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Paul 11-02-2014 01:32

Game of Thrones
Watched a 15 minute prequal show for season 4 tonight - its looking good, and apparently has more action than season 3.

Kabaal 11-02-2014 08:24

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
Yeah they seemed to emphasize it being more action packed this time round. I hope they didn't go overboard as i was fine with the pace before.

Pierre 17-02-2014 20:34

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
Can't wait, pant wettingly excited.

richard s 28-02-2014 14:41

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
When is the series 2 or 3 going to be shown on Pick TV over here. Do not have Sky Atlantic.

denphone 28-02-2014 14:57

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4

Originally Posted by richard s (Post 35676424)
When is the series 2 or 3 going to be shown on Pick TV over here. Do not have Sky Atlantic.

l don't think there is a hope in hell of series 2 or 3 being shown on Pick TV now Richard.

denphone 07-04-2014 09:50

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
Game of Thrones gets off to stuttering start for HBO Go viewers.

Bogof 07-04-2014 10:08

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
I watched Season 4 Episode 1 at 2am this morning on Sky Atlantic, its repeated tonight at 9pm. Looking good, very very good. I won't say anything else....

tizmeinnit 07-04-2014 12:49

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4

Qtx 02-06-2014 23:04

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
Last episode was awesome :omg:

Shame there is only 2 more episodes in this season. Next episode will be action packed :)

deakin 02-06-2014 23:34

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
The final moments of last nights episode was simply wow!

The sound of that skull bursting open will haunt me for a few nights to come.

Paul 17-06-2014 12:22

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4
Watched the finale last night.
Shot on the toilet, how embarrassing (if you survived).

I definitely think S4 was better than S3, looking forward to 5 & 6.

Mick Fisher 17-06-2014 15:18

Re: Game of Thrones : Season 4

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35707488)
Watched the finale last night.
Shot on the toilet, how embarrassing (if you survived).


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35707488)
I definitely think S4 was better than S3, looking forward to 5 & 6.

Most definately!!

denphone 07-12-2015 16:03

Re: Game of Thrones
1st trailer released for Game Of Thrones season 6

Pierre 08-12-2015 15:16

Re: Game of Thrones
That's not a trailer.

heero_yuy 08-12-2015 17:58

Re: Game of Thrones
We've still to watch S4. No SA on VM so it's torrents.:(

denphone 08-12-2015 19:21

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35812046)
We've still to watch S4. No SA on VM so it's torrents.:(

We tend to get the GOT series with some of our Christmas or Birthday money and when they are on offer as we hate paying the full price for things.

Tezcatlipoca 09-12-2015 01:19

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35812046)
We've still to watch S4. No SA on VM so it's torrents.:(

You could subscribe to NOW TV just for the duration.

General Maximus 21-02-2016 16:41

Re: Game of Thrones
Just had a look at my tv calendar and season 6 doesn't start till 25th April this year! :wtf:

heero_yuy 21-02-2016 16:56

Re: Game of Thrones
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


General Maximus 21-02-2016 17:23

Re: Game of Thrones
me too, I was ecstatic. I haven't read the books so I didn't know what was coming and given that they seem to love killing off the good guys and let the bad guys triumph I wasn't expecting anything good to happen. As he was being sick I was expecting somebody to whisk him off to see a doctor or something but then as I saw him deteriorate and in absolute agony a smile came to my face. When he finally died I honestly said to myself "the ****ing little **** has finally got what was coming to him". We always like to see bad guys die in our films and tv series but I have never been so emotionally engrossed as I have with this one and it is a testament as to how amazing the series is.

After that they got my hopes up and I was devastated when Oberyn died in 4x08. I really thought he was going to kick The Mountain's ass. He was doing so well and could have won but he let his emotions get the better of him and made a mistake.

Paul 22-02-2016 19:47

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35823065)
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


I think everyone loved that scene (except perhaps Joffrey ...).

Horizon 23-05-2016 23:48

Re: Game of Thrones
Surprised no one is talking about the latest eps of GoT.

Slow, but steady this season except this latest episode. One of the best endings ever.

General Maximus 24-05-2016 08:29

Re: Game of Thrones
Hold the door!

