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Paul 12-07-2008 12:07

Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Season 4 has now passed, so time for a new thread for the 2008/2009 Specials, starting with the 2008 Xmas special, which we already know sees the return of the Cybermen.

soup dragon 12-07-2008 12:23

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
and I can't wait!!!! it will be like it's Christmas!

Oh it will be Christmas

sir_drinks_alot 12-07-2008 16:25

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
will the 2009 Specials be stand alone or have a story thread that links tham all together like the season's do :)

cimt 12-07-2008 16:42

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
There's a Christmas special, an Easter special and the others haven't been announced yet. It would be good if they were more than an hour long...

Damien 15-07-2008 10:48

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
I hope they are more than an hour long, an hour and a half/45 mins would be good. Make up for the lack of normal episodes.

Stephen 15-07-2008 11:37

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Here is a quote from Julie Gardener off the Telegraph website

we are making four one-hour specials. The first, which we've already filmed, will go out this Christmas. The next will go out the following Easter. The other specials have yet to be scheduled, although one will definitely be on at Christmas 2009
So there will be less specials than we thought. We have Christmas 2008, Easter next year, one more later in the year and the 4th special will actually be the 2009 Christmas episode.

The way I though it would work out was that there would be 4 specials in addition to the christmas specials, not that two of the four would be the christmas ones.

Tezcatlipoca 15-07-2008 20:11

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Yeah, does seem that we're only actually getting two extra specials :(

cimt 25-07-2008 11:33

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials

The writers have been announced, tis a shame. Steve Moffat isn't writing any.

Chris 25-07-2008 11:38

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34608161)

The writers have been announced, tis a shame. Steve Moffat isn't writing any.

RTD's quote contradicts what Julie Gardner said in the Telegraph:


"I can confirm that after Christmas 2008 there are a total of four more specials to come before the Steven Moffat era begins in 2010," Davies told Doctor Who Magazine. "Two of next year's four will be written by me, One will be written by me and Gareth Roberts and one will be co-written by me and Phil Ford."
He is counting 4 specials after the 2008 Christmas Cybermen episode, which means one more special than we were previously told.

Peter N 26-07-2008 00:47

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Some of the Cyberman story was being filmed here in Gloucester a few weeks back in pretty much the same locations that scenes from the the Harry Potter films were filmed.

sir_drinks_alot 27-07-2008 07:55

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Any DW fans are going to wanna put on radio 3 at 11am for something very special :D Doctor Who Prom music from the show will be played

Peter N 27-07-2008 12:36

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Sadly it's not going out on TV - a missed opportunity and a strange decision.

If anyone wants to see the "special episode" that's being shown at the Proms, it's available on the BBC website.

Russ 27-07-2008 12:56

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
I'm happy we're now moving away from RTD's involvement. Much respect to him for turning the show in to something excellent but with a bit of luck he'll move on from Torchwood too and that'll lose the "how-gay-can-we-make-this-week's-episode" approach which has spoiled the series so far.

Looking forward to the Proms episode though. I like the way they do things like this.

Tezcatlipoca 29-10-2008 21:15

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Bye bye David Tennant... ? :(

Someone at DS started a thread linked to a Grauniad website story saying that DT is leaving at the end of next year.

The story in question no longer exists - seems it's been pulled (the DS thread says the news has been embargoed until after some TV award thing).

But a Google news search still brings up a snippet...


Originally Posted by Google news search
Television: Tennant to quit Doctor Who, UK - 1 hour ago
David Tennant has announced that he is vacating the Tardis and leaving the BBC's Doctor Who series at the end of next year. Tennant's decision brings to an ...

Hom3r 29-10-2008 21:23

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Please let Alan Davis take over:)

Tezcatlipoca 29-10-2008 21:46

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials
Anyone other than Russell Brand.

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

Confirmed -


Originally Posted by DS
David Tennant quits 'Doctor Who'

Wednesday, October 29 2008, 21:15 GMT

By Neil Wilkes, Editor

David Tennant has announced his decision to quit Doctor Who at the end of 2009.

The actor confirmed the news while collecting the award for 'Outstanding Drama Performance' at the National Television Awards.



Originally Posted by BBC
David Tennant is to stand down as Doctor Who, after becoming one of the most popular Time Lords in the history of the BBC science fiction show.

Tennant stepped into the Tardis in 2005, and will leave the role after four special episodes are broadcast next year.

He made the announcement after winning the outstanding drama performance prize at the National Television Awards.

"When Doctor Who returns in 2010 it won't be with me," he said.

"Now don't make me cry," he added.


Chris 29-10-2008 21:51

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34664498)
Please let Alan Davis take over:)

Not a chance - he's a comedian, not an actor. In Jonathan Creek he was more or less playing himself. I don't think we want Jonathan Creek as the Doctor.

Tennant has set the bar very, very high. It's going to take someone very special to fill the role now.

LOL - The Dr Who forum has collapsed under the strain of this news. :D

cimt 29-10-2008 21:52

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
Now, how many regenerations is that left when he leaves? One? It shall be interesting to see when their restore his regenerations then...

dilli-theclaw 29-10-2008 21:55

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
I wouldn't worry about the regeneration 'limit' if it can be completely ignored in the five doctors I'm sure it can in the new series :)

cimt 29-10-2008 21:57

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
Wait, does that now actually mean David Morrisey (sp?) could be the next Doctor?

Tezcatlipoca 29-10-2008 22:00

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34664539)
Now, how many regenerations is that left when he leaves? One? It shall be interesting to see when their restore his regenerations then...

They'll work around it easily enough.

e.g. "No more Time Lords, no more regeneration limits" or something.

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------



Q: How many regenerations does the Doctor have?

A: Now that his people are gone, who knows? Time Lords used to have 13 lives.

sir_drinks_alot 29-10-2008 22:03

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
no it's not true it's a lie :( he can't go :( nooooooooo :(

dilli-theclaw 29-10-2008 22:05

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
From wiki (with regards the five doctors).....

This is the first time it is suggested that a new cycle of regenerations can be bestowed on a person (in this case the Master), implying that it could be possible to circumvent the twelve-regeneration limit established in The Deadly Assassin. However, the Master is occupying a non-Time Lord body, so whether this can be applied to a Time Lord who has already reached his thirteenth incarnation is unclear. Years later, however, the episode "Utopia" shows the Master regenerating and in the following episode "The Sound of Drums" indicates that he had been "resurrected" (the Master's own word, left unexplained) by the Time Lords to fight in the Time War, suggesting a new regeneration cycle was indeed bestowed upon him.

sir_drinks_alot 29-10-2008 22:47

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)
he put so mush of himself in to the role he was the best doctor

Stephen 30-10-2008 09:25

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
How about Anthony Head for the next Doctor?

zing_deleted 30-10-2008 09:27

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I have a feeling this could be the beginning of the end for the new Doctor Who. Tennant has made the role his . Whoever plays him next has to be good or everyone will be just disappointed

Damien 30-10-2008 09:31

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by David F (Post 34664710)
I have a feeling this could be the beginning of the end for the new Doctor Who. Tennant has made the role his . Whoever plays him next has to be good or everyone will be just disappointed

Whoever takes over will need to avoid trying to replace him and instead take it in a different direction, so instead of being better it will be different.

zing_deleted 30-10-2008 09:38

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Yeah but the same thing applies if whoever it is fails then thats it. Tennant imo has made a brilliant Doctor. Chistopher Eccleston was very poor in comparison. Tennant bought great humour to the roll, to take it in another direction would mean a serious Doctor and perhaps darker episodes which I do actually like the idea of but if they do it wrong they ruin it.

TBH I can't think of anyone else for the roll lets hope they find someone exceptional

Chris 30-10-2008 09:45

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Darker and more serious isn't going to happen - they're committed to the Saturday evening family audience. The new executive producer who will have to work with a new Doctor is Stephen Moffatt, who has written some brilliant stuff including 'Silence in the Library' last season. He knows how to scare the pants off the kids, but his stories are still pitched firmly at the family.

Russ 30-10-2008 09:56

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by David F (Post 34664719)
Yeah but the same thing applies if whoever it is fails then thats it. Tennant imo has made a brilliant Doctor. Chistopher Eccleston was very poor in comparison. Tennant bought great humour to the roll, to take it in another direction would mean a serious Doctor and perhaps darker episodes which I do actually like the idea of but if they do it wrong they ruin it.

TBH I can't think of anyone else for the roll lets hope they find someone exceptional

In hindsight Eccleston may appear poor but at the time everyone thought he was great. Remember how people doubted Billie Piper?

