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Mick 18-04-2017 11:48

June 8th General Election
Prime Minister Theresa May, has announced today she seeks approval for a General Election on 8th June 2017.

Who would you vote for?

RizzyKing 18-04-2017 11:55

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
There's only one credible and responsible option at this time.

papa smurf 18-04-2017 11:57

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
this is about the national interest so yes rizzy you are right

1andrew1 18-04-2017 12:04

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I assume Theresa may would retain her seat... but on the other hand her constituency voted remain. ;)

RizzyKing 18-04-2017 12:09

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
Well this isn't a second EU referendum so hopefully people can put the good of the country ahead of a pipe dream but if the lib dems don't do very well that will do a lot to end the silly games some politicians are trying to play with brexit. This is about who is best to take us through the next challenge for the UK and i honestly don't see how there's any other option but the conservatives although i hope to see a marked decline in ukip support.

Mick 18-04-2017 12:13

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I can see : Bigger Tory majority or landslide. Labour possibly losing hundreds of seats. Liberal Democrats gaining some.

Damien 18-04-2017 12:14

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I think Tories will do very well at the expense of Labour. Liberal Democrat gains will be minor just because the FFTP makes it hard, I see their vote share rising more.

Taf 18-04-2017 12:15

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
The Tories are hammering the sick, weak and disabled.

But Labour "led" by Corbyn is a joke.

So I have no idea which Party I'd vote for.

passingbat 18-04-2017 12:19

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
Never voted for the Conservatives in my life. But Brexit is so important; I will be voting Conservatives this time.

RizzyKing 18-04-2017 12:27

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
On that particular issue Taf it's the cameron\osbourne legacy hitting hard where disability benefits are concerned and one of the few downsides of brexit is they will stand until brexit is resolved. I just hope the issue that is foremost in people's thinking is the practical best thing for the country and it isn't labour and sure as hell isn't the lib dems.

Mick 18-04-2017 12:27

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
Sir Malcolm Rifkind: "I'm not being pessimistic (About Labour), I'm hugely optimistic. I think they are going to get slaughtered. It's going to be like Michael Foot, but worse." :rofl:

Damien 18-04-2017 12:29

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I do wonder if Labour will hold up better than expected just because of voter loyalty.

Pierre 18-04-2017 12:36

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I'd like to see the SNP get a kicking too.

Damien 18-04-2017 12:41

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I have the feeling it's going to be rather boring. Tory majority increased but Labour hold up better than expected. Minor Lib Dem gains but not a breakthough and SNP hold most of their seats bar one or two that they lose to Liberals/Tories.

1andrew1 18-04-2017 12:49

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35895285)
Never voted for the Conservatives in my life. But Brexit is so important; I will be voting Conservatives this time.

Why not UKIP?

Jimmy-J 18-04-2017 12:58

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
I see a new PM just around the corner.

heero_yuy 18-04-2017 13:26

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Jimmy-J (Post 35895297)
I see a new PM just around the corner.

You must give me the name of your oculist. :D

mrmistoffelees 18-04-2017 13:40

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35895282)
The Tories are hammering the sick, weak and disabled.

But Labour "led" by Corbyn is a joke.

So I have no idea which Party I'd vote for.

This, this and thrice this.

I've been thinking about this since the announcement.

Whilst life to me personally has been very good over the past few years of conservative leadership I can't standby and watch what i believe will be the systematic dismantling of the NHS. The victimisation of the sick, weak, disabled and poor. What i believe to be huge invasions of civil liberties. The widening gap between the richest and poorest members of society.

Old Maggie V2 has played a blinder, there's no credible alternative. She must of had a conference call with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to get some tips

Paul 18-04-2017 13:40

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?
Lets hope the Scottish wake up to the reality of the SNP, and vote otherwise.

In the UK, it seems very likely the Conservatives will win big, and labour will get hammered.

1andrew1 18-04-2017 13:46

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Jimmy-J (Post 35895297)
I see a new PM just around the corner.

Of which gender?

Osem 18-04-2017 14:21

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Jimmy-J (Post 35895297)
I see a new PM just around the corner.