On a serious note though (and this is bugging me), if the pixie people made the White Walkers surely they have the power to unmake them/make something magical which can wipe them out. The dragon glass isn't a good enough excuse because of how rare it is and the fact that you have to kill each individual walker.

Horizon 27-05-2016 01:48

Re: Game of Thrones
... I suppose its like the machines rising up against people in the Terminator films, the white walkers just became more powerful than their "masters."

I also wondered why the white walkers haven't invaded yet. Yes, there's a big wall to keep them out, but they could simply just go round it into the sea. It's not as if they could drown or freeze to death...

pip08456 27-05-2016 03:36

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35823065)
Rather enjoyed this bit though from season 4:


Yep, the little jumped up spoilt, warped and twisted brat deserved it.

I came late to this series, only started about 6 weeks ago and binge watched up to present.

Now I'm hooked!

Hugh 27-05-2016 14:44

Re: Game of Thrones
Valerian steel can kill White Walkers as well as dragonglass.

I think the reason the White Walkers don't just take over is that they can't take temperate climates, which is why they only attack beyond the Wall when it is the Long Winter.

Horizon 27-05-2016 17:32

Re: Game of Thrones
....ahhh, but as they're dead you wouldn't think something like temperature would make a difference to them. Although in the last episode most of them weren't keen on fire, so you maybe right there.

General Maximus 27-05-2016 17:46

Re: Game of Thrones
now here's an idea, as there are so many dodgy dudes in Westeros that like to kidnap people and torture/experiment (Cercei's meister) how about somebody kidnapping/ambushing a white walker, sticking him in a crate and carting him off to Kings Landing and then we see him unveiled in some sort of arena similar to the slave fights Ser Jorah was in. It could be the grand finale which the winner has to compete in in order to win their freedom. I would definitely like to see one captured just so we get a bit more information about them. For starters I would like to know the answer to the above for fire/heat. At least the humans would be able to establish some geographical borders/boundaries where they know they would be safe if they knew White Walkers were heat sensitive.

Paul 28-06-2016 01:00

Re: Game of Thrones
Just watched the final season 6 episode - wow, so much packed into it.

General Maximus 28-06-2016 10:07

Re: Game of Thrones
yup, I was very pleased with it. I don't know whether it is a coincidence now that they haven't got a book to go off but this season they covered a lot more ground and jumped around a lot more. In previous seasons you would have an ep about Joffrey & Kings Landing and wouldn't see Kahleesi and the following ep would be vice cersa. I loved how the finale jumped around so much to cover everyone and I am ecstatic that Kahleesi is finally on her way. I am very much looking forward to seeing Winterfell restored to its former glory in the next season and I am hoping there is a bit of a time jump to reflect this (e.g. 1 year ahead) so we can see everything rebuilt. That would also bode well for Sam and Cersei too. Sam can be well underway with his studies and Cersei can be settled in as queen. I am looking forward to seeing Cersei rule with an iron fist and be an absolute bitch :). Hopefully they'll go back and show us what The Mountain has done to that sceptre.

I love happy endings and it is great to see that after all these years karma is coming back with a vegence. Sansa is back home and Arya is kicking some ass; I can't wait to see who she moves on to next. I think she said she had ~50 people on her list.

I imagine next season will primarily focus with Kahleesi's invasion of Westeros and taking power. I am of two minds about it; I want her to take Kings Landing and paste the Lannisters but I don't want her to fight the Starks, they are all good guys :( If she takes control next season then that will leave season 8 (the final season) to for the White Walker invasion. Although I am sure it is going to be colossal and feature some major defeats and devastation surely it should be easy enough to win? The White Walkers and susceptible to fire and all you need is Kahleesi's dragons to fry everyone and if that fails line your massive army up (and those of all the united houses in Westeros) with archers and flaming arrows :confused:

Anyways, can somebody invent time travel so we can jump forward to this time next year and watch it!

Paul 28-06-2016 11:50

Re: Game of Thrones
Yes, its a good sign that everyone I know who watches it is now really looking forward to next season, which is not something you could have said this time last year.

LondonRoad 28-06-2016 22:30

Re: Game of Thrones
Winter is here!
That could throw a Valarian spanner into the works.

