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Chris 03-01-2020 21:06

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
Well they did all turn up at the end, admittedly audio only, but nonetheless. I think it was better done as a subtle audio appearance though, as all of them on screen would have stolen the limelight from Rey (and Daisy Ridley) which would have been unfair.

Stephen 03-01-2020 21:12

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
One day we may get to see some of the scenes as deleted scenes, as some of them were actually filmed.

Damien 03-01-2020 22:41

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36021942)
Well they did all turn up at the end, admittedly audio only, but nonetheless. I think it was better done as a subtle audio appearance though, as all of them on screen would have stolen the limelight from Rey (and Daisy Ridley) which would have been unfair.

I think it would have been seen as laying it on too thick. If the 'leaks' are true then Disney made the right move in trying in pull him back a bit. There is already quite a bit of fan service in this film and that would have pushed it too far.

These leaks read like a fan created script of what would be awesome. A Star Wars Greatest Hits Reunion Episode as opposed to the final film. The gang is back together one last time e.t.c.

Really the film should have been a full 3 hour debate in the Star Wars Senate thing from the prequels into the Emperors Executive Overreach but the cowards at Disney didn't have the guts. Also Ewoks flying X-Wings coming in to save the day at the end rather than all those ships.

Chris 03-01-2020 22:44

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 36021951)
I think it would have been seen as laying it on too thick. If the 'leaks' are true then Disney made the right move in trying in pull him back a bit. There is already quite a bit of fan service in this film and that would have pushed it too far.

These leaks read like a fan created script of what would be awesome. A Star Wars Greatest Hits Reunion Episode as opposed to the final film. The gang is back together one last time e.t.c.

Really the film should have been a full 3 hour debate in the Star Wars Senate thing from the prequels into the Emperors Executive Overreach but the cowards at Disney didn't have the guts. Also Ewoks flying X-Wings coming in to save the day at the end rather than all those ships.

Best. Episode. Ev-aaaaaar.

admars 03-01-2020 23:25

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
this is the funny thing, so many ppl love Star Wars so much, it's impossible to please us all.

We don't know why seeing the force ghosts was cut, it could be to keep time down, it could be that it was distraction, it was unnecessary, the audio alone was more powerful.

BUT what I do know, is that if we had seen the ghosts, there would be ppl moaning that they were only put in as lip service to the fans, and that the "director's cut" with audio only would have been better ;). Also, which Anakin ghost? The "proper" one, from when we saw RotJ when we were kids, or the "new" one done after Ep 3? Hypethetical situation and I've already split the fan boys ;)

There was a twitter post from Star Wars asking for fan ideas - that ewoks in x-wings needs to be submitted.

General Maximus 15-01-2020 20:49

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
TROS has just hit $1bn at the box office, I didn't think it was going to make it.

denphone 21-01-2020 09:04

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 36022806)
TROS has just hit $1bn at the box office, I didn't think it was going to make it.

Why as the Star Wars track record at the box office has always proved otherwise.

Paul 21-01-2020 16:38

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
Becasue he didnt like it ;)

General Maximus 21-01-2020 21:49

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
It was my favourite of the three. I didn't think it would hit $1bn because it didn't have the explosive start the previous two did and it had a lot of popular criticism and appeared to grind to a halt around £650m so the fact that it managed to keep going and hit $1bn is very impressive. Love it or hate it, it just shows that no matter how bad a film is certain franchises seem destined to rake in the $$$ and it is sad because it doesn't encourage Disney/Lucasfilm to really try and do a proper job; they know people will watch it regardless of how little effort they pup into it or how badly they screw it up. I think the one exception to that in relation to Star Wars is Solo.

Hugh 22-01-2020 11:58

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
But the challenge is that different peoples' definition of "badly screw it up" varies wildly, so they are never ever going to satisfy all parts of the fan base.

Stuart 24-01-2020 17:24

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36021614)

What was said about Rey’s parents in The Last Jedi was true - from a certain point of view. And
considering that the prequel trilogy established that Palpatane was the one who resurrected the Sith and started decades of turmoil in the galaxy, there is a very pleasing symmetry in his final denouement coming at the end of the final film. There is absolutely zero chance that this had not been discussed prior to the first story meetings for The Rise of Skywalker, and it is likewise vastly unlikely that Rey’s connection to the grand narrative of the saga had never been considered in detail.

I'll be honest and say that while I enjoyed TLJ, there were things I think that could have done better.. For instance, I felt that Akbar deserved a far more honourable death than he got.

Also, I never believed that Rey's parents were insignificant. I've seen too many films and TV shows where the writers go to great lengths to tell the viewer how a given character is insignificant only to reveal at the end that he or she is actually very significant, and the later Star Wars films have ALWAYS done that with Rey and her parents. I'll be honest, I did believe the fan theory that Luke was her father, and her mother was one of the characters from the expanded universe (even though this is not canon), perhaps Mara Jade. So I was wrong on that count.

General Maximus 13-02-2020 18:57

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

admars 13-08-2020 21:20

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
Got to be better than the original :) (yes, the stories are true, it really is that bad)



It’s the most wonderful time of the year on Kashyyyk, and LEGO Star Wars fans are invited to journey back to Chewbacca’s homeworld for a Wookiee-sized celebration of the galaxy’s most cheerful and magical holiday — Life Day!

admars 05-11-2020 22:21

Re: Official Star Wars Saga

Stuart 10-11-2020 13:48

Re: Official Star Wars Saga
Never thought I'd say this about a Star Wars Holiday Special, but I'm genuinely looking forward to this.

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