I agree Tennant has really made the role his and that's been the success of DH - each Doctor has been extremely individual which can go one of 2 ways: either he'll be really awesome or he'll stink out the joint.

And as I type this the 'giggly assistant' on my local radio breakfast show has suggested who she thinks would be a great Doctor Who - "that man who does the voice-overs on Little Britain" :banghead:

zing_deleted 30-10-2008 09:57

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Actually I was never enamoured with him in the role

sir_drinks_alot 30-10-2008 10:25

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
how about Philip Glenister he's be great as the doctor !

Russ 30-10-2008 10:27

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Fire up the Tardis!!!

Chris 30-10-2008 10:28

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I think John Simm would have been brilliant, but he's pretty much burned his bridges now ...

Stuart 30-10-2008 10:39

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 34664731)
Darker and more serious isn't going to happen - they're committed to the Saturday evening family audience. The new executive producer who will have to work with a new Doctor is Stephen Moffatt, who has written some brilliant stuff including 'Silence in the Library' last season. He knows how to scare the pants off the kids, but his stories are still pitched firmly at the family.

That's the problem Steven Moffatt faces. He will be in charge of a series that is supposed to be slightly scary, but still for Kids.

In fairness, it has often achieved that (particularly with Moffat's stories). I personally found "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances" and "Blink" to be more scary than a lot of adult horror films, although that is probably because most of the modern ones (SAW etc) seem to rely on gore rather than a scary storyline.

Still, I do remember Clive Barker explaining how he was able to move to being apparently a successful children's author from writing horrors. He said that both require similar amounts of imagination, and much more imagination than most books.

BTW, I have created a thread for discussion of who people want to be the next doctor at I think discussing it in this thread might confuse things too much.

Chris 30-10-2008 11:34

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Quite. And it's worth pointing out that in The Doctor Dances, Blink and Forest of the Dead, the net result of the Doctor 'fixing' everything is that 'just for once, nobody dies!' (to quote the man himself in TDD).

Moffatt seems to like giving everyone a really good scare, but also to provide a traditional(ish) happy ending.

Russ 30-10-2008 11:41

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 34664796)
I think John Simm would have been brilliant, but he's pretty much burned his bridges now ...

I don't know.....could that work? Is there an angle in that?

Bring back the Master in his new body to show he's no longer Simm then he escapes again.

When it's time for the Doctor to regenerate JS could then come in, and the initial angle could be as he's travelling around the universe he's under the prejudice that he is identical to his sworn enemy.

I think there could be something in that.

Chris 30-10-2008 11:43

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I don't doubt they could write their way around it if they wanted to. At least one Time Lord (actually a Lady) in the series has shown an ability to choose what her next regeneration looked like, and to base it on someone she had recently met.

I'm not sure they would want to do that though, as it might appear a bit convoluted. I bet they still want to write Master stories for John Simm as well.

Stuart 30-10-2008 11:51

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Russ B (Post 34664892)
I don't know.....could that work? Is there an angle in that?

Bring back the Master in his new body to show he's no longer Simm then he escapes again.

When it's time for the Doctor to regenerate JS could then come in, and the initial angle could be as he's travelling around the universe he's under the prejudice that he is identical to his sworn enemy.

I think there could be something in that.

True, and they've already shown on a couple of occasions that Time Lords can influence how their regenerations go. Destiny of the Daleks starts with Romana II (played by Lalla Ward) "trying on" different bodies while regenerating (including her final form which is actually a copy of a Princess introduced in the previous story). The Master was able to steal the body of Nyssa's dad in Keeper of Traken and of course, DT was able use his own regeneration to repair the damage done to his body by a Dalek, but not change appearance.

Chris 30-10-2008 11:53

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
The Master's transformation at the end of Keeper of Traken was of a somewhat different nature. He had used all his regenerations but wished to use the power of the Source to enable him to hijack someone else's body - which he did, when he took over Consul Tremas (the clue's in the name, if you like anagrams ;) ).

Stuart 30-10-2008 12:00

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
True. Actually, I realised that after I posted.. :blush:

Never knew Romana had influenced her own regeneration until Destiny though.

Stephen 30-10-2008 12:08

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Russ B (Post 34664743)
And as I type this the 'giggly assistant' on my local radio breakfast show has suggested who she thinks would be a great Doctor Who - "that man who does the voice-overs on Little Britain" :banghead:

really!!!!:dunce: hahaha that girl has brains lol.

dilli-theclaw 30-10-2008 12:10

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Well I hope it gets better, I'd rather they axed it if it starts to get stale. But I doubt they will while it's making loads of cash.

