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downquark1 13-02-2016 22:41

Re: US Election 2016
Scalia is dead? This is tragic and huