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Mr K 14-03-2016 08:45

Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

What would it take for world leaders (and us) to take this seriously ? This is the biggest threat to our future security and prosperity, not ISIS, the EU, migrants etc.

Politicians just look ahead to the next elections, and we continue to vote them in. They'll have a token summit now and again, to which they'll all fly , to set targets which they have no intention of meeting. 'Flooding' - yes, we'll have to do something - soon all forgotten about.

The worry is that it is too late already, this is going to spiral out of control whatever we do, and we'll end up like our sister planet Venus (which is rather hot).

Anyway, have a nice warm day and maybe leave one of your cars at home...

richard s 14-03-2016 09:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Not mention all other mechanical engines using fuels.

Mr K 16-04-2016 09:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
The warmest global Feb on record is followed by the warmest March.
To the next generation, all this waffle on the EU, immigrants and terrorists is going to seem piffilingly irrelevant. They'll ask why we didn't concentrate on the main threat, which it'll be too late for them to do anything about.

TheDaddy 16-04-2016 16:12

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Wonder what it'll do for migration when countries flood or or are in permament drought

nomadking 16-04-2016 16:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

papa smurf 16-04-2016 16:29

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832753)
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

Taf 16-04-2016 17:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35832747)
Wonder what it'll do for migration when countries flood or or are in permament drought

The big Indian / Pakistani collapse of food production is not far off according to several "experts".

And the world's condition is not going to get any better whilst the West allows India and China to burn more and more coal to satiate the West's demand for so many things. After shifting production over there.....

Damien 16-04-2016 18:17

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832753)
If records actually went back a lot further, I'm pretty sure a warmer February has happened long before now.

The climate has changed long before Man came into being and long before Man was around in large numbers. Otherwise we would still be in an Ice Age.

This is a meaningless trope that people bring out though. We do not want to live in an Ice age and the world, as far as we know, heated over thousands of years not 100 years. The truth is that the earth will probably be ok but our existence on it will be perilous if the climate changes radically.

Pierre 16-04-2016 18:26

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Lovely, let's hope it's a nice warm summer.

nomadking 16-04-2016 18:29

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35832776)
This is a meaningless trope that people bring out though. We do not want to live in an Ice age and the world, as far as we know, heated over thousands of years not 100 years. The truth is that the earth will probably be ok but our existence on it will be perilous if the climate changes radically.

And how do we "know" if it was a gradual incremental increase or jumps back and forth, a "two steps forward, and one step backwards" type of thing? To get to the Ice age in the first place, the planet had to cool down all by itself.

Damien 16-04-2016 18:38

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35832779)
And how do we "know" if it was a gradual incremental increase or jumps back and forth, a "two steps forward, and one step backwards" type of thing? To get to the Ice age in the first place, the planet had to cool down all by itself.

I am not a geologist so I am forced to take their findings as they tell them. From what I know though it's to do with the formation of sediment and rock. They can tell how they were formed, under what conditions, and how long they took given a degree of leeway. They know for example when the asteroid that wiped out (or probably wiped out) the dinosaurs hit because of a sudden and dramatic but small layer in large rock formations.

The planet does cool down itself. There are a number of natural processes that allow this but which I don't understand. It's why they changed the name from global warming to climate change because the effect isn't even.

Pierre 16-04-2016 21:21

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
The earth is circa 6 billion years old, we have accurate records of a couple of hundred years or so.

So we have accurate records for 0.000000033% of the lifetime of the planet and are trying to extrapolate the future from that. Good luck, I think there may a margin of error.

I'm not a climate change objector. The climate is changing, it is evident. Are humans influencing that change? Yes of course we are. How much are we influencing it? Well now that is the question.

The earth has been warming and sea levels rising for millennia. The are ruins of great ancient cities underwater around the globe, discovered below the waves way before man started pumping out large volumes of CO2.

Should we actively try to reduce our CO2? Of course we should, but neither should we disable our ability to compete globally by saddling ourselves with expensive electricity produced solely from "green" sources.

nomadking 16-04-2016 21:36

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
It used to be all about Acid rain. But all the predictions were wrong and it was found that most of it originated from natural uncontrollable sources. Then it all switched to Global Warming and again the predictions didn't match.

Renewable energy sources cannot be relied upon. Just look at Venezuela.

A severe drought is affecting the Guri reservoir that provides two-thirds of Venezuela’s power needs, and water and electricity outages are frequent.
The time change accompanies a flurry of other power-saving measures, including three-day weekends for public sector employees, rationing at malls and exhortations for women to use hairdryers less.

Hugh 16-04-2016 22:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
If only there was some form of scientific consensus, say, perhaps, something like 97% of Climate Scientists agreeing on the causes of Climate Change....

Fortunately, we have the plucky little oil and energy companies, who have no axe to grind whatsoever, to watch our back against the evils of those biased scientists...

papa smurf 16-04-2016 22:33

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35832813)
If only there was some form of scientific consensus, say, perhaps, something like 97% of Climate Scientists agreeing on the causes of Climate Change....

Fortunately, we have the plucky little oil and energy companies, who have no axe to grind whatsoever, to watch our back against the evils of those biased scientists...

thats like 97% of rabbi's saying god exists [they would their job depends on it ];)

Pierre 16-04-2016 23:01

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35832813)
If only there was some form of scientific consensus, say, perhaps, something like 97% of Climate Scientists agreeing on the causes of Climate Change....

There isn't scientific consensus. As you suggest there's consensus amongst those that already back the hypothesis.


Fortunately, we have the plucky little oil and energy companies, who have no axe to grind whatsoever, to watch our back against the evils of those biased scientists...
I'm not an oil company.

TheDaddy 17-04-2016 07:08

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35832825)
I'm not an oil company.

Are you a climate scientist :shrug:

Damien 17-04-2016 07:51

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35832823)
thats like 97% of rabbi's saying god exists [they would their job depends on it ];)

Many scientists could find employment if they came out with conclusions which helped the oil companies and indeed they do find jobs, just not the science.

---------- Post added at 07:51 ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 ----------


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35832825)
There isn't scientific consensus. As you suggest there's consensus amongst those that already back the hypothesis.

Well that's a nonsense isn't it? By definition if you exclude everyone who backs the hypothesis then you're going to be left with people who aren't part of the consensus.

However the scientific bodies that form part of that consensus are pretty qualified: they include the likes of NASA, the Scientific Academies of a lot of nations including the UK (Royal Society). Many organisations whose purpose is far broader than climate change so their jobs do not depend on it.

The skeptics don't produce much scientific evidence for their claims. I believe they've yet to produce any serious paper that refutes it. Most of the science which has caused climate scientists to revise their predictions comes from those who continue to back the hypothesis.

Most skeptic work comes from outside of science from people writing opinion pieces or editorals. It's the same as the vaccine nonsense a few years ago where you get one scientist/doctor say something and then an army of opinion-markers who take that and blow it up beyond all proportion to the scientific merit of their case. Bonus points if they dismiss the vast majority of scientists contradiction as part the establishment elite.

Hugh 17-04-2016 09:21

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35832845)
Are you a climate scientist :shrug:

Tchhh, what do they know?

It's not as if they've spent decades learning about and researching Climate Science, having their research peer-reviewed and scrutinised, working to advance fact-based information so we can understand more about the Climate.

papa smurf 17-04-2016 10:13

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35832863)
Tchhh, what do they know?

It's not as if they've spent decades learning about and researching Climate Science, having their research peer-reviewed and scrutinised, working to advance fact-based information so we can understand more about the Climate.

they spent decades falsifying data to fit the model if memory serves me correctly, that's why no one listens any more.

Taf 17-04-2016 11:17

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
I wonder what happened to "the hole in the ozone layer" ?

Damien 17-04-2016 11:20

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35832885)
I wonder what happened to "the hole in the ozone layer" ?

Do you actually want to know? Or was it meant to be a wise-crack? Cos a quick Google will tell you:

Looks like deciding to do something about it worked. Yay Science.

papa smurf 17-04-2016 11:38

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35832888)
Do you actually want to know? Or was it meant to be a wise-crack? Cos a quick Google will tell you:

Looks like deciding to do something about it worked. Yay Science.

Ozone Recovery to Warm Antarctica?

Meanwhile, some scientists say the environmental triumph of a recovering ozone layer could have a troubling side effect: boosting global warming, at least in the Antarctic region.

science oh heck ;)

Damien 17-04-2016 11:51

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35832897)
Ozone Recovery to Warm Antarctica?

Meanwhile, some scientists say the environmental triumph of a recovering ozone layer could have a troubling side effect: boosting global warming, at least in the Antarctic region.

science oh heck ;)

Well nobody said it was easy. :cool:

Hugh 17-04-2016 12:56

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35832877)
they spent decades falsifying data to fit the model if memory serves me correctly, that's why no one listens any more.

NOAA maintains about 1,500 monitoring stations, and accumulates data from more than a thousand other stations in countries around the world (many national and international organizations share this type of data freely). There are actually fewer monitoring stations today than there used to be; modern stations have better technology and are accessible in real time, unlike some older outposts no longer in use. The raw, unadjusted data from these stations is available from many sources, including the international collaboration known as the Global Historical Climatology Network and others.

As the years go by, all those stations undergo various types of changes: This can include shifts in how monitoring is done, improvements in technology, or even just the addition or subtraction of nearby buildings.
For example, a new building constructed next to a monitoring station could cast a shadow over a station, or change wind patterns, in such ways that could affect the readings. Also, the timing of temperature measurements has varied over time. And in the 1980s, most U.S. stations switched from liquid-in-glass to electronic resistance thermometers, which could both cool maximum temperature readings and warm minimum readings.

Monitoring organizations like NOAA use data from other stations nearby to try and adjust for these types of issues, either raising or lowering the temperature readings for a given station. This is known as homogenization. The most significant adjustment around the world, according to NOAA, is actually for temperatures taken over the oceans, and that adjustment acts to lower rather than raise the global temperature trend.

The homogenization methods used have been validated and peer-reviewed. For example, a 2012 paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research confirmed the effectiveness of the homogenization processes for NOAA’s network of stations, and even noted that “it is likely that maximum temperature trends have been underestimated.” In other words, there may have actually been more warming than NOAA has reported.

Another paper, from 2010, looked into the siting of U.S. monitoring stations in particular, and again found no problem with the homogenization methods. “[T]he adjusted [U.S. Historical Climatology Network] temperatures are extremely well aligned with recent measurements. … In summary, we find no evidence that the [conterminous United States] average temperature trends are inflated due to poor station siting.”

Berkeley Earth, a climate science nonprofit founded in early 2010 by scientists expressing skepticism at the time about global warming, has also found no undue manipulation of temperature data in its own analyses. Its page specifically on the Paraguayan Puerto Casado station that Homewood mentioned shows the adjusted readings do in fact show a rise in temperature over time.
btw, Natural News? Whose other reports include -

Mandatory euthanasia coming soon to California so that medical industry can harvest organs from everyone right before killing them

CLAIM: Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist

papa smurf 17-04-2016 13:55

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
[QUOTE=Hugh;35832908] -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

Taf 17-04-2016 15:31

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35832897)
Meanwhile, some scientists say the environmental triumph of a recovering ozone layer could have a troubling side effect: boosting global warming, at least in the Antarctic region.

science oh heck ;)

That was what I was hinting at. A sort "Oh buggeration!" reaction by scientists when the figures came in.

Damien 17-04-2016 15:42

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35832947)
That was what I was hinting at. A sort "Oh buggeration!" reaction by scientists when the figures came in.

Why? The hole in the Ozone layer still have bad consequences so it's not as if we're being told to go out and spray as CFCs into the atmosphere to damage it further.

Taf 17-04-2016 17:00

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Quite a few scientists backtracked a few years ago when some laymen pointed out that several months of darkness at the poles was bound to deplete ozone levels. Ozone is formed by the action of ultraviolet sunlight on atmospheric oxygen.

Damien 17-04-2016 18:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35832960)
Quite a few scientists backtracked a few years ago when some laymen pointed out that several months of darkness at the poles was bound to deplete ozone levels. Ozone is formed by the action of ultraviolet sunlight on atmospheric oxygen.

No one knows for sure the consequences of it. It seem to remain a hypotheses without much data. I still don't understand the point though? Should we have ignored the hole in the Ozone layer?

Ignitionnet 17-04-2016 18:59

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35832966)
No one knows for sure the consequences of it. It seem to remain a hypotheses without much data. I still don't understand the point though? Should we have ignored the hole in the Ozone layer?

Think of how much all those weirdly brown caucasian people would've saved in tanning salon bills and fake tan had we kept on rolling with the CFCs!

Damien 17-04-2016 19:18

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
And the money people will save on installing swimming pools in their gardens if climate change really takes off.

Are tanning beds still around? I thought the government banned it after it turned out they were basically massive cancer delivery systems.

Hugh 17-04-2016 19:21

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
[QUOTE=papa smurf;35832927]

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35832908) -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

So a blog in a forum on a Dating website thinks they're biased _ sounds legit...:erm:

Taf 17-04-2016 19:41

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Ignored? Perhaps not. But make it the big scare story that provided loads of "scientists" with full income for years and years? Often repeating each others' data over and over without ever really doing any real science?

Those that did the science (some decades ago) often got it wrong, or failed to truly evaluate what the data said. Hypothetical models were made and they still got it all wrong. Then satellites started to actually measure depletion.

And that had the soothsayers out in their droves. And the money went into thinking and not experimenting and measuring.

techguyone 17-04-2016 19:58

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Wonder what it would be like if this happened today

Would we have climate change scientists proclaiming the end of the World.

The climate changes quite regularly (Geologically speaking) and statistically the Earth is generally more warmer than it is colder.

The reason we had massive cold spots - certainly on the Southern Ice Cap is partly because of continental drift, making a big open area on the Southern Hemisphere, making it ideal for those conditions, in due course the continents will shift again and Antarctica will again be a tropical paradise, as it was a long time ago. (No doubt full of oodles of minerals too that will be harvested)

The reality is that we just don't understand why 'climate change' happens, and we should be wary of arbitrarily pointing the finger of blame at anything until we do.

Damien 17-04-2016 20:09

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35832983)
Ignored? Perhaps not. But make it the big scare story that provided loads of "scientists" with full income for years and years? Often repeating each others' data over and over without ever really doing any real science?

But it wasn't wrong. They were right. It's just they knew what caused it and there was considerable public demand for something to be done. So they all but abolished CFC gas. The fact it's now speculated that it may increase warming near the polls is an unfortunate result of the world not being perfect but they were not wrong at all.


Those that did the science (some decades ago) often got it wrong, or failed to truly evaluate what the data said. Hypothetical models were made and they still got it all wrong. Then satellites started to actually measure depletion.
Why do people expect branches of science to come fully formed? Aristotle is one of history's most famous scientists and he was wrong about motion but he was proven wrong by Galileo conducting experiments and not by the people later threatening to burn Galileo at the stake for saying the Earth wasn't the centre of the Universe. Darwin is famous for evolution and even though he got large parts of that wrong however idea was correct and the scientists which later contradicted him were set on that path by him.

It is unremarkable that science is sometimes wrong but that's the nature of something that exists on the fringes of things we do not know. It is much easier to look back and scoff at them being wrong before but we're not smarter than Aristotle just because we know the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Climate change will be proven wrong if people come up with evidence debunking it or proving it's been driven by another cause. The fact is that evidence has not yet emerged which is why skeptics resort to pointing out that science can be wrong. Science already knows that.

nomadking 17-04-2016 20:42

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Climate Change can never be proved wrong because the climate has always changed, all by itself in many directions. Plus whichever way something turns out, however contradictory, it is blamed on Climate Change. Eg Less ice predicted because of Climate Change, but more ice found but somehow is still due to Climate Change.

Hugh 17-04-2016 21:22

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Because climate is not weather, or building blocks of lego.

If climate is changing, it doesn't mean it's the same everywhere, it means there are major measurable effects, of different types, in different areas, over a period of time - we are talking about climate, not weather, and unfortunately people confuse/conflate the two things; weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.

Just for the sake of argument, what if the 97% consensus of Climate Scientists are wrong, what's the worst that happened - we stopped polluting our planet as much as we do now, and some money was spent on providing alternate sources of power (which can only be good, as fossil fuels are needed to all the tech stuff we like, being hydrocarbon based, rather than being wasted creating electricity). If, on the other hand, they are right, we (or our children) are fairly screwed if we don't do anything about it.

I like to think of it as insurance - hope we don't need it, but if we do, we'll be glad we had it...

Damien 17-04-2016 21:27

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35833004)
Just for the sake of argument, what if the 97% consensus of Climate Scientists are wrong, what's the worst that happened - we stopped polluting our planet as much as we do now, and some money was spent on providing alternate sources of power (which can only be good, as fossil fuels are needed to all the tech stuff we like, being hydrocarbon based, rather than being wasted creating electricity). If, on the other hand, they are right, we (or our children) are fairly screwed if we don't do anything about it.

What would be the point that skeptics would be willing to work on the assumption it is happening and it is man-made? Because no single event will ever be proof of climate change and each time we get 'freak' weather events they will be dismissed as one incident not proving anything.

papa smurf 17-04-2016 22:07

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
so we shovel on the coal ,pour on the oil,get our massive industrial plants working to produce steel and plastics, wire, glass chemicals etc etc and with this we produce wind turbines -solar panels -batteries etc etc all in the cause of ending pollution ,we deploy our oil powered heavy machinery to install it all then start the whole process again to replace the worn out parts and we are still only generating a fraction of the energy we need at what point do we become green ?.and what do we do with all the broken crap we are left with when it breaks down it would be nice if we could run the world on fluffy bunny power but its not a reality is it .

nomadking 17-04-2016 22:45

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
It was once consistently warm enough in Norway to grow grape vines and produce wine. Greenland was once Green, not white. The dramatic changes since then, occurred in recent history.

Hugh 17-04-2016 23:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by nomadking (Post 35833022)
It was once consistently warm enough in Norway to grow grape vines and produce wine. Greenland was once Green, not white. The dramatic changes since then, occurred in recent history.


