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denphone 30-01-2024 19:00

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36169184)
We just had to have our 15 year old Dalmatian (Denzel) put to sleep today - all four of us (myself, wife, 35yo daughter, & 32yo son) were in the back room with him, holding him as he passed away.

He was a rescue dog (we had him for just over eleven and a half years), and he brought such joy to three generations of our family - his health had deteriorated since he snapped his cruciate ligament last March, and as stated earlier this month in this thread, his health was getting worse, and for the last month he could hardly use his back legs, and had to be supported with a harness for walks and pooing & weeing.

He’s at peace now, and no more pain - I loved him so much, and will miss him more, but part of the deal you have with your pet is knowing when it’s time to let them go, so they don’t suffer.

RIP Denzel

So sorry to hear about this Hugh as its never nice when a loved pet special to the whole family has to be put to sleep.

mrmistoffelees 31-01-2024 11:18

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
Hugh, so very very sorry you and family going through this.

Thoughts are with you

Paul 01-02-2024 01:25

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
For the last 8 years, I have worked US hours, with my US counterparts (and boss).

Today, all our US team got made redundant :(

So now we only have a UK team, and part time support from India.

joglynne 01-02-2024 12:22

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36169263)
For the last 8 years, I have worked US hours, with my US counterparts (and boss).

Today, all our US team got made redundant :(

So now we only have a UK team, and part time support from India.

WOW that's errrr different/drastic/whatever description fits the bill.

What did your US colleagues do to leave just the UK team, the part time support from India and your US boss to survive such a drastic cut? I hope your job is safe.<hugs>

Tinky 01-02-2024 15:53

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 36169285)
WOW that's errrr different/drastic/whatever description fits the bill.

What did your US colleagues do to leave just the UK team, the part time support from India and your US boss to survive such a drastic cut? I hope your job is safe.<hugs>

What joglynne said.

Paul 01-02-2024 15:55

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 36169285)
What did your US colleagues do to leave just the UK team, the part time support from India and your US boss to survive such a drastic cut? I hope your job is safe.<hugs>

Cost cutting exercise :( My job is safe.
Well, as safe as it can be for now, anyway.
I only have a few years left before I reach retirement age.

Tinky 01-02-2024 18:55

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by Paul (Post 36169294)
Cost cutting exercise :( My job is safe.
Well, as safe as it can be for now, anyway.
I only have a few years left before I reach retirement age.

That's good to hear Paul.

My thoughts tonight are with my friend who is preparing herself mentally for a triple heart bypass operation on Saturday. Being picked up 6am ish by taxi tomorrow, driven to a London private hospital for operation. Several days being cared for in London before once again being brought home by taxi. I asked about carers for when she got home, she says there are none available. Luckiy another of her friends has stepped up and is willing to stop overnight with her for as long as required. If this friend was not able to do this, the operation would have to have been cancelled. All this on the NHS.

Mr K 02-02-2024 16:21

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
'Triage' is the latest buzz word.

To give the impression of doing something, but reality doing nothing/delaying/fobbing you off. As useful as a bot.... ( will send this to the Oxford English dictionary, as i like to help them out ;) )

Paul 02-02-2024 17:15

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
We use Triage at work all the time, and have for many many years. ;)

heero_yuy 02-02-2024 17:44

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
Triage has been used by the military for many years to allocate medical treatment when resources are limited: Three groups: Those who will survive if not treated, those who will die even if treated and those who will survive only if treated.

Only the third group gets priority.

Dude111 05-02-2024 04:29


Originally Posted by Hugh
We just had to have our 15 year old Dalmatian (Denzel) put to sleep today - all four of us (myself, wife, 35yo daughter, & 32yo son) were in the back room with him, holding him as he passed away.

He was a rescue dog (we had him for just over eleven and a half years), and he brought such joy to three generations of our family - his health had deteriorated since he snapped his cruciate ligament last March, and as stated earlier this month in this thread, his health was getting worse, and for the last month he could hardly use his back legs, and had to be supported with a harness for walks and pooing & weeing.

AQhhhhhhhhh Hugh I am so sorry......God bless you for having him 11 1/2 years.... He was very lucky!!

Peace and love to you and your family Hugh

Hom3r 05-02-2024 19:12

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
My niece told me that her ex, had been cheating on her and she's devastated upon finding out, to the point she doesn't want to go back to the flat to get the last of her things. But she will.

So when the 27th of February comes she, she will delete her number, and have nothing more to do with her.

Also my sisters friend had a mental breakdown on Friday and admitted to hospital overnight, but released the next day, she went home and her son had left a cup and plate on the side she git angry and smashed them and told him to get out. he called my sister (who he said was family to him) she said have you got anywhere to go and offered her sofa, but he has friends who might help, but he will probably stay with his dad.
She's had a rough time, her hubby cheated on her (now divorced), her daughter who has CP, last week was diagnosed with epilepsy, so she hit breaking point.

So my sister will help were she can, but doesn't want to get involved in the politics of her friend and her ex husband.

denphone 12-02-2024 17:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8
Sciatica pain.:(

mrmistoffelees 12-02-2024 19:05

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 36169986)
Sciatica pain.:(

Ouch, that’s the 2nd worst pain I’ve ever known, only beaten by gall stones

denphone 12-02-2024 20:04

Re: Moans and Pet Hates - Part 8

Originally Posted by mrmistoffelees (Post 36169995)
Ouch, that’s the 2nd worst pain I’ve ever known, only beaten by gall stones

Yes l had gallstones around 10 years ago and the pain was awful as l laid on my bed in agony until it gradually subsided, thankfully they decided to take out my gall bladder.

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