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peanut 02-04-2013 13:01

Re: Thousands sign petition to get IDS to prove anyone can live on £7 a day

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35555550)
I care about the economic health of the country, which if it is good will provide the right environment for those who work hard to get on, do well and, who knows, earn enough to drive a nice car like IDS.

I look at those who have done well as success stories to learn from and perhaps emulate, not hate figures to be envied and punished.

It must be nice to be in that position, you've earned it, good for you. You can now crap on the little people as it now doesn't affect you. I don't mean this to be a dig either, but it is the general feeling.


This country cannot afford its benefits bill. The bill has to come down. But even with these changes the bill is not coming down, its increase has merely been slowed a bit.
In such a way that it is hitting the most needy just as hard. They can do things a lot better and at such a more cost effective way, but it seems they aren't interested in doing the 'right' thing just cutting costs is the only important part.


I've been on jobseeker's, and within the last 4 years, and without the extra safety net of HB as I own my own house. The only reason I still have my own house is that I've not spent my life sucking up credit like sweeties and tried to do only what I could afford. These days I'm self employed, earning not very much but increasing year on year.

I know all about the benefits system and what it's like to live on it and I still think IDSis doing the right thing for the right reasons. Though I am fully aware that the very fact that I agree with IDS will be more than enough reason for some of you to discount my own experiences of the benefit system as somehow invalid, or less important than your own, just the same as you rush to discount IDS's own experience of the system.
You know all about the benefit system??... I've been on benefits for about a decade now (never claimed HB, Council Tax, presciptions etc etc) and I haven't got a clue to the minefield of the system. And you state this because you claimed it once. Maybe I should come to you for advice then.

Again maybe I am getting all this wrong, I was on about my position yet we're now talking about those that don't want to work. It seems the wasters and the genuine are just the same thing.

Arthurgray50@blu 02-04-2013 13:12

Osborne's in cuckoo land

Osborne is in cuckoo land if he thinks that braining in tougher welfare reforms, He goes to Morrisons warehouse who are probably paying into the Tory banks.

What he forgets to say is that what about those people that have been made redundant through no fault of their own, and are now on benefits.

He is saying that he wants to stop people that are living on £20.000 per year on benefit,

When l was out of work l had to live on £75.00 per week for my wife and l yes, we had my son who is disabled.

Outs of that benefit, we had to pay half rent, then you have bills to pay, etc.

Then he says that he is REDUCING by 5p the 50p tax rate, and from next April he is not taking tax for those earning £10.000 per year - Election coming up.

They Tory have got to realise one thing - there is no work out there, unless you want to queue all night for a couple of jobs, and thousands turn up - employers are going to go for the cheapest wage possible.

Osborne grow up and remember you are a millionaire and get paid by us in our TAXES.:mad:

And what makes luagh is that ARE Morrisons going to reduce proces to help the unemployed with food.

Several football clubs offered cheap entry to games on production of there unemployed card - will Morrisons follow, l doubt it.

Stephen 02-04-2013 13:13

Re: Poor affected - The Rich not affected again - why?
So many anti Tory threads from Arthur lately. Shall we just create a general hate the Tories thread ;-)

Osem 02-04-2013 13:14

Re: Poor affected - The Rich not affected again - why?
No, let him carry on making an utter fool of himself as often as he likes I say... :D

Stephen 02-04-2013 13:15

Re: Poor affected - The Rich not affected again - why?

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35555552)
Correct but that won't stop Arthur blaming the Tories for everything that's happened in trying to undo the damage that Bliar and Brown did during their 13 years at the helm spending money they didn't have. I really don't think people like Arthur can, even if they wanted to, grasp just what sort of a mess SameOldLabour left behind them. Now the chickens are inevitably coming home to roost, people like him choose to bury their heads in the sand, rely on the same tired old rhetoric and believe what they want to hear from the architects of our financial problems rather than facing the tough facts. They delude themselves that just as they have a 'right' to support from the state, UK PLC has a 'right' to support from people around the world to carry on funding state spending we patently can't afford.

They were trying to sort out the mess the Country was in after the last time there was a Conservative Government.

Chris 02-04-2013 13:17

Re: Poor affected - The Rich not affected again - why?
Benefits change / Tory hate mega-merge completed. Can we please stop creating new threads to discuss the same subject.

Osem 02-04-2013 13:21

Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.
Oh right, and they did that by a decade and more of lies, spin, sleaze. Illegal wars, cooking the books, opening the floodgates to mass immigration, turning PFI into an monstrous art form, spending money they didn't have, selling off our gold reserves, raiding the pension funds, failing to regulate the City, praising and then knighting the likes Fred the Shred, presiding over the worst excesses of the tabloid media etc. etc. etc. lol

Yes, I can see SameOldLabour did an exceptional job of sorting out the 'mess' the inherited, just like they always do... :rofl:

denphone 02-04-2013 13:27

Re: Poor affected - The Rich not affected again - why?

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35555565)
So many anti Tory threads from Arthur lately. Shall we just create a general hate the Tories thread ;-)

l think you will find there are as many anti Labour and anti Lib Dems threads as well but look we are are all entitled to our opinions as long as we stay within the confines of not making it personal and nasty and at least one thing this country does have is freedom of speech.