Scientists have estimated that the Greenland ice sheet is between 400,000 and 800,000 years old. This means that the island today is unlikely to have been markedly different when Europeans settled there. However, there is evidence that the settled areas were warmer than today, with large birch woodlands providing both timber and fuel. This warmth coincided with the period known as the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, also known as the Medieval Warm Period, which we will discuss below.

So how did Greenland get its name? According to the Icelandic sagas, Erik the Red named it Greenland in an attempt to lure settlers in search of land and the promise of a better life. However, the age of the ice sheet, which is more than 3 kilometres thick in places and covers 80% of Greenland, proves that the opportunities to establish communities would have been limited to rather small areas.
Do you have a link re historical growing of grape vines in Norway, please?

nomadking 17-04-2016 23:44

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35833028)

Do you have a link re historical growing of grape vines in Norway, please?


Interpretation of ice core and clam shell data suggests that between 800 and 1300, the regions around the fjords of southern Greenland experienced a relatively mild climate several degrees Celsius higher than usual in the North Atlantic, with trees and herbaceous plants growing and livestock being farmed. Barley was grown as a crop up to the 70th parallel. What is verifiable is that the ice cores indicate Greenland has experienced dramatic temperature shifts many times over the past 100,000 years.
It was in a TV prog(BBC) about Europe from several years ago.

The whole planet warms up(Medieval Warming Period) and cools down again(Mini Ice Age) and obviously warms up again, all by itself without Man being involved.

Mr K 05-05-2016 07:48

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Current forest fires in Canada have been blamed on climate change. More carbon going into the atmosphere in a viscious circle.

Still, lovely warm day here and we can all have a good whinge about life threatening issues like EU membership. Have we got our priorities wrong?

richard s 05-05-2016 09:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
1976 Wonderfully hot (18.2), particularly notable as part of the whole summer, as high pressure dominated the British Isles. It was even hot in Scotland; Wauchope (Borders) reached 32.4C on the 2nd. Even Braemar reached 30C on the 8th. 27C (80F) was exceeded somewhere in the country every day from 22 June to 16 July. Heathrow had 14 consecutive days above 31C between 23 June and 8 July. Somewhere in the country reached the 90s (32C) for 15 consecutive days from 23 June and 7 July. The summer was quite poor in the Western Isles, however, as fronts coming around the high affected the far NW. Cheltenham reached 35.9C on the 3rd, the highest corroborated maximum.

Mr K 16-05-2016 13:35

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

April 2016 was the hottest April on record globally – and the seventh month in a row to have broken global temperature records.

Time to be worried, or too late to be worried ??

techguyone 16-05-2016 13:41

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
It wasn't very bloody warm where I live :/

RizzyKing 16-05-2016 19:30

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Climate change has become a business with billions to be spent and made and as such can not be taken on faith. Is our climate changing I don't know anyone that would say it isn't but is it down to us pesky humans we cannot say to any degree of certainty.

Pierre 16-05-2016 20:30

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by techguyone (Post 35837915)
It wasn't very bloody warm where I live :/

Likewise, snowed in last week of April.

Ken W 16-05-2016 20:44

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35837991)
Likewise, snowed in last week of April.

I can remember in about 1962-63 travelling from Maidenhead to Ascot in May time and there was several inches of snow in the fields.

Ramrod 19-10-2016 09:06

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
2016 Annual GWPF Lecture

And here is the maddest thing of all. Current policy is not even achieving decarbonisation. Whatever your views on the urgency of reducing emissions, the policy of subsidizing renewable energy is not achieving it.

Switching to biodiesel or ethanol actually increases emissions. So does burning wood in power stations. So does solar power in cloudy Germany. So do wind farms because they prevent the replacement of coal by gas or nuclear.

In 2012 Bjorn Lomborg calculated that 20 years of climate policy had reduced global emissions by less than 1 percent. During that time the world had spent more than a trillion dollars to subsidise wind and solar power, yet between them they had still not achieved 1% of world energy provision. In this country, they have just passed 2%.

In Germany, a 20% increase in renewables between 1999 and 2014 has resulted in no change in emissions at all.

Testifying to Congress in 2014, Professor Judith Curry, chair of Earth Sciences at Georgia Tech University said:

“Motivated by the precautionary principle to avoid dangerous anthropogenic climate change, attempts to modify the climate through reducing CO2 emissions may turn out to be futile.”

Why do I think the risk from global warming is being exaggerated? For four principal reasons.

1. All environmental predictions of doom always are;
2. the models have been consistently wrong for more than 30 years;
3. the best evidence indicates that climate sensitivity is relatively low;
4. the climate science establishment has a vested interest in alarm.

Mr K 19-10-2016 09:28

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Ramrod (Post 35864590)

Very good - the Global Warming Policy Forum, who have refused to comply with FOI requests on who is funding them.

Meanwhile the planet continues to warm and extreme weather events become more frequent.

Some people will never be convinced until it hurts their own profits/house/family, which it will eventually.

I'm going to Venice next week, i'll be taking my wellies ;)

Ignitionnet 19-10-2016 11:15

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35864596)
I'm going to Venice next week, i'll be taking my wellies ;)

As am I. I'll wear my 'Remoaner' t-shirt so if you come across me you'll recognise me.

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 ----------


Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35837982)
Is our climate changing I don't know anyone that would say it isn't but is it down to us pesky humans we cannot say to any degree of certainty.

Mmmm yeah we really can with a pretty high degree of certainty; recent studies rate it at >99.9% that we're having an impact, with 95% certainty that we're not just influencing it but are the largest influence.

Ramrod 19-10-2016 12:42

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
It was presented to the Royal Society. That should give it a little extra weight. :erm:

Damien 19-10-2016 13:57

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Ramrod (Post 35864631)
It was presented to the Royal Society. That should give it a little extra weight. :erm:

It was presented at the Royal Society not necessarily to them. I am not sure but it's not clear if this was a lecture presented to them at their invitation or if they simply booked a lecture hall. Also I am not sure this lecture actually has an accompanying paper they've submitted for peer review or if it's just a talk.