Who'd that be then? Jeremy Corbyn? Tim Farron maybe? :rofl:

Depending on how long the corner is, yes there will be a new PM at some point but that's inevitable as we all know. ;)

Damien 18-04-2017 14:35

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35895312)
Who'd that be then? Jeremy Corbyn? Tim Farron maybe? :rofl:

Depending on how long the corner is, yes there will be a new PM at some point but that's inevitable as we all know. ;)

Someone is optimistic about North Korea turning out ok

passingbat 18-04-2017 14:35

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35895293)
Why not UKIP?

It would be a wasted vote; We need a mainstream party that supports Brexit to win.

UKIP fulfilled a crucial service; getting a referendum. Job done. They are still a very useful pressure group, needed to keep the Conservatives focused on a hard Brexit, so their voice still needs to be heard. If Nigel Farage stands, I hope he wins. He would be a good person to have in parliament.

Damien 18-04-2017 14:39

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35895314)
It would be a wasted vote; We need a mainstream party that supports Brexit to win.

UKIP fulfilled a crucial service; getting a referendum. Job done. They are still a very useful pressure group, needed to keep the Conservatives focused on a hard Brexit, so their voice still needs to be heard. If Nigel Farage stands, I hope he wins. He would be a good person to have in parliament.

He strikes me as a Galloway type. Not sure he would welcome the daily grind of Parliament when he can be making the rounds on American television and speaking circuit.

heero_yuy 18-04-2017 14:58

Re: June 8th General Election

This week's YouGov/Times voting intention figures see the Conservatives on 44% (from 42% last week) while Labour are on 23% (from 25% last week), giving the Tories a 21 point lead.

These results represent the lowest voting intention share for Labour since June 2009 when the party was in power and Gordon Brown was Prime Minister.

Theresa May continues to be the favoured choice for best Prime Minister, with 50% of people preferring her to Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour leader is backed by 14% of voters, whilst 36% don't know.

Mick 18-04-2017 15:06

Re: June 8th General Election
Only one appearing against this so far is that blithering, a size dress too small wearing, SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

adzii_nufc 18-04-2017 15:15

Re: June 8th General Election
Why is Corbyn so excited? They'll lose and he'll get das boot. I'm waiting for Arthur to show up and spread his wisdom, best character on CF.

Osem 18-04-2017 15:15

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895313)
Someone is optimistic about North Korea turning out ok

Did you see those wonky missile heads? :D

nomadking 18-04-2017 15:22

Re: June 8th General Election
Not sure how Sturgeon expects Scottish voters to have any real overall impact in a general election. There is only a possible reduction of 2 seats of a majority Conservative government. It's not as if there are 20 Conservative seats to be lost in Scotland.

Maggy 18-04-2017 16:41

Re: June 8th General Election
Doesn't matter what I vote. This is a Tory stronghold.

pip08456 18-04-2017 16:51

Re: June 8th General Election
May has shown that she is very shrewd. 21 points ahead of Labour is a good time to call a snap election. It goes further than that though, it also reinforces the Brexit vote.

She ain't stupid.

denphone 18-04-2017 16:58

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 35895335)
Doesn't matter what I vote. This is a Tory stronghold.

Yep my parents live in Hampshire probably not that far from you and the area have voted a Tory in for as long as they can remember.

OLD BOY 18-04-2017 17:13

Re: June 8th General Election
It'll certainly be an interesting result. There is no doubt really that the Conservatives will win many more seats, but it will be interesting to see how Labour and the Liberal Democrats do.

So many traditional Labour supporters do not rate their leader at all that I would not be surprised to see their support completely collapse. But will the Liberal Democrats benefit from Labour's devastation, together with additional support from diehard Remainers? Quite likely I think - I believe UKIP will remain on the sidelines, but they could pick up a few seats - only single figures, though.

It will also be very interesting to see how the Scots Nats do. Most Scots don't want another referendum on leaving the UK, and the economy is worse in Scotland now than when the last referendum took place. This, together with the poor record of the Scottish National Party in government, could lead to a substantial loss of votes for them, and fewer SNP MPs in the House of Commons. A better Conservative presence in Scotland certainly cannot be ruled out.

If the UUU take over in Northern Ireland, this might relieve the deadlock at Stormont.

The big win for Theresa May will be that all the obstacles to Brexit that the usual suspects are putting in her way will evaporate overnight. She will get the mandate she needs for a hard Brexit as well as the authority not to put a final vote to Parliament as demanded by the Lib Dems.

She's pulled a blinder, and good on her!

Chris 18-04-2017 18:00

Re: June 8th General Election
Theresa May for a landslide. Hopefully she can pick up at least one more Scottish seat as well. One of the snp seats in the borders is sitting on a majority of less than 400.

Hom3r 18-04-2017 18:47

Re: June 8th General Election
I have been a life long Labour vote, but as I voted to leave the EU, I'll vote for the best pro Brexit party, even if it is Tory.

Best of all will this destroy Sturgeon?

MalteseFalcon 18-04-2017 19:06

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 35895351)
I have been a life long Labour vote, but as I voted to leave the EU, I'll vote for the best pro Brexit party, even if it is Tory.

Best of all will this destroy Sturgeon?

Can but hope!

Arthurgray50@blu 18-04-2017 19:23

Re: June 8th General Election
Well if you are a Labour voter, then it wont be worth turning up to vote. Corbyn will be slaughtered.

I have voted Labour all my life. But, not this time. I said long ago when Corbyn, had the no confidence vote.

That he is a joke and NOT fit to be PM.

I also said that if TM called a snap election, and l said a few months ago. TM would win by a landslide.

Labour NEED a leader that will be thought enough to take on TM. Corbyn, don't me laugh.

I will decide when l am in the Voting booth.

RizzyKing 18-04-2017 19:24

Re: June 8th General Election
This election more then many before it gives the scottish people the chance to send a clear message on the indyref and that is a big issue to be considered given the damage another vote will wreak on scotland and it's people many of whom have not fully restored all the family and friend damage the last one caused. This will also send a clear message on the type of brexit the british people want and unlike the referendum i hope whatever that message might be is accepted and respected by those who don't get what they want.

Damien 18-04-2017 19:24

Re: June 8th General Election
Markets went crazy today. Pound went up as traders think this will give her cover for a 'softer' brexit.

TheDaddy 18-04-2017 19:30

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35895324)
Why is Corbyn so excited? They'll lose and he'll get das boot. I'm waiting for Arthur to show up and spread his wisdom, best character on CF.

I had 2 thoughts on this, first ugh not another round of electioneering and second wouldn't it be clever and underhand for jeremy to say he supports an election and privately tell his mps to vote against it, makes Mrs May look silly and may even inspire her own party to question her credibility and judgement, is jeremy that clever, he probably is actually but is he that underhand, I doubt it, guess we'll find out tomorrow.I'll be voting liberal or green depending on whose jib I prefer the cut of

Damien 18-04-2017 19:43

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35895363)
I had 2 thoughts on this, first ugh not another round of electioneering and second wouldn't it be clever and underhand for jeremy to say he supports an election and privately tell his mps to vote against it, makes Mrs May look silly and may even inspire her own party to question her credibility and judgement, is jeremy that clever, he probably is actually but is he that underhand, I doubt it, guess we'll find out tomorrow.I'll be voting liberal or green depending on whose jib I prefer the cut of

Labour would look mad if they refused the chance to kick out the Tories. Might cause even more desertions from the party.

Arthurgray50@blu 18-04-2017 19:49

Re: June 8th General Election
TM is one bright lady, and is not stupid. SShe knws that she is way ahead of the polls in this one. This is why she has gone for it - as l predicted several months ago.

This election will be much worse than the destruction Michael Foot.

This is why l say that Labour will be totally blown out of the water. It will probably end up

Tories win
Lib Dems second
Labour Third

Mick 18-04-2017 19:54

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895368)
Labour would look mad if they refused the chance to kick out the Tories. Might cause even more desertions from the party.

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, said today that no opposition party is going to say no to a early chance of a General Election without losing a ounce of credibility, in fact he was ridiculing the Fixed Term Parliament Act, saying it's a ridiculous act for reasons we will find out tomorrow.

LSainsbury 18-04-2017 20:43

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35895262)
Prime Minister Theresa May, has announced today she seeks approval for a General Election on 8th June 2017.

Who would you vote for?


Mick: Just for fun, can you do another vote as an exit poll at 10pm on the 8th? :-)

Mick 18-04-2017 20:51

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by LSainsbury (Post 35895378)

Mick: Just for fun, can you do another vote as an exit poll at 10pm on the 8th? :-)

I am sure either me or Damien will do so (and I am not working that night). ;)

Arthurgray50@blu 18-04-2017 23:40

Re: June 8th General Election
I bet anyone that the number one topic for ALL parties will be the ......THE NHS

adzii_nufc 19-04-2017 00:04

Re: June 8th General Election
I bet it'll be Brexit... thought that'd be obvious to you.

Matth 19-04-2017 01:23

Re: June 8th General Election
Is it done and dusted though?

Are enough of the opposition going to make the 2/3 required, or are they going to force the more embarrassing option of playing to lose a vote of no confidence

TheDaddy 19-04-2017 01:28

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 35895335)
Doesn't matter what I vote. This is a Tory stronghold.

Cable forum :dozey: :spin: :)

---------- Post added at 01:28 ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 ----------


Originally Posted by Matth (Post 35895415)
Is it done and dusted though?

Are enough of the opposition going to make the 2/3 required, or are they going to force the more embarrassing option of playing to lose a vote of no confidence

I thought that, if it were anyone but corbyn I'd bet on it

MalteseFalcon 19-04-2017 07:27

Re: June 8th General Election
I wasn't sure who to vote for this time around, so did one of those quizzes to see what party I should vote for. Apparently, I am a 74% match for UKIP. Worryingly, I was a 43% match for the BNP too. I was more to the right than left.

Trouble is, BNP and UKIP (aside from their views on immigration) actually have some decent policies in their manifestos but the whole immigration/racism thing mean they get overlooked.

papa smurf 19-04-2017 09:14

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35895420)
I wasn't sure who to vote for this time around, so did one of those quizzes to see what party I should vote for. Apparently, I am a 74% match for UKIP. Worryingly, I was a 43% match for the BNP too. I was more to the right than left.

Trouble is, BNP and UKIP (aside from their views on immigration) actually have some decent policies in their manifestos but the whole immigration/racism thing mean they get overlooked.

i just did this for fun and it says democratic unionist then ukip

DU never never never

Maggy 19-04-2017 10:25

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35895416)
Cable forum :dozey: :spin: :)

---------- Post added at 01:28 ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 ----------

I thought that, if it were anyone but corbyn I'd bet on it

OK I'll rephrase it to I LIVE in a Tory stronghold.:rolleyes:

Osem 19-04-2017 10:52

Re: June 8th General Election
Well it's great to see Corbyn's Cronies doing so well in our poll... :rofl:

papa smurf 19-04-2017 11:14

Re: June 8th General Election
i'm surprised at the lib dem vote

given Farron's stance on gay folks and his utter disdain on the meaning of democratic .

he's not liberal or democratic , maybe re branding to the hypocrite party could better show his views .

Osem 19-04-2017 11:17

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895437)
i'm surprised at the lib dem vote

given Farron's stance on gay folks and his utter disdain on the meaning of democratic .

he's not liberal or democratic , maybe re branding to the hypocrite party could better show his views .

Remainers clutching at straws.

denphone 19-04-2017 11:21

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895437)
i'm surprised at the lib dem vote

given Farron's stance on gay folks and his utter disdain on the meaning of democratic .

Some try to hide their prejudices IMO as if people have prejudices why don't they come out with it instead of hiding behind their petticoats.

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ----------


Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895437)
i'm surprised at the lib dem vote

he's not liberal or democratic , maybe re branding to the hypocrite party could better show his views .

l think you will find most politicians are hypocrites and double faced liars whatever party they are from..

papa smurf 19-04-2017 11:21

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35895438)
Remainers clutching at straws.

the party has a bad smell coming from it it's an embarrassment to the country

Damien 19-04-2017 11:44

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35895438)
Remainers clutching at straws.

Or people support the party. I.E They're the only one out of the main three that were against the Snoopers Charter, support electoral reform, they're good on civil liberties and yes their attitude towards Europe is more akin to what some people believe than that of the Conservatives.

Not to mention the state of Labour means more people will consider the Liberal Democrats. Not everyone has to vote Conservative and they can have decent reasons, to them, in the same way everyone on here has their own reasons for voting Tory. :shrug:

denphone 19-04-2017 11:56

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895442)
Or people support the party. I.E They're the only one out of the main three that were against the Snoopers Charter, support electoral reform, they're good on civil liberties and yes their attitude towards Europe is more akin to what some people believe than that of the Conservatives.

Not to mention the state of Labour means more people will consider the Liberal Democrats. Not everyone has to vote Conservative and they can have decent reasons, to them, in the same way everyone on here has their own reasons for voting Tory. :shrug:

Indeed everybody has their own reasons on who they will vote for come the election as there are many other issues and reasons other then Brexit on why some will vote for another party or for the Tories.