Hom3r 30-10-2008 13:07

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
What about Catherine Tate as the next Dr. They could think of some way of him jumping into her body.

Stuart 30-10-2008 13:10

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Or Sally Sparrow.. :drool: (see the 3rd season episode, Blink).

dgardner 01-11-2008 02:32

Re: Doctor Who - 2008 / 2009 Specials (last DW with DT!)

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34664539)
Now, how many regenerations is that left when he leaves? One? It shall be interesting to see when their restore his regenerations then...

There have been 10 doctors, 9 regenerations so 3 left.
Also I think don warrington or david warner should be the next doctor

sir_drinks_alot 02-11-2008 09:10

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
i keep hearing reports that john simm's will be returning as the master in one of the
2009 Specials will be intresting to see how that work's if it's true

dilli-theclaw 02-11-2008 10:47

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I don't see it as a problem, he didnt, after all die properly.

He obviously survived in the flash gordon rip off bit.

Stuart 02-11-2008 23:27

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Interesting rumour (and I'd like to emphasise that rumour bit):

Paul 03-11-2008 00:15

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Would be nice if its true. :)

---------- Post added at 00:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:13 ----------


Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34664990)
What about Catherine Tate as the next Dr.

I hope not, she was ok as a companion but wouldnt want her as the doctor.

---------- Post added at 00:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:15 ----------


Originally Posted by Stuart C (Post 34664995)
Or Sally Sparrow.. :drool: (see the 3rd season episode, Blink).

I would love her as a future companion.

Chris 14-11-2008 21:16

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Heads up: a sneak preview of the Christmas special will be on Children in Need very shortly.

---------- Post added at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

Did anyone see this? It was literally just the first few seconds of the episode. It looks to me like the Christmas special is going to be a great big send up of the hardcore fans who dress up like the Doctor and pretend to be him. Absolute class.

Graham M 14-11-2008 21:19

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
It looked good :D

Tezcatlipoca 14-11-2008 21:25

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Yup :)

LSainsbury 14-11-2008 21:28

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Missed it...

And for those who missed it:

cimt 14-11-2008 22:08

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
That's great, I wonder if he actually is a timelord.

Stephen 14-11-2008 22:23

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34675866)
That's great, I wonder if he actually is a timelord.

I don't think he is. More than likely will be an imposter. Did you notice that his Sonic screwdriver was just a normal one.

Also the way he was hamming up the 'I'm a Timelord' and 'I'm the Doctor' as well as that Cyberthing looking a bit pants. More than likely he is a fan of the Doctor's and is impersonating him or is possibly an actual time traveller but not a timelord.

Maggy 26-12-2008 11:28

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Well that was a much better Christmas Special than last years...;)

Xaccers 26-12-2008 11:31

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 34704363)
Well that was a much better Christmas Special than last years...;)

Have to agree, very suprising as it was written by RTD, maybe he's finally been given lessons by Moffat?

cimt 26-12-2008 16:14

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Well, the episode didn't win in the ratings. It came in 2nd place though...

Russ 26-12-2008 16:15

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I had a bit of trouble keeping up with the plot as I was slightly...erm....lubricated and my daughter was going nuts with her new toys so I'll be watching it again later - good old iPlayer :D

Stuart 26-12-2008 17:16

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 34704363)
Well that was a much better Christmas Special than last years...;)

I'll give it another watch, but I didn't think so. Didn't like it much at all. Seemed like a rather bizarre cross between Doctor Who, any random period drama and Star Trek, and didn't take the best points from any of them.

Delta Whiskey 26-12-2008 18:12

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
The two Doctors plot twist was interesting but the Cyberman storyline felt like it was an afterthought.

Mick Fisher 26-12-2008 20:40

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I thought it watchable but not memorable.

Russ 26-12-2008 21:00

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Just finished watching it - it made a lot more sense now! It was good but it didn't feel like a special in any way. Just like a normal episode really.

sir_drinks_alot 26-12-2008 21:33

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
and unlike in years passed it was real snow :)

dilli-theclaw 26-12-2008 21:38

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I was quite dissapointed.

downquark1 26-12-2008 23:01

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Xaccers (Post 34704367)
Have to agree, very suprising as it was written by RTD, maybe he's finally been given lessons by Moffat?