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

Never mind. Looked it up. There was no Royal Society event, lecture or scientific meeting for the 17th October:

Mr K 19-12-2016 20:55

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Forget Trump, Brexit, murdered Russians, immigration etc. This is what we should be really be worried about. It is the major threat. The time seems to have passed when we could have done anything about it. Maybe that's why we're ignoring it. Silly us.

papa smurf 19-12-2016 22:38

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35876664)

Forget Trump, Brexit, murdered Russians, immigration etc. This is what we should be really be worried about. It is the major threat. The time seems to have passed when we could have done anything about it. Maybe that's why we're ignoring it. Silly us.

its too late -glad i own a boat

OhReally 19-12-2016 22:50

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35864596)
Very good - the Global Warming Policy Forum, who have refused to comply with FOI requests on who is funding them.

Meanwhile the planet continues to warm and extreme weather events become more frequent.

Some people will never be convinced until it hurts their own profits/house/family, which it will eventually.

I'm going to Venice next week, i'll be taking my wellies ;)

Repeat after me until you understand this - weather DOES NOT equal climate.

Weather is the next few days, climate the next few hundred years. sigh.

It ias already colder in North America, than at anytime during the whole of last winter

Or is that just a bit of cold weather and nothing to do with climate?

You need to read more - start here

denphone 20-12-2016 06:20

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35876681)
its too late -glad i own a boat

You better check it this morning.:sniper:;)

heero_yuy 20-12-2016 08:38

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35876681)
its too late -glad i own a boat

Batten down the hatches. Barbara's on her way.:D


The Met Office said there were signs that winds and wet weather predicted to sweep in from the Atlantic at the weekend could be strong enough to become the second named storm of the season.

Forecasters are tracking the weather system a month after Storm Angus brought 80mph winds, heavy rain and flooding. Barbara is next on the list of storm names allocated by the Met Office.

OLD BOY 20-12-2016 13:37

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35837914)

April 2016 was the hottest April on record globally – and the seventh month in a row to have broken global temperature records.

Time to be worried, or too late to be worried ??

Global warming during the 1990s was caused by sunspot activity, which raised the amount of solar energy received. The more recent spike was caused by El Nino and the temperature has declined again since then.

Also, we need to be skeptical of land based readings because they are not evenly spread and are skewed by increased developments in areas that were formerly countryside. Satellite readings are far more accurate and they are truly global. They show little change in global temperature, which is why the greenies prefer to ignore it.

It is also the case that the readings quoted by the greenies have been manipulated (sorry, 'adjusted') for various 'technical reasons' to help manufacture the case for a global warming scare.

This must count as the biggest folly ever, and it is at our considerable expense. Shame on the politicians who just blindly follow this mantra without properly having the claims the climate warriors make properly checked out.

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

Why do I think the risk from global warming is being exaggerated? For four principal reasons.

1. All environmental predictions of doom always are;
2. the models have been consistently wrong for more than 30 years;
3. the best evidence indicates that climate sensitivity is relatively low;
4. the climate science establishment has a vested interest in alarm.

Yes, Ramrod, but don't forget the most obvious fact of all.

The amount of carbon in the atmosphere varies between 0.03% and 0.05%. It currently stands at 0.04%.

Which rather indicates that if even if global warming is happening, it's not the result of the amount of carbon we are putting out there. The excess is being absorbed by the vegetation and the oceans.

It's about time the powers that be started asking some sensible questions of these so called climate experts.

Mr K 20-12-2016 14:10

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35876790)
It's about time the powers that be started asking some sensible questions of these so called climate experts.

Like why is the Arctic ice all but disappearing ? And why do you keep trying to harm my share portfolio and chances of re-election ?

A lot of people have the head in the sand and spout 'facts' supplied from those with vested short term interests. The Sunspots etc, have being going on forever but the world is warming, much faster than ever before, that is a fact. If anybody think humans haven't influenced this they are deluded. Only when the water is coming through their doors will they think it affects them. Even then it'll somehow be the fault of EU, Brexit, Corbyn or too many immigrants weighing the land down...

Have a nice stormy Christmas; fortunately I live on high ground...

papa smurf 20-12-2016 14:13

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35876801)
Like why is the Arctic ice all but disappearing ? And why do you keep trying to harm my share portfolio and chances of re-election ?

A lot of people have the head in the sand and spout 'facts' supplied from those with vested short term interests. The Sunspots etc, have being going on forever but the world is warming, much faster than ever before, that is a fact. If anybody think humans haven't influenced this they are deluded. Only when the water is coming through their doors will they think it affects them. Even then it'll somehow be the fault of EU, Brexit, Corbyn or too many immigrants weighing the land down...

Have a nice stormy Christmas; fortunately I live on high ground...

but not quite the moral high ground ;)

heero_yuy 20-12-2016 14:43

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35876801)
Like why is the Arctic ice all but disappearing ?

It's happened before:


Here’s the point everybody seems to be missing: the Arctic Ocean’s ice has indeed disappeared during summer in the past, routinely. The evidence comes from various sources, such as beach ridges in northern Greenland, never unfrozen today, which show evidence of wave action in the past. One Danish team concluded in 2012 that 8,500 years ago the ice extent was “less than half of the record low 2007 level”. A Swedish team, in a paper published in 2014, went further: between 10,000 years ago and 6,000 years ago, the Arctic experienced a “regime dominated by seasonal ice, ie, ice-free summers”.

Link for Danish teams paper

Link for Swedish teams paper

OLD BOY 20-12-2016 16:24

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35876801)
Like why is the Arctic ice all but disappearing ? And why do you keep trying to harm my share portfolio and chances of re-election ?

A lot of people have the head in the sand and spout 'facts' supplied from those with vested short term interests. The Sunspots etc, have being going on forever but the world is warming, much faster than ever before, that is a fact. If anybody think humans haven't influenced this they are deluded. Only when the water is coming through their doors will they think it affects them. Even then it'll somehow be the fault of EU, Brexit, Corbyn or too many immigrants weighing the land down...

Have a nice stormy Christmas; fortunately I live on high ground...

No, I've already explained why human activity is unlikely to be the cause, and I've also pointed out that satellite temperature readings do not verify the claims of the dodgy sensationalists.

Even if it was happening, why are you so convinced that we are the cause? Did anyone blame the mini ice age in the 1600s on man? Warming was going on at the end of the ice age and the pollution from the industrial revolution period (which was smoke rather than clear carbon) could have prevented a quicker recovery as the sun was blotted out more. Now, with clearer air, the recovery could be continuing now. What is more, it has been warmer than it is now in the past (well before the mini ice age).

But that could explain the warming trend if it existed.

As far as the melting ice caps are concerned, you forget (or maybe never knew) that Greenland was free of ice centuries ago (hence its name). The reason the ice caps are melting appears to be the result of changing ocean currents, which have led to warmer waters undermining the ice from the bottom.

This is an extremely complex subject, and for people to explain it all rashly by saying it's all our fault are not paying attention, or alternatively, they are making a lot of money out of it.

Hugh 20-12-2016 16:41

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Yes, that is why all those rich scientists are trying to keep down the impoverished Oil companies.... ;)

When 97% of doctors say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of engineers say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of Climate Scientists, who have spent their lives studying this very complex issue, say there is a problem, suddenly they are in it for the money... :erm:

Damien 20-12-2016 16:48

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35876829)
This is an extremely complex subject, and for people to explain it all rashly by saying it's all our fault are not paying attention, or alternatively, they are making a lot of money out of it.

Which is why the government and others listen to scientists who study it rather than writers who've read a bit a bit about it.

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------


Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35876834)
When 97% of doctors say there is a problem, we believe them.

Unless it's MMR. Then people knew better than the 'so-called' doctors.

OLD BOY 20-12-2016 16:52

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35876834)
Yes, that is why all those rich scientists are trying to keep down the impoverished Oil companies.... ;)

When 97% of doctors say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of engineers say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of Climate Scientists, who have spent their lives studying this very complex issue, say there is a problem, suddenly they are in it for the money... :erm:

You do know, don't you, that there is nowhere near those levels of unanimity amongst scientists. Many disagree but are afraid to speak out.

A meteorologist friend of mine questioned the global warming argument at his work some years ago, pointing out that there were other factors involved. He was warned off pursuing those arguments by a like minded senior professional who told him that if he valued his career he should stop arguing against it because there was a bandwagon going that could not be stopped, regardless of the facts.

I have also read of the threats and name calling that people who should know better have used against people who have challenged the global warming theory. Behaviour, I think, that smacks of the bully not having any answers to those challenging his aggression.

Damien 20-12-2016 17:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35876839)
You do know, don't you, that there is nowhere near those levels of unanimity amongst scientists. Many disagree but are afraid to speak out.

This is the same argument creationists use against evolution. That actually many evolutionary scientists question evolution but they can't speak out because they'll lose their careers. We can't really base our assumptions on unproven, 2nd hand, allegations though.

Hugh 20-12-2016 19:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35876839)
You do know, don't you, that there is nowhere near those levels of unanimity amongst scientists. Many disagree but are afraid to speak out.

A meteorologist friend of mine questioned the global warming argument at his work some years ago, pointing out that there were other factors involved. He was warned off pursuing those arguments by a like minded senior professional who told him that if he valued his career he should stop arguing against it because there was a bandwagon going that could not be stopped, regardless of the facts.

I have also read of the threats and name calling that people who should know better have used against people who have challenged the global warming theory. Behaviour, I think, that smacks of the bully not having any answers to those challenging his aggression.

There is amongst Climate Scientists.

I may take into consideration what an Automotive Engineer says about buildings, but I'm more likely to give credence to a Structural or a Civil Engineer.

Both climatology and meteorology are branches of physical science that deal with the weather. While they are related to one another in many ways, they aren’t the same thing. As the saying goes, the weather changes frequently, but the climate is relatively stable. That saying defines the major difference between the two sciences, which is basically one of time.

Climatology is the study of long-term trends in the Earth’s weather and also tends to focus on larger areas, such as continents or the entire globe. Meteorology, on the other hand, concerns itself with day-to-day weather events, weather prediction over the short term, and relatively small areas such as cities or regions.

OhReally 20-12-2016 22:32

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35876834)
Yes, that is why all those rich scientists are trying to keep down the impoverished Oil companies.... ;)

When 97% of doctors say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of engineers say there is a problem, we believe them.
When 97% of Climate Scientists, who have spent their lives studying this very complex issue, say there is a problem, suddenly they are in it for the money... :erm:

You seem to be (intentionally) missing the point - the 1st two groups don't depend on scaremongering for their incomes.

The latter group ONLY get funded if people believe their demonstrably false (over 20+ years now) "climate models".

Hugh 20-12-2016 22:34

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Proven "demonstrably false" by people funded by energy companies, so totally unbiased, then?

They get funded to produce peer-reviewed papers and findings, not to back up others - it's how the scientific method works...

You may as well accuse the CERN scientists of only pursuing their research to earn money - if they wanted to earn good money, they would work for Big Oil...

OhReally 21-12-2016 20:16

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35876920)
Proven "demonstrably false" by people funded by energy companies, so totally unbiased, then?

They get funded to produce peer-reviewed papers and findings, not to back up others - it's how the scientific method works...

You may as well accuse the CERN scientists of only pursuing their research to earn money - if they wanted to earn good money, they would work for Big Oil...

No, demonstrably false as in

1. Look at their predictions
2. Look at what actually happened

That was easy wasn't it.

OLD BOY 22-12-2016 09:06

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35876874)
There is amongst Climate Scientists.

Yes, well it's the climate scientists who have vested interests that depend on the man made warming theory for their livelihoods and/or profits.

Did you miss the bit where I talked about the amount of carbon that has been absorbed into the atmosphere? It's exactly where it should bs. So we are :shrug:

Mr K 22-12-2016 11:32

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Climate Change Denier Conference

denphone 22-12-2016 11:48

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877199)

Oh l don't know Mr K as the best example of that would be your good self old boy.;):D

papa smurf 22-12-2016 12:03

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877199)

how can there be sand to bury heads in when sea levels have allegedly risen so much ;)

that looks more like a remoaner conference .

OhReally 22-12-2016 23:57

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OhReally (Post 35877110)
No, demonstrably false as in

1. Look at their predictions
2. Look at what actually happened

That was easy wasn't it.

No reply from the "warmists"?

Obviously not, as all the dire predictions for the humongous increases in global temperature, SIMPLY HAVEN'T HAPPENED.

Mr K 23-12-2016 05:32

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OhReally (Post 35877304)
No reply from the "warmists"?

Obviously not, as all the dire predictions for the humongous increases in global temperature, SIMPLY HAVEN'T HAPPENED.

Difficult to know how much evidence some want. They cling to the 'evidence' sponsored by those with vested interests for some reason.

Even if you don't believe scientists, unless the laws of physics have changed, the rapidly disappearing Artic ice should be a clue. Or the increasing regularity of extreme weather events. Another storm on the way today..

BTW I suspect the earth is flat too. Stands to reason. This round theory is a massive lefty conspiracy...

OLD BOY 23-12-2016 10:46

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877313)
Difficult to know how much evidence some want. They cling to the 'evidence' sponsored by those with vested interests for some reason.

Even if you don't believe scientists, unless the laws of physics have changed, the rapidly disappearing Artic ice should be a clue. Or the increasing regularity of extreme weather events. Another storm on the way today..

BTW I suspect the earth is flat too. Stands to reason. This round theory is a massive lefty conspiracy...

You and other warmists continue to ignore the central question that I posed. It is quite simple. If the amount of carbon absorbed into the atmosphere remains at normal levels (between 0.03% and 0.05% of the atmosphere) - and we are currently at 0.04% in case you weren't paying attention - then where is the link with man's activity?

Why do you continue to spout the mantra without looking at all the facts for yourself? That one statistic - 0.04% - blows the 'man made climate change' theory out of the water.

Mr K 23-12-2016 10:59

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Look at the temperature and CO2 since the industrial revolution OLD BOY, spot anything ?

Its tricky, might be one for Sherlock....

OLD BOY 23-12-2016 11:14

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877363)
Look at the temperature and CO2 since the industrial revolution OLD BOY, spot anything ?

Its tricky, might be one for Sherlock....

Yes, the warmists much prefer to use PPMs (parts per million) because it makes very small fluctuations look much bigger. We are currently well within parameters and therefore NOT responsible for any temperature changes globally that MAY occur.

It will be interesting to hear what the climate guys say when the little blip on the carbon readings take a downward turn. I expect they will find a way to claim credit for that!

papa smurf 23-12-2016 11:15

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
1 Attachment(s)
The continuing rapid increase in carbon dioxide concentrations during the past 10-15 years has apparently been unable to overrule the °attening of the temperature trend as a result of the Sun settling at a high, but no longer increasing, level of magnetic activity. Contrary to the argument of Lockwood and FrÄohlich, the Sun still appears to be the main forcing agent in global climate change.

OLD BOY 23-12-2016 11:25

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35877368)
The continuing rapid increase in carbon dioxide concentrations during the past 10-15 years has apparently been unable to overrule the °attening of the temperature trend as a result of the Sun settling at a high, but no longer increasing, level of magnetic activity. Contrary to the argument of Lockwood and FrÄohlich, the Sun still appears to be the main forcing agent in global climate change.

Just to clarify, though, for those not really paying attention, there has been no 'rapid increase in carbon dioxide' as claimed. We are well within normal parameters.

If warming is actually taking place then solar energy levels are a much more likely explanation.

OhReally 23-12-2016 16:22

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877363)
Look at the temperature and CO2 since the industrial revolution OLD BOY, spot anything ?

Its tricky, might be one for Sherlock....

Here's a much better graph, perfectly demonstrating the total FAIL that is the global warming hoax.

For those who have difficulty comprehending facts, the dots along the bottom are the ACTUAL temperatures as observed, the crap above them are the forecasts by the doom-mongers.

Nuff said.

Mr K 23-12-2016 16:47

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
The graph looks a bit a mess to me ! A very short time period compared to the 150 year one above, and its still showing a rise. There are others saying warming is happening faster than ever predicted... Worryingly its at the poles where the temp. increases are greatest.

However, even if you believe non of this, believe the evidence of your own eyes. Are extreme weather events becoming more regular e.g. flooding/storms? Snow becoming less common?

I can understand those with vested interests dissing climate change. However there seems to utter denial from others who need to swallow their pride and admit they are wrong, and that we desperately need to do something radical soon.

OLD BOY 23-12-2016 17:06

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877429)
The graph looks a bit a mess to me ! A very short time period compared to the 150 year one above, and its still showing a rise. There are others saying warming is happening faster than ever predicted... Worryingly its at the poles where the temp. increases are greatest.

However, even if you believe non of this, believe the evidence of your own eyes. Are extreme weather events becoming more regular e.g. flooding/storms? Snow becoming less common?

I can understand those with vested interests dissing climate change. However there seems to utter denial from others who need to swallow their pride and admit they are wrong, and that we desperately need to do something radical soon.

Well, Mr K, I notice you still haven't explained why it's our fault, given that carbon absorption is well within the normal variable parameters.

The fact that you didn't comprehend that graph speaks volumes.

richard s 23-12-2016 17:22

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
I would like to wish our Scottish friends a safe couple of days with two storms hitting you. May your Christmas not be disrupted.

OLD BOY 23-12-2016 17:27

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by richard s (Post 35877434)
I would like to wish our Scottish friends a safe couple of days with two storms hitting you. May your Christmas not be disrupted.

We would all hope that people in the north are safe, but don't forget that storms have battered this part of the UK at this time of year since forever! Nothing to do with the alleged global warming.

Mr K 23-12-2016 17:51

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35877433)
Well, Mr K, I notice you still haven't explained why it's our fault, given that carbon absorption is well within the normal variable parameters.

The fact that you didn't comprehend that graph speaks volumes.