Osem 19-04-2017 12:01

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895442)
Or people support the party. I.E They're the only one out of the main three that were against the Snoopers Charter, support electoral reform, they're good on civil liberties and yes their attitude towards Europe is more akin to what some people believe than that of the Conservatives.

Not to mention the state of Labour means more people will consider the Liberal Democrats. Not everyone has to vote Conservative and they can have decent reasons, to them, in the same way everyone on here has their own reasons for voting Tory. :shrug:

I didn't think that needed saying TBH. Some folks vote nothing else you know. ;)

PapaSmurf commented on the level of support, not the existence of it. I simply provided what I think is the reason for the level of that support, not all of it. Since they're the only pro EU option open to most people in the UK I'd stand by that opinion. Look at the number who voted Lib Dem in Richmond simply due to Brexit - that wasn't down to Farron's charisma was it. :)

Damien 19-04-2017 12:11

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35895445)
I didn't think that needed saying TBH. Some folks vote nothing else you know. ;)

PapaSmurf commented on the level of support, not the existence of it. I simply provided what I think is the reason for the level of that support, not all of it. Since they're the only pro EU option open to most people in the UK I'd stand by that opinion.

Fair enough. Although I think we've always had a disproportionate level of support for the Conservatives, UKIP and Lib Dems on here than the country at large.

1andrew1 19-04-2017 12:38

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895446)
Fair enough. Although I think we've always had a disproportionate level of support for the Conservatives, UKIP and Lib Dems on here than the country at large.

I think you're right. This is not a representative sample of the UK. For one, that would need to be about 2,000 people and another, it only polls people with internet access who are interested in cable tv or similar.

Julian 19-04-2017 12:50

Re: June 8th General Election
George Osborne quits.

What apity, what a shame :)

RizzyKing 19-04-2017 12:56

Re: June 8th General Election
Hope the door hits his backside on his way out totally repulsive individual who will live a life of comfort that he doesn't deserve.

denphone 19-04-2017 12:58

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35895454)
Hope the door hits his backside on his way out totally repulsive individual who will live a life of comfort that he doesn't deserve.

One comment sticks out like a sore thumb and that was his comment of "We are all in this together" which as we know we are not...

Hugh 19-04-2017 13:03

Re: June 8th General Election
Speaking of the rich, John McDonnell appears to have redefined the word.

People earning above £70,000 a year could be asked to pay more tax under a Labour government, shadow chancellor John McDonnell has suggested.

He said he wanted to see a "fair taxation system" with corporations and the rich paying more...

..."The rich will be above £70,000 to £80,000 a year - and that's roughly defined as what people feel is an earning whereby people feel they can pay more."
I'm not sure if £70-80k is "rich" - comfortable, perhaps, but not rich.

I wonder who the "people" are that feel this?


1andrew1 19-04-2017 13:07

Re: June 8th General Election
How will George Osborne survive without an MP's salary and only three other jobs to support him? It's obviously for the better if he's to edit a newspaper.

The other sub-plots include will Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall or Aaron Banks win a seat? Will Vince Cable return? Will any more Labour moderates follow Alan Johnson and Tom Blenkinsop and resign rather than face more time in opposition?

Damien 19-04-2017 13:11

Re: June 8th General Election
Aaron Banks is going to stand against Carswell as part of this bizarre vendetta he and Farage over the knighthood.

Ramrod 19-04-2017 13:17

Re: June 8th General Election
For all those who think that voting labour is a good idea atm: Britain under Corbyn? Just look at Venezuela

Corbyn has yet to acknowledge the terrible suffering that Chavez’s ‘social justice’ has inflicted upon his people......Corbyn’s ability to turn a blind eye has been astounding. He must have known, because everybody did, that Chavez allowed left-wing paramilitary groups to terrorise the middle class. He must have seen that after Chavez forcefully nationalised industries their productivity duly crashed.

Yet he is still not prepared to condemn a regime which has presided over an economic disaster that hurts the poor the most. Maduro has turned out to be an economic incompetent of the highest order. Last year imports collapsed by more than 50 per cent and the economy nosedived by 19 per cent. The budget deficit is around 20 per cent of GDP. The minimum wage is now the equivalent of £25 a month. After a Central Bank estimate that suggested that the Venezuelan economy had contracted by 19 per cent last year was leaked to the press, Maduro fired the bank’s president and replaced him with a Marxist loyalist.
......What we can say is that Corbyn has stood by the disastrous hard-left ideology that he has always espoused. So anybody who wants to know what Britain might be like under Corbyn would do well to study the recent history of Venezuela.

denphone 19-04-2017 13:33

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35895456)
Speaking of the rich, John McDonnell appears to have redefined the word.

