is cracking game

Kellargh 01-04-2007 11:07

Re: what game are you playing
Playing Zelda: Link to the Past on the Wii :D

icestar2 01-04-2007 18:17

Re: what game are you playing
I am currently playing BF2 ,BF2142 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R for pc.

PES6 And PRG for my 360.

Motostorm and Resistance for my PS3.

Uncle Peter 01-04-2007 22:51

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 this weekend. Always a top laugh.

johnojohn 15-04-2007 19:48

Re: what game are you playing
GT HD, Resistance Fall of man, Super Rub a Dub, Crackdown, Gears of war and Motorstorm

Tezcatlipoca 15-04-2007 21:48

Re: what game are you playing
I've been back on Oblivion at last :)

So many hours upon hours upon hours of gameplay in it

ShaneC 16-04-2007 01:48

Re: what game are you playing
Can't beleive no one here plays savage, best game ever :D and it's free from - info here and here

Gareth 16-04-2007 02:31

Re: what game are you playing
Never heard of it, mate... looks good though :)

icestar2 16-04-2007 02:40

Re: what game are you playing
Fightnight round 3, motostorm, genji.

Oh and BF2 still - my fav online game :)

Chalky 16-04-2007 12:08

Re: what game are you playing
BF2 and GTR2.
Just started on UFO:AI
Free download. Open source version of the classic XCOM UFO game.

keithwalton 16-04-2007 14:26

Re: what game are you playing
F1 Champ Edition (Ps3) and Age of empires 3, war lords edition

pooper 20-04-2007 10:56

Re: what game are you playing
Just completed Dead Rising.... pretty damn fun game :D

Can't wait for 2 !

Uncle Peter 20-04-2007 19:35

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by pooper (Post 34279964)
Just completed Dead Rising.... pretty damn fun game :D

Can't wait for 2 !

:tu: Superb, you can play that thing over and over again and something different can happen every time.

NEONKNIGHT 21-04-2007 10:34

Re: what game are you playing
I've been playing 'The Lord Of The Rings Online' which so far has been very good.


Sirpingalot 27-04-2007 05:30

Re: what game are you playing
Nothing really, at the moment, other than Gears of War on Xbox Live. Although I would like to get back to DOOM 3 (PC) and finish it.

Hom3r 27-04-2007 08:28

Re: what game are you playing
I play Prey and stuck on the level "JEN" I cannot get pass the force fields, or find the 4 digit code on any of the TV screens in human mode or ghost mode.

MadGamer 27-04-2007 08:46

Re: what game are you playing
Test Drive Unlimited On Xbox 360, FIFA 07 on XBL

bopdude 27-04-2007 09:15

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34286785)
I play Prey and stuck on the level "JEN" I cannot get pass the force fields, or find the 4 digit code on any of the TV screens in human mode or ghost mode.

pm Zing :D

pooper 27-04-2007 10:27

Re: what game are you playing
Quake 3 - on my work PC :D

Still a great game after all these years :D (when you're winning anyway) ;)

Uncle Peter 27-04-2007 10:32

Re: what game are you playing
Been replaying the campaign missions on GRAW2 to complete all of the secondary objectives.

NEONKNIGHT 27-04-2007 12:15

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by Uncle Peter (Post 34286884)
Been replaying the campaign missions on GRAW2 to complete all of the secondary objectives.

Have you tried Co-Op missions? If so, how good is this mode and how many players ? Not sure whether its 2, 4, 8 or 16 maximum co-op play...

dilli-theclaw 27-04-2007 12:17

Re: what game are you playing

NEONKNIGHT 27-04-2007 12:49

Re: what game are you playing
PC - Lord of the rings online
XBOX360 - Gears Of War, GRAW2, Guitar Hero :cool:

Uncle Peter 27-04-2007 13:16

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by NEONKNIGHT (Post 34287007)
Have you tried Co-Op missions? If so, how good is this mode and how many players ? Not sure whether its 2, 4, 8 or 16 maximum co-op play...

My lad and I play the co-op on local and it's a great laugh. I think you can have up to 4 on screen on the same console but I haven't tried it online though.

Incidentally, imho the co-op maps on GRAW (shipping port, temple etc) are better than the ones on GRAW2.

NoKnowledge 27-04-2007 15:12

Re: what game are you playing
God of War II is out today - should be buying that next week or over the week end.

Sirpingalot 28-04-2007 04:56

Re: what game are you playing
You can have up-to 16 in a multiplayer game (GRAW2), however, you'll very often find that a lot drop out due to insufficient upload speed (the host).

Very stange, this - I found that my Tiscali connection could host up-to 10 (384kbit/s upload) and virgin can only host 3-5 (490kbit/s upload) - it would almost suggest throttling activity on Xbox Live.

Uncle Peter 13-05-2007 19:30

Re: what game are you playing
Been checking out the "new" GRAW2 MP maps. Going to have a try of the Crackdown DLC later.

Electric Warrior 14-05-2007 18:59

Re: what game are you playing
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

I run 4 of my own servers running mainly my own custom maps, co-located at Telehouse, Docklands and we have a fun clan, The Sanctuary UK. :)

We have lots of members who have become friends, and we enjoy playing the game for a laugh, and we hold Arena and Last Team Steam nights on Friday evenings using our HL2DM Pro server in vanilla HL2DM mode.

pooper 15-05-2007 09:12

Re: what game are you playing
Been playing R6 Vegas co-op.... pretty fun... although it would be more fun if I didn't die so often!

UnReaL 18-05-2007 23:12

Re: what game are you playing
As my name *may* suggest, Unreal Tournament (2004).

Command and Conquer: Renegade.

Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars.

Quake 4.

alferret 19-05-2007 13:50

Re: what game are you playing
Just re-installed Guild-Wars, gonna give that a bash :)

Uncle Peter 19-05-2007 14:02

Re: what game are you playing
Test Drive Unlimited - with the new car pack

For those who haven't played it for a while there are now 4 DLC packs available

The Jackal 19-05-2007 19:37

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by pooper (Post 34286877)
Quake 3 - on my work PC :D

Still a great game after all these years :D (when you're winning anyway) ;)

LOL one of the only games I know how to play :)

I must have a server set up in a dc somewhere so anytime you wanna rail let me know.

Actually I haven't played in a while and played the other night I was very average :o:

---------- Post added at 19:37 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------


Originally Posted by Uncle Peter (Post 34309018)
Test Drive Unlimited - with the new car pack

For those who haven't played it for a while there are now 4 DLC packs available

On the PC or xbox ? I'm going to try this soon.

Uncle Peter 19-05-2007 19:48

Re: what game are you playing

Originally Posted by CrC-3rr0r (Post 34309260)
LOL one of the only games I know how to play :)

I must have a server set up in a dc somewhere so anytime you wanna rail let me know.

Actually I haven't played in a while and played the other night I was very average :o:

---------- Post added at 19:37 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

On the PC or xbox ? I'm going to try this soon.

On the Xbox. I have the PC version but I won't install it until the game is patched (posted about this in your other thread).

Angua 09-06-2007 00:24

Re: what game are you playing
Rather enjoying Guild Wars Nightfall at the moment :D

cimt 09-06-2007 02:01

Re: what game are you playing
Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folk

SnoopZ 09-06-2007 13:13

Re: what game are you playing
Test drive unlimited on the 360 which i bought for £17.99

Safeman 09-06-2007 14:01

Re: what game are you playing
Ro Dods Dod Css Cod2 Hl2 Hlgm Bf1942 Bfvn Bf2

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