General Maximus 29-06-2016 11:49

Re: Game of Thrones
In the wake of the Game of Thrones season six finale, creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are talking about the upcoming seventh season and how close they are to mapping out the series’ end. As they have previously done, the duo cited a total episode count of 73 episodes, telling Deadline, “Call it 73 for now.” That is, it sounds like HBO will give them the wiggle room they need to properly wrap up the hit fantasy drama.

The pair also addressed the upcoming seventh season, specifically mentioning Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey); what Benjen (Joseph Mawle) told Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), before he took his leave; as well as Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington).

A Q&A with David Benioff and Dan Weiss if you are interested. It is very interesting.

General Maximus 18-07-2016 20:07

Re: Game of Thrones
"It’s summertime, but winter is almost here. HBO has announced production on the seventh season of its Game of Thrones TV show will begin later this summer. The seven episodes of Game of Thrones, season seven, will be filmed in Northern Ireland, Spain, and Iceland. The show is slated to premiere later than usual in 2017. While GoT typically premieres in April, expect the seventh season to debut in summer."


Pierre 20-07-2016 18:33

Re: Game of Thrones
Only 7 episodes?

Paul 20-07-2016 18:44

Re: Game of Thrones
Yep, and probably only 6 for the final season.

General Maximus 20-07-2016 19:18

Re: Game of Thrones
how stupid. For the last 6 years they have been saying that they would love to be able to make more episodes but they physically didn't have the time but now they are making a conscious effort to cut the season down. Everyone at work was moaning a couple of weeks ago that you just feel like you are getting in to it (with 10 eps) and then it finishes and now it is going to be even worse. There must be so much material they can expand on and I am sure George R R Martin can give them a few points for another 3 eps. I can't believe HBO is letting them get away because of the $$$ in lost revenue.

techguyone 20-07-2016 21:23

Re: Game of Thrones
My understanding is that you'll be getting 2 seasons of 7 episodes, versus 1 season of 10 episodes, so overall you'll be 4 episodes better off.

General Maximus 20-07-2016 21:42

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by techguyone (Post 35850483)
so overall you'll be 4 episodes better off.

:rolleyes: not really, i want two seasons of ten episodes. Presumably the next season is going to be about kahleesi coming back and taking over and the last season is going to be about the White Walkers. I am sure they can find ten episodes of stuff for each of those stories.

General Maximus 25-05-2017 18:22

Re: Game of Thrones
poo your pants time:

Paul 25-05-2017 18:28

Re: Game of Thrones
Looking good :D

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------


Originally Posted by techguyone (Post 35850483)
My understanding is that you'll be getting 2 seasons of 7 episodes, versus 1 season of 10 episodes, so overall you'll be 4 episodes better off.

Its actually 7 for this year (Season 7) and 6 next year (Season 8) so 13 in total.

However, I would not be surprised if the final episode were a bit longer than usual.

denphone 25-05-2017 18:51

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35900384)
poo your pants time:

Can't wait.:hyper::hyper::hyper:

heero_yuy 25-05-2017 20:33

Re: Game of Thrones
Looking good.

denphone 26-05-2017 05:25

Re: Game of Thrones
The question is how many more series will we get.?

General Maximus 26-05-2017 08:07

Re: Game of Thrones
seasons or series? There are two seasons left including this one of GoT but I read somewhere last week that there are currently scripts in active development for 5 spinoff series.


On his blog, Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin revealed there are now five scripts in development at HBO, all of which he terms “prequels.”:

“We had four scripts in development when I arrived in LA last week, but by the time I left we had five. We have added a fifth writer to the original four. No, I will not reveal the name here. HBO announced the names of the first four, and will no doubt announce the fifth as well, once his deal has closed. He’s a really terrific addition, however, a great guy and a fine writer, and aside from me and maybe Elio and Linda, I don’t know anyone who knows and loves Westeros as well as he does.”

denphone 26-05-2017 08:45

Re: Game of Thrones
So plenty still to come yet General.

Seasons l meant.

Paul 26-05-2017 13:20

Re: Game of Thrones
There are only two more seasons, 7 (coming soon) and 8 (next year) - after that its finished.