Yes was definitely better. Still had kind of a RDT "hey presto repairo" ending tho.

Chris 28-12-2008 00:07

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34704504)
Well, the episode didn't win in the ratings. It came in 2nd place though...

It was shown a whole hour earlier than last year. I'd say it did tremendously well, given the slot it was put in was less than ideal. It managed an audience share of 50.5% and was only 0.5 million viewers down on last year's Christmas special, which was in the 7pm slot. And let's face it, it's hardly a shame to have been beaten by Wallace and Gromit, with 14.3 million, and quite possibly the largest TV audience for anything, all year.

sir_drinks_alot 28-12-2008 13:12

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
My guess is that filming on RDT and DT last story's will be done in the first half of 2009 so as to Allow the new team time to settle in.before thay start shooting season 5 witch it more likely than Not to start in late september so we sould know no later than june who the new doctor is. :)

cimt 28-12-2008 13:16

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Or we may not find out till the Christmas special. ;)

sir_drinks_alot 28-12-2008 13:23

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by cimt (Post 34705316)
Or we may not find out till the Christmas special. ;)

there's nothing i'd love more than to have to wait untill the Christmas special to find out who it will be but the bbc have a inapt inability to beable to keep a secret that big to tham selfs untill the right moment

Tezcatlipoca 28-12-2008 22:28

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I thought it was pretty good.

I think those "Cyber Shade" things were awful though.

And I'm not quite sure why the Cybermen needed a bunch of kids? They'd already somehow managed to build a giant robot without any child labour, so what was the point of having a bunch of kids turn some cogs at the end?

john smith69 01-01-2009 16:47

Re: Doctor Who in the future
In doctor who Trial of a Time lord (Colin Baker) as the 6th doctor.
in he’s trial the doctor finds out that the prosecutor is infect is the doctor in he’s 13th Regeneration the doctor is told between he’s 12th and 13th Regeneration the doctor go’s evil has the BBC forgotten this or will it be in a future episode

Stuart 01-01-2009 18:15

Re: Doctor Who in the future

Originally Posted by john smith69 (Post 34707682)
In doctor who Trial of a Time lord (Colin Baker) as the 6th doctor.
in he’s trial the doctor finds out that the prosecutor is infect is the doctor in he’s 13th Regeneration the doctor is told between he’s 12th and 13th Regeneration the doctor go’s evil has the BBC forgotten this or will it be in a future episode

That is only partly true. The Valeyard was a distillation of the evil side of the doctor between his 12th and 13th regenerations, and was created to help the Timelords (who no longer exist in the new series as far as we know) cover up some problems they caused.

With the High Council, and the Time Lords having apparently being removed from Time (apart from the Doctor and Master), they wouldn't be arount to create the Valeyard.

Russ 01-01-2009 18:22

Re: Doctor Who in the future

Originally Posted by Stuart C (Post 34707725)
That is only partly true. The Valeyard was a distillation of the evil side of the doctor between his 12th and 13th regenerations,

Was that why he attacked his assistant at the time, Peri, just after he regenerated?

Stuart 01-01-2009 18:25

Re: Doctor Who in the future

Originally Posted by Russ B (Post 34707727)
Was that why he attacked his assistant at the time, Peri, just after he regenerated?

I thought that was a side effect of his regeneration?

Chris 01-01-2009 18:28

Re: Doctor Who in the future

Originally Posted by Russ B (Post 34707727)
Was that why he attacked his assistant at the time, Peri, just after he regenerated?

No, that would be because at the time, the production team were making some very questionable decisions about the direction the series should go in ...

john smith69 01-01-2009 22:12

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
David Tennant is only doing 4 specials for 2009. Do you think it would be a good idea if the BBC did New Adventures a collection of book’s that the BBC never made as Doctor Who was asked by the BBC at the time the BBC could tell the story's eg what happened to Ace ok you can read the book but it be would good to see it on TV

sir_drinks_alot 01-01-2009 23:00

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

a great easter egg !

the Five Doctors (25th Anniversary Edition)
Disc 1
New Series Commentary
Go to Audio Options in the Special Features menu, go down to Companions Commentary and click right on your remote, you should get a green doctor who logo, click it to hear a commantary by some of the New Series Team; David Tennant, Helen Raynor and Phil Collinson

Chris 02-01-2009 10:14

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I can see why that's hidden - some of the classic series fans will be extremely cheesed off to know RTD has been allowed anywhere near one of the old episodes!