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:24 ----------


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35555571)
They were trying to sort out the mess the Country was in after the last time there was a Conservative Government.

As far as l am concerned they are both as bad as each other as one digs a hole and the present lot has just made it bigger.

tizmeinnit 02-04-2013 13:33

Re: Thousands sign petition to get IDS to prove anyone can live on £7 a day

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35555530)
He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, so I don't imagine he's going to lose any sleep over an article in the Daily Mirror, a politically-motivated petition and the signatures of a few thousand Labour activists.

IDS was asked directly on the Today programme if he could live on £53. If he'd said 'no' then the Mirror would be screaming in fury this morning and there'd be a petition demanding that the government abandon benefit changes that they admit are unfair and impossible to live with. He said 'yes' and the Mirror is screaming in fury this morning and demanding that he prove it, which is a bit awkward for them because he has already proven his ability to live on benefits when he left the army. That's not good enough for the usual suspects though, they say that years ago "things were different" and they demand proof that he could still do it today, but IMO that's just a thinly disguised attack based on envy of someone who has made a success of his life.

Just face it everyone, IDS has been there, done that, couldn't afford the tee shirt and now has a well-paid job in which he has to take hard decisions and get personal abuse as a result. He isn't going to give up his salary, his mansion or his nice car. There's no point. If you don't believe his stint on benefits at the beginning of his civilian career proves anything, then you won't believe a daft spectacle sponsored by the Mirror proves anything either.

I am not Labour anything thank you very much.

Chris 02-04-2013 13:47

Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.
Several posts removed. Do not use threads to discuss moderation and do not think you can get round this long-standing and well-understood rule by 'respectfully' pointing things out.

We have had a number of overlapping threads on the same subject, they are now merged, nothing has been closed and no comments or viewpoints have been censured or banned.

Please discuss the issues within the rules of this forum.

Will21st 02-04-2013 13:52

Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.
Weaning Britain off benefits seems to be harder than getting a junkie off his smack... ;)

tizmeinnit 02-04-2013 13:55

Re: Thousands sign petition to get IDS to prove anyone can live on £7 a day

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35555530)
He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, so I don't imagine he's going to lose any sleep over an article in the Daily Mirror, a politically-motivated petition and the signatures of a few thousand Labour activists.

IDS was asked directly on the Today programme if he could live on £53. If he'd said 'no' then the Mirror would be screaming in fury this morning and there'd be a petition demanding that the government abandon benefit changes that they admit are unfair and impossible to live with. He said 'yes' and the Mirror is screaming in fury this morning and demanding that he prove it, which is a bit awkward for them because he has already proven his ability to live on benefits when he left the army. That's not good enough for the usual suspects though, they say that years ago "things were different" and they demand proof that he could still do it today, but IMO that's just a thinly disguised attack based on envy of someone who has made a success of his life.

Just face it everyone, IDS has been there, done that, couldn't afford the tee shirt and now has a well-paid job in which he has to take hard decisions and get personal abuse as a result. He isn't going to give up his salary, his mansion or his nice car. There's no point. If you don't believe his stint on benefits at the beginning of his civilian career proves anything, then you won't believe a daft spectacle sponsored by the Mirror proves anything either.

if he really does have a clue then he should back it up. You tell me Chris how would you budget 53 quid a week if it was just for you? please include food bills including CT travel expenses to job centre and if you can not go there 3 or 4 times a week please factor in internet connection. Stamps stationary? travel to library to read papers. The travel to interviews to maintain your claim show us how it is done it is obvious IDS will choose not to

Chris 02-04-2013 13:57

Re: Thousands sign petition to get IDS to prove anyone can live on £7 a day

Originally Posted by tizmeinnit (Post 35555597)
if he really does have a clue then he should back it up. You tell me Chris how would you budget 53 quid a week if it was just for you? please include food bills travel expenses to job centre and if you can not go there 3 or 4 times a week please factor in internet connection. Stamps stationary? travel to library to read papers. The travel to interviews to maintain your claim show us how it is done it is obvious IDS will choose not to

No thanks.

I've worked hard to get myself out of that situation, I have no intentions of doing it again as a paper exercise which, you and I both know, won't change anyone's mind anyway.

Will21st 02-04-2013 14:07

Re: Thousands sign petition to get IDS to prove anyone can live on £7 a day

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35555598)
No thanks.

I've worked hard to get myself out of that situation, I have no intentions of doing it again as a paper exercise which, you and I both know, won't change anyone's mind anyway.


that,and less whingeing and less of a victim-mentality would do many people in this country,and I suspect some in this thread,a lot of good. Everybody goes through harsh times,such is Life and it is indeed how we grow,imo.

But this whole attitude around benefits and the so-called cuts seems to be mainly envy and a defeatist attitude... no man shall have what I don't have. How about working harder to get what others have,and maybe more.

I'm obviously NOT talking about the totally disabled or those who are very,very ill,although disability doesn't have to mean poverty or not being successful.

martyh 02-04-2013 14:08

Re: The state benefits system mega-thread. Many merged.
This bloke that challenged IDS to live on £53 a week isn't exactly the best example is he .
He is a self employed fruiterer with a market stall which clearly isn't making him any money so possibly it is time to move on and try something else ,and just so we are clear no one is meant to live on unemployment benefits like JSA ,they are meant to survive .

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