General Maximus 26-05-2017 14:06

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35900448)
So plenty still to come yet

quite sadly no :bigcry: Every year I moan to my friends that it is over before you know it and this year it is going to be even worse. Instead of the usual 10 episodes we are only getting 7 and next year I think it is 6 episodes. They have made a big point of saying that they are telling the story that they want to tell and aren't gong to pad the seasons unnecessarily so I hope that works in our favour and we get some longer episodes as well.

General Maximus 30-05-2017 17:20

Re: Game of Thrones

It’s official. Entertainment Weekly reports Game of Thrones‘ final season (season eight) will only consist of six episodes, bringing the series total to 73 episodes.

The hit drama’s seventh and second-to-last season is slated to debut on July 16th. The large cast includes Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Aidan Gillen, Kit Harington, Diana Rigg, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, and Iain Glen.

Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have been saying Game of Thrones would end at 73 episodes for some time, and the now the number is confirmed. The upcoming seventh season will consist of seven episodes, leaving the final six for the eighth and final season.

However, while the popular HBO series might be ending, that doesn’t mean the network is leaving Westeros. Earlier, we reported HBO is developing five Game of Thrones spinoffs, all of which are prequels according to author George R.R. Martin.

General Maximus 03-06-2017 12:42

Re: Game of Thrones

What’s in store for the future of Game of Thrones? Recently, HBO boss Casey Bloys spoke with Entertainment Weekly about possible spinoffs and the final season of the popular TV show.

The upcoming seventh season of Game of Thrones will be the second-to-last for the hit fantasy drama. Earlier, we reported HBO is developing five Game of Thrones spinoffs, all of which are prequels according to author George R.R. Martin.
Speaking to EW, Bloys clarified that the Game of Thrones prequel series are in very early stages of development:

“I want to put the prequels in context. It should go without saying I love having a show with this much intense interest around it. Even the smallest bit of information is a big deal and I appreciate that. But I wanted to make sure fans know this is a really embryonic process. I haven’t even seen outlines. In the press at large, everybody said, ‘there are four spinoffs’ and they assume that means each one is happening and we’re going to have a new Game of Thrones show per quarter. That’s not what’s going on. The idea is not to do four shows. The bar set by [Benioff and Weiss] is so high that my hope is to get one show that lives up to it. Also, this is a long-term plan. Our No. 1 goal is the seventh season this summer and getting the eighth season written and aired.”

And what about the final season of Game of Thrones? Bloys said season eight will air sometime in 2018 or 2019. As of now, the episodes still need to be written:

“They have to write the episodes and figure out the production schedule. We’ll have a better sense of that once they get further into the writing.”
I am going to be mardy if they delay it by a whole year. There is no reason for it at all as they are used to banging out 10 episodes a year and this will be no different apart from the fact they are making less. The whole world will go nuts if we don't get any GoT next year, especially as it is the final season and season 7 will no doubt end on a cliff hanger.

denphone 05-06-2017 18:55

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35900384)
poo your pants time:

l just pooed my pants seeing the white walkers again.:Yikes:

General Maximus 05-06-2017 19:04

Re: Game of Thrones
I love the blue eyes

denphone 07-06-2017 14:22

Re: Game of Thrones
At last the warped hideous king has had his day.:tu:

General Maximus 07-06-2017 18:30

Re: Game of Thrones
have you just watched 4x02?

denphone 07-06-2017 18:33

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35902079)
have you just watched 4x02?


dilli-theclaw 07-06-2017 18:35

Re: Game of Thrones
I just wish I could get into this.... I watched the first two and gave up on it. Working my way through the first book now in the hopes it'll get me going for it :)

General Maximus 07-06-2017 18:53

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35902082)
I watched the first two and gave up on it.

episodes or seasons?


Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35902080)

you have no idea how satisfying that was, especially as I had no idea that it was going to happen. I am so glad it was a slow and agonising death, it was truly deserved.

dilli-theclaw 07-06-2017 19:13

Re: Game of Thrones

General Maximus 07-06-2017 19:33

Re: Game of Thrones
ah, well to be honest it took me about 4 episodes before I understood what was going on. I had never heard of the books before the series had come out and didn't know anything about it. It took me 4 eps to understand who was who, where they were and what all the story lines were. If you ever want to give it a go again let me know and I can sum up the start of the series in a couple of nice and easy paragraphs for you. It is the first series I have ever seen where they throw you in at the deep end and you don't have a clue what is going on but you get the gist of it eventually.