Incidentally, the Who forum is locked, you can't even browse without being a member.

Delta Whiskey 02-01-2009 17:30

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Radio 5 live have just said the new doctor will be announced on Doctor Who Confidential Saturday 5.35pm.

Hugh 02-01-2009 17:36

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
And on the BBC website

sir_drinks_alot 02-01-2009 17:38

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
and here :)

john smith69 03-01-2009 18:33

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
so Matt Smith the new doctor lets hope he do a good job as David Tennant
good luck Matt

Chris 03-01-2009 18:34

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by john smith69 (Post 34708700)
so Matt Smith the new doctor lets hope he do a good job as David Tennant
good luck Matt

Already being discussed in its own thread:

sir_drinks_alot 23-01-2009 00:04

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
interesting casting news has come to light

Michelle Ryan has been cast in Planet of the Dead while comedian lee evans cast as "a Professor" in one of the forthcoming special episodes

cimt 23-01-2009 00:09

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Oh God...

Michelle Ryan was rumoured to be Matt Smith's assistant, so I guess one episode is better than 12/13.

zing_deleted 23-01-2009 00:19

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Just cuz she is only in 1 special now does not mean she will not be back. Look at Catherine Tate. 1 special then a little over a year later a full season

sir_drinks_alot 27-01-2009 13:04

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I realy hope this ends up not being true did not care much for Martha Jones had hoped her working on a ITV show would have stopped this :(

mentalis 27-01-2009 13:17

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Martha works for UNIT, so possibly the specials/next series will see the return of UNIT again.

Chris 27-01-2009 13:40

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by sir_drinks_alot (Post 34722930)
I realy hope this ends up not being true did not care much for Martha Jones had hoped her working on a ITV show would have stopped this :(

On the contrary, I'd quite like to see the lovely Freema in the show again. :)

Hom3r 09-03-2009 19:33

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Are VM customers going to see the Dr Who in HD over easter? (BBC HD)

10th-13th. Dr Who will be broadcasted in HD for the very first time over the Easter Weekend on Sky Channel 143 (HD is for Sky+HD Viewers only)*

* = Also on Freesat.

Chris 09-03-2009 19:40

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Yes. There would be an outcry if the BBC was seen to be withholding HD content from cable. So far as I'm aware, the BBC-HD channel does not operate separate schedules for the different platforms it runs on.

Stephen 09-03-2009 19:53

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 34748608)
Are VM customers going to see the Dr Who in HD over easter? (BBC HD)

10th-13th. Dr Who will be broadcasted in HD for the very first time over the Easter Weekend on Sky Channel 143 (HD is for Sky+HD Viewers only)*

* = Also on Freesat.

Yes BBC HD is the same on all providers so we will get it.

Hom3r 09-03-2009 19:57

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
I thought so, but Media Boys post implies not.

sir_drinks_alot 26-03-2009 16:55

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Planet of the Dead will air on Easter Saturday, 11 April :D

description of the episode

When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Doctor must join forces with the extraordinary Lady Christina, in this one-off seasonal special. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets, hidden in the sand. And time is running out, as the deadly Swarm gets closer.

Russ 26-03-2009 18:38

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Great find, dinks :tu:

sir_drinks_alot 31-03-2009 09:11

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
the first television trailer for the forthcoming Doctor Who special, "Planet of the Dead", will air on BBC One on Wednesday at 9 pm, just prior to "The Apprentice

Paul 04-04-2009 18:02

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Doctor Who
BBC 1 Midlands (101)
Saturday 11th April 2009
18:45 to 19:45

Planet of The Dead. Series 31, episode 1.
A London bus takes a detour to an alien world, but can the Doctor defeat the terrifying Swarm?

Director: James Strong
Starring: David Tennant, Michelle Ryan, Lee Evans, Noma Dumezweni, Adam James, Glenn Doherty

Excerpt taken from DigiGuide.
Copyright (c) GipsyMedia Limited.

Chris 04-04-2009 18:04

re: Doctor Who : 2008 & 2009 Specials
Geek aside point - do you know why Digiguide is numbering the 'new who' seasons as a continuation of the originals? The Beeb took a deliberate decision not to do that. If you take all of this year's specials as a 'series', they are series 5 of the revival, not series 31.

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