Its CO2 levels and the undeniable increases in temperature you need to be looking at OLD BOY..... Carbon absorption within whose parameters for what? Its obviously not an effective measure of climate change.
What evidence would you accept, when the water comes through the door, or when it gets to the ceiling might you think something was up?

Guess we'll have to disagree but its by far and away the biggest threat facing us. Forget trivialities like Trump, Brexit, immigration etc. All those we can do something about. Its getting to the point, or maybe already past it, where where we can do anything about the climate. However we should try.

OhReally 23-12-2016 18:31

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877440)
Its CO2 levels and the undeniable increases in temperature you need to be looking at OLD BOY..... Carbon absorption within whose parameters for what? Its obviously not an effective measure of climate change.
What evidence would you accept, when the water comes through the door, or when it gets to the ceiling might you think something was up?

Guess we'll have to disagree but its by far and away the biggest threat facing us. Forget trivialities like Trump, Brexit, immigration etc. All those we can do something about. Its getting to the point, or maybe already past it, where where we can do anything about the climate. However we should try.

Still in denial eh? I believe you know exactly what that graph says but just can't bring yourself to admit.

Still let's humour you one more time

the mess of lines is the forecasts from all of these expert climate scientists you fervently believe in like it's a new religion. The black line is the average (alright mean but who's quibbling) of them all.

The blobs at the bottom are what mother nature actually did - inclusive of any influence we did or didn't have.

Even you can see that reality and your fantasy land are diverging at an ever increasing rate.

My 5 year old grandson can see the lines don't match.

There is no possibility of denying that the climate models plain and simple are WRONG.

If you try and hindcast with your models, it's even more ludicrous.

Mr K 23-12-2016 19:19

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Oh dear keep referring back to the photo I posted earlier. :banghead:

Found where your graph has come from now - Dr Roy Spencer...


Spencer is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming,which states that "We believe Earth and its ecosystems—created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence —are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory.
If the Lord is going to save us, then fair enough.

Mr K 24-12-2016 09:27

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Arctic heatwave could break records -

Temperatures at the North Pole could be upto 20 degrees higher than average this Christmas Eve, in what scientists say is a record-breaking heatwave.
Climate scientists say these unseasonably warm weather patterns in the Arctic region are directly linked to man-made climate change.
Santa is going to trouble with his sleigh.... The evidence keeps mounting up.

papa smurf 24-12-2016 10:10

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877509)
Arctic heatwave could break records -

Santa is going to trouble with his sleigh.... The evidence keeps mounting up.

ho ho ho little boy i'll still make it to your house to deliver your worry beads ho ho ho merry xmas - turn that heating down woman it roasting in here ;)

OLD BOY 24-12-2016 12:21

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877440)
Its CO2 levels and the undeniable increases in temperature you need to be looking at OLD BOY..... Carbon absorption within whose parameters for what? Its obviously not an effective measure of climate change.
What evidence would you accept, when the water comes through the door, or when it gets to the ceiling might you think something was up?

Guess we'll have to disagree but its by far and away the biggest threat facing us. Forget trivialities like Trump, Brexit, immigration etc. All those we can do something about. Its getting to the point, or maybe already past it, where where we can do anything about the climate. However we should try.

I think you're missing something, Mr K. We have been talking exactly about these two points.

What you haven't grasped is that there are no increases in CO2 levels that are outside normal parameters.

This should indicate that IF global warming is happening, it is not down to man.

Mr K 24-12-2016 12:46

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 35877528)
I think you're missing something, Mr K. We have been talking exactly about these two points.

What you haven't grasped is that there are no increases in CO2 levels that are outside normal parameters.

This should indicate that IF global warming is happening, it is not down to man.

Thinking your missing/ignoring the chart I posted earlier showing the increase in CO2 levels and the corresponding increase in temperatures over the last 150 years. CO2 increases within whose normal parameters?

If the increases in temperature are a natural phenomenon why is it happening at a faster rate than ever before? And why does it exactly oincide with the increases in carbon emissions since the Industrial Revolution? Hell of a coincidence.

GrimUpNorth 24-12-2016 14:35

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
If it was CO2 in isolation I suppose all the climate change deniers might have a point. You do however have to look at the wider picture - NOx, hydrocarbons (methane) and where the GHG's are realised have an important impact on climate change. It makes me smile when those that deny the change are also the ones unwilling to change their ways ( coincidence?) but will also be the most vocal when the climate gives them a good slapping. As Mr K says our climate is changing and we should ignore it at our peril.

The bankers refused to acknowledge bad times were coming despite all the warnings and the climate change deniers are no better.



OhReally 25-12-2016 01:33

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877463)
Oh dear keep referring back to the photo I posted earlier. :banghead:

Found where your graph has come from now - Dr Roy Spencer...
If the Lord is going to save us, then fair enough.

Nice try at deflection.

It is irrelevant who produced the graph, now back to these 2 troubling (for you) items

1. The forecasts are your beloved climate scientists guesses
2. The actuals are what mother nature is doing

I notice no attempt whatever by you to state that either of these two things aren't true.

---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 00:36 ----------


Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35877509)
Arctic heatwave could break records -

Santa is going to trouble with his sleigh.... The evidence keeps mounting up.

Not in The Sahara apparently :D

..and that Global Temps Falling Fast

Mr K 25-12-2016 05:02

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.

Originally Posted by OhReally (Post 35877659)

You need to be looking at a slightly longer timescale than a few months !

Mr K 26-12-2016 12:33

Re: Climate Change - record World temp. rises in Feb.
Major flooding in UK now likely every year, warns lead climate adviser


A year after severe floods in wake of Storm Desmond, John Krebs says ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it.

Krebs said rejection of human-caused climate change and its great risks – which he calls denial – is a “fringe discourse”, with 114 of the world’s nations already having ratified the global climate deal signed by 194 countries in Paris a year ago.

But he said: “We shouldn’t be complacent because those dissenting voices are well-organised, funded and persistent. One has to be strong in the message that the risks are so great that taking out insurance [by acting] now is well worth it.”
Good to see the Govt. is on top of things. Govts., of whatever colour, only seem to be interested when flooding is actually happening and costing votes. Inbetween times budgets slide. They need to take a slightly longer outlook.

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