General Maximus 10-06-2017 10:57

Re: Game of Thrones
My wish has half come true


What can fans expect from season seven of Game of Thrones? According to Watchers on the Wall, the upcoming season of the HBO TV show will contain the series’ longest episodes to date.

Per Watchers on the Wall, the penultimate episode Game of Thrones‘ seventh season will be 71 minutes long and the finale will be 81 minutes. The longest episode up ’til now has been the season six finale, which had a running time of 68 minutes. So even though fans are getting three less episodes than a normal season, some of those episodes will be significantly longer than usual.

denphone 11-06-2017 18:51

Re: Game of Thrones
l want trial by combat.:)

General Maximus 11-06-2017 19:40

Re: Game of Thrones
yeah, fight for the right to be able to watch more episodes.

General Maximus 22-06-2017 09:06

Re: Game of Thrones
A new trailer for season 7. It is killing me that it is only 7 episodes. I want a full season of 26 episodes like the good old days.

denphone 22-06-2017 09:28

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35904312)
A new trailer for season 7. It is killing me that it is only 7 episodes. I want a full season of 26 episodes like the good old days.


Paul 22-06-2017 12:55

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35904312)
I want a full season of 26 episodes like the good old days.

GOT Seasons have only ever been 10 (until now).

Seasons have not been 26 for almost as long as I can remember, even the X-Files back in the early 1990's were only 24.

adzii_nufc 22-06-2017 18:23

Re: Game of Thrones
GoT in a procedural format wouldn't work half as good as it has with a continual story format.

General Maximus 23-06-2017 09:29

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35904346)
Seasons have not been 26 for almost as long as I can remember, even the X-Files back in the early 1990's were only 24.

Star Trek was 26eps, many series like Buffy, Dark Angel, Andromeda, Alias Stargate etc were all 22 or 24 eps.
It is so sad that nearly all the series I watch these days are what I call half seasons. The only two that I can think of off the top of my head that are proper seasons are Agents of Shield and Greys Anatomy and the reason why I remember them is because they stand out like sore thumb; they are excellent series and still run with a full season.

denphone 23-06-2017 10:47

Re: Game of Thrones
Good grief letting your daughter be burned by a witch.:(

denphone 27-06-2017 14:42

Re: Game of Thrones
My hounds are loyal to me.:nono::)

General Maximus 27-06-2017 17:44

Re: Game of Thrones
yeah, that was a fitting ending for him just like Joffrey's death; well and truly deserved and it was even sweeter seeing Sansa give the order.

heero_yuy 27-06-2017 18:26

Re: Game of Thrones
Joffrey's death was richly deserved and so much more delicious that we had to wait for it.

denphone 27-06-2017 19:13

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35905281)
yeah, that was a fitting ending for him just like Joffrey's death; well and truly deserved and it was even sweeter seeing Sansa give the order.

Funny how we soon develop a hatred of certain characters.

General Maximus 27-06-2017 23:08

Re: Game of Thrones
yup, but tbh that is a testament to the quality of story and the acting. The same can be said for Ramsey Bolton, Cersei, Walder Frey and Ser Bla Bla in the Kingsguard who Arya killed in that brothel. All excellent characters in their own way who got what is coming to them apart from one. Presumably this season is about Kahleesi taking over the iron throne so you wonder if Cersei is going to get her dues.

denphone 28-06-2017 05:26

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35905343)
yup, but tbh that is a testament to the quality of story and the acting. The same can be said for Ramsey Bolton, Cersei, Walder Frey and Ser Bla Bla in the Kingsguard who Arya killed in that brothel. All excellent characters in their own way who got what is coming to them apart from one. Presumably this season is about Kahleesi taking over the iron throne so you wonder if Cersei is going to get her dues

Well l suppose we can all guess what is going to happen in season 7 but sometimes it never works out the way one would imagine General.

General Maximus 28-06-2017 09:33

Re: Game of Thrones
Exactly, if things had worked out how I had wanted them to Ned Stark would be on the throne right now

denphone 28-06-2017 10:07

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35905374)
Exactly, if things had worked out how I had wanted them to Ned Stark would be on the throne right now

Indeed but his spirit lives on and his eldest daughter is becoming more like her mother as time goes on.