I'm not sure if £70-80k is "rich" - comfortable, perhaps, but not rich.

I wonder who the "people" are that fell this?


Yes comfortable perhaps as you say but even then if one was to work out much one has to pay out over a period of a month its surprising how much has to be paid out in bills and everything else plus the income tax on that amount to start with.

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------


Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35895457)
How will George Osborne survive without an MP's salary and only three other jobs to support him? It's obviously for the better if he's to edit a newspaper.

The other sub-plots include will Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall or Aaron Banks win a seat? Will Vince Cable return? Will any more Labour moderates follow Alan Johnson and Tom Blenkinsop and resign rather than face more time in opposition?

While having my dinner many questions popped into my mind and they are

How many will vote Conservative because of the Brexit issue?

How many remainer's will vote for others parties who are not supportive of Brexit?.

How many will vote for UKIP now at the election or are they finished?

How many who did not vote at the last election will decide to get off their butts and vote now?

Will the Labour vote collapse because of their poor leader?

How will they vote in Scotland?

How much tactical voting will there be?

And l am sure they are many more questions that need to be answered as well Andrew.

papa smurf 19-04-2017 13:43

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35895460)
Yes comfortable perhaps as you say but even then if one was to work out much one has to pay out over a period of a month its surprising how much has to be paid out in bills and everything else plus the income tax on that amount to start with.

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

While having my dinner many questions popped into my mind and they are

How many will vote Conservative because of the Brexit issue?

How many remainer's will vote for others parties who are not supportive of Brexit?.

How many will vote for UKIP now at the election or are they finished?

How many who did not vote at the last election will decide to get off their butts and vote now?

Will the Labour vote collapse because of their poor leader?

How will they vote in Scotland?

How much tactical voting will there be?

And l am sure they are many more questions that need to be answered as well Andrew.

what did you have for dinner ?

denphone 19-04-2017 13:45

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895464)
what did you have for dinner ?

Greek Moussaka.:)

passingbat 19-04-2017 14:14

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35895460)

How many will vote Conservative because of the Brexit issue?


At least one :)

dilli-theclaw 19-04-2017 14:17

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895426)
i just did this for fun and it says democratic unionist then ukip

DU never never never

i just had a go and it says labour, but in all honesty I don't know as I don't trust any of them.

Mick 19-04-2017 14:24

Re: June 8th General Election
Would appear SNP will be voting against a Snap General Election and they are accusing the PM, running scared for not wanting to participate in a TV debate.

And they broke with house traditions again and collectively clapped their deputy leader, Angus Robertson, when he had finished speaking.

The SNP are a bunch of halfwits the lot of them.

passingbat 19-04-2017 14:25

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35895465)
Greek Moussaka.:)

Make the most of it Den; I hear a rumour that after Brexit, no European food will be imported. I think the rumour came from a source at the FT; could be wrong though ;):D

Mick 19-04-2017 14:29

Re: June 8th General Election
MP's now voting. Result due very soon.

denphone 19-04-2017 14:32

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by passingbat (Post 35895476)
Make the most of it Den; I hear a rumour that after Brexit, no European food will be imported. I think the rumour came from a source at the FT; could be wrong though ;):D

Utter codswallop PB as you listen to too many media invented rumours.:D

Damien 19-04-2017 14:36

Re: June 8th General Election
ITV are going ahead with the debate anyway, May will be empty chaired I guess.

passingbat 19-04-2017 14:39

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35895479)
Utter codswallop PB as you listen to too many media invented rumours.:D

Yes; I really should stop watching the BBC ;)

BTW; I was kidding Den; your Greek Moussaka is safe!

Hugh 19-04-2017 14:44

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35895472)
i just had a go and it says labour, but in all honesty I don't know as I don't trust any of them.

Mine said 73% Lib Dem, 67% Conservative, 61% Labour. :)

passingbat 19-04-2017 14:46

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895437)
i'm surprised at the lib dem vote


I'm not really; it's the natural place to go for determined remainers.