Mr K 29-06-2017 07:17

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35905376)
Indeed but his spirit lives on and his eldest daughter is becoming more like her mother as time goes on.

Never seen this programme, is it a bit like Crossroads? ;)

denphone 29-06-2017 07:45

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35905515)
Never seen this programme, is it a bit like Crossroads? ;)

Well a man of your greater higher intellect would know its very much the opposite of that old chestnut.;)

General Maximus 29-06-2017 09:35

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35905515)
Never seen this programme, is it a bit like Crossroads? ;)

20 minutes of your life would be well spent watching these. You will not appreciate the references they make in the trailers to the story line but you should be in jaw dropping awe at what is happening and the sheer quality of what you are looking at.

General Maximus 17-07-2017 12:07

Re: Game of Thrones
A friendly suggestion before you watch 7x01. When you sit down to watch it make sure you have no distractions, you are not finishing up a conversation with somebody or checking out facebook while you think the opening credits are going to roll. Make sure you have silence before you press play, you are concentrating and it has your undivided attention.

Kursk 18-07-2017 00:50

Re: Game of Thrones
To be completely honest, I've never seen more than a couple of episodes. Episode 1 was promising but it did seem like a LOTR rip off, but that may be unfair?

I can't commit to watching the trailers unless you tell me for sure that that Daenerys Targaryen bird strips in them. I hear she has a no nudity contract now which sort of makes it very unlikely I will stay awake to pick up plot lines :p:

pip08456 18-07-2017 03:56

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35908227)
To be completely honest, I've never seen more than a couple of episodes. Episode 1 was promising but it did seem like a LOTR rip off, but that may be unfair?

I can't commit to watching the trailers unless you tell me for sure that that Daenerys Targaryen bird strips in them. I hear she has a no nudity contract now which sort of makes it very unlikely I will stay awake to pick up plot lines :p:

You sure about that?

General Maximus 18-07-2017 10:07

Re: Game of Thrones
I can be a nice boyfriend :romance:

Kursk 18-07-2017 11:18

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by pip08456 (Post 35908233)

Nope, someone said it in a pub. I may get around to watching now if she's still getting her kit off :p:


Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35908249)
I can be a nice boyfriend :romance:

I can be a bugger of a boyfriend. It's what she really wants; they all do :getscoat:

tweetiepooh 18-07-2017 11:57

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35905515)
Never seen this programme, is it a bit like Crossroads? ;)

It's just like most soaps - lots of people being nasty to each other for their own gain - just has more sex and violence.

I've seen a few episodes of series one and just find there is too much sex (not needed at all) and the violence too graphic. Spoils the story.

General Maximus 18-07-2017 12:11

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by tweetiepooh (Post 35908266)
just has more sex and violence.


Originally Posted by tweetiepooh (Post 35908266)
I've seen a few episodes of series one and just find there is too much sex (not needed at all) and the violence too graphic. Spoils the story.

and it doesn't let down as the series progresses. Yes it is graphic but tbh I think it is very well done and always compliments the mood and context of the scene. For example, you have got the little **** of a psycho Joffrey and you know how he thinks and what he is capable of so when somebody walks in on him and you see him doing a certain thing, although you know what to expect, actually seeing it has such an emotional impact and makes you hate him even more.
I think it is all cleverly done and serves to only deepen your emotional investment in the series. Like with the MCU, everything in GoT is done with a delicate and perfect balance.

SnoopZ 18-07-2017 12:12

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by tweetiepooh (Post 35908266)
It's just like most soaps - lots of people being nasty to each other for their own gain - just has more sex and violence.

I've seen a few episodes of series one and just find there is too much sex (not needed at all) and the violence too graphic. Spoils the story.

The best TV series ever in my opinion, i watched the first 6 seasons all in 1 go.

General Maximus 18-07-2017 12:23

Re: Game of Thrones
Funny you should say that because i was thinking about that last night. When it is all done and dusted i think i might take a week off work and have a GoT marathon and watch one season a day.

SnoopZ 18-07-2017 13:34

Re: Game of Thrones
Im not sure i could watch 10 hours a day, i think i did it mostly over the christmas break and a few late evenings after work using Kodi.

Paul 18-07-2017 14:44

Re: Game of Thrones
I think 10 hours would be pushing it, I could probably do 3 or 4 in one go, then I'd need a break.

General Maximus 18-07-2017 16:09

Re: Game of Thrones
yeah, I like the idea of doing it to completely immerse myself in the GoT universe but I think I would have to go shopping in advance and prepare some meals and maybe plan in a takeaway or two and go for something like 9am-11pm everyday. I think planning is going to be key.

Kursk 18-07-2017 16:20

Re: Game of Thrones
But it just seems like a LOTR ripoff? Or, more precisely, Eastenders in period costume.
I mean, George R R Martin/J R R Tolkien; Ned Stark/Boromir; Midget/Hobbit; Dragons/Nazgul; Armed struggle; fortresses; War of the 5 Kings/Battle of the 5 Armies.

It does have Daenerys and Lena Headey but the LOTR girls were yummy too.

I dunno, I'm undecided. Will I just be shouting ripoff at the screen for hours or is this more than a soap opera on horseback? :)

Paul 18-07-2017 18:11

Re: Game of Thrones
LOTR was just complete rubbish, while GOT is excellent.

General Maximus 18-07-2017 18:54

Re: Game of Thrones
yup, it goes back to what I have said many a time before about realism. If somebody is supposed to be super evil and do really bad things then you need to see it to make it realistic. Similarly, if you know a massive army is coming to attack your castle then you want to see an epic battle. Normally you wouldn't expect such grandiose scenes in a tv series but GoT delivers every time. For anybody who has yet to see it, I can assure you it is a jaw dropping experience.

Damien 18-07-2017 19:55

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35908331)
yup, it goes back to what I have said many a time before about realism. If somebody is supposed to be super evil and do really bad things then you need to see it to make it realistic.

They're different I think. You can get away with unrealistic depictions of anything in a fantasy universe. In LoTR the evil is allegorical, it's evil as a force itself. Everything seems to symbolise a wider point, the orcs, the ring, the elves, the hobbits and so on. It's less about them than it is what they represent. GoTR is more human and the relationships between them, their more realistic in they lack pure evil or pure good characters. Although I don't think Kursk meant it in the same way, it is closer to a soap opera in the dynamics of the characters.

Anyway I like GoTR. I think it could have stood to lose a season, it does meander about a bit half-way though the entire show but picked up last season. You're right about the production values, it is by far it's strongest suit - might be the best ever on television for sheer scale and set-pieces.

I would recommend it to most people but depends what they like.

denphone 18-07-2017 19:59

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35908324)
LOTR was just complete rubbish, while GOT is excellent.

Both are good IMO but each to their own l say.

Kursk 20-07-2017 13:58

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35908338)
They're different I think. You can get away with unrealistic depictions of anything in a fantasy universe. In LoTR the evil is allegorical, it's evil as a force itself. Everything seems to symbolise a wider point, the orcs, the ring, the elves, the hobbits and so on. It's less about them than it is what they represent. GoTR is more human and the relationships between them, their more realistic in they lack pure evil or pure good characters. Although I don't think Kursk meant it in the same way, it is closer to a soap opera in the dynamics of the characters.

Anyway I like GoTR. I think it could have stood to lose a season, it does meander about a bit half-way though the entire show but picked up last season. You're right about the production values, it is by far it's strongest suit - might be the best ever on television for sheer scale and set-pieces.

I would recommend it to most people but depends what they like.

Thanks. An informative and useful post. If it's soap opera, I will fall asleep no matter how it is dressed up. :)

Damien 20-07-2017 14:10

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35908584)
Thanks. An informative and useful post. If it's soap opera, I will fall asleep no matter how it is dressed up. :)

I wouldn't say it's a soap opera. Just that it does take some of it's structure from soap operas. It's not fantasy Eastenders.

Paul 20-07-2017 20:13

Re: Game of Thrones
Its not a soap opera in the sense most people would mean it.

Its a Fantasy/Drama, set in a fictional land.

Kursk 20-07-2017 23:22

Re: Game of Thrones
Perhaps then I will give it a go. I'll do it for Daenerys :D

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