Julian 19-04-2017 14:46

Re: June 8th General Election
Not sure what the big issue is with tv debates.

Just seems another imported thing from America that serves no useful purpose.

And as for putting an empty chair there... how old are people that organise these things?

Damien 19-04-2017 14:47

Re: June 8th General Election
They voted for it.

Mick 19-04-2017 14:48

Re: June 8th General Election
Yes: 522
No: 13

papa smurf 19-04-2017 14:49

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35895482)
Mine said 73% Lib Dem, 67% Conservative, 61% Labour. :)

lib dem :shocked:

Mick 19-04-2017 14:49

Re: June 8th General Election
ALL SNP's Abstained. Cowards.

Damien 19-04-2017 14:52

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895426)
i just did this for fun and it says democratic unionist then ukip

DU never never never

I got SNP 80% :shocked:

Mick 19-04-2017 14:52

Re: June 8th General Election
Denis Skinner, Labour MP and a well known foolish old motor mouth, is one of the MP's voting NO.

Ramrod 19-04-2017 15:06

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35895472)
i just had a go and it says labour, but in all honesty I don't know as I don't trust any of them.

70% UKIP, 63% Conservative :D

Julian 19-04-2017 15:10

Re: June 8th General Election
78% Conservative 68% UKIP hmmmm

papa smurf 19-04-2017 16:39

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895489)
I got SNP 80% :shocked:

don't worry fried mars bars aren't as bad as they sound ,it gets cold up there so take your jumpers .;)

---------- Post added at 16:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------


Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35895439)
Some try to hide their prejudices IMO as if people have prejudices why don't they come out with it instead of hiding behind their petticoats.[COLOR="Silver"]

your right this bloke is making a career out of it

Osem 19-04-2017 17:26

Re: June 8th General Election
Farron is an utter disgrace. He claimed he didn't have any problem answering the question 'is homosexuality a sin?' then proved the opposite to be true by refusing to answer it.

Hom3r 19-04-2017 17:39

Re: June 8th General Election
Yesterday I had to turn the radio off after some bremoaner muppet said this vote would be used to stop Brexit.

I'd like to know why people were having a go TM for calling a general election despite her saying when she took office.

But then chose to ignore why she said she was calling for one.

Paul 19-04-2017 17:53

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35895426)
i just did this for fun and it says democratic unionist then ukip

Thats what I got as well, then conservatives after that.

Mick 19-04-2017 18:03

Re: June 8th General Election
Think Mrs May has been taking tips from a certain U.S President on certain public campaigns just now, crowd of people behind her, placards. All we need now is a slogan.....


Strong And Stable Leadership, is what I am seeing on those placards just now.

nashville 19-04-2017 18:18

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35895291)
I'd like to see the SNP get a kicking too.

Me too, I have been always Labour, but now it is going to be them or Tory. We must all get this Brexit through

heero_yuy 19-04-2017 18:32

Re: June 8th General Election
The archtraitor Blair crawles out of the woodwork:


Former Labour leader Tony Blair has urged voters to back candidates from any party which opposes Brexit amid speculation that he will campaign with the Liberal Demcrats at the election.

Chris 19-04-2017 19:06

Re: Snap CF Poll: Who would you vote for on June 8th General Election?

Originally Posted by nashville (Post 35895513)
Me too, I have been always Labour, but now it is going to be them or Tory. We must all get this Brexit through

I think a lot of people in Scotland are feeling that way. There are a few seats the Tories should definitely be targeting in Scotland, though they shouldn't take their eye off Dumfriesshire because the other parties aren't above game playing and they would all love to see David Mundell unseated.

However in your case Nash I'd say a Tory vote in Glasgow is probably a waste ... if you can't get a Tory in, next best thing is to get a SNat out. Find out who came second to the SNP in your seat in 2015, and vote for them.

OLD BOY 19-04-2017 19:10

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Arthurgray50@blu (Post 35895412)
I bet anyone that the number one topic for ALL parties will be the ......THE NHS

Well, Labour will attempt to make the election all about that, but they will be spouting a false promise. The Conservatives are spending far more money on the NHS than Labour would have done, and they are trying to make it more efficient as well.

People in hospital were drinking out of vases when Labour were last in charge, remember? So much for the party of the NHS. Aneurin Bevan must have been turning in his grave!

Labour may be the party we should thank for giving us the NHS, but it is the Tories we have to thank for keeping it going in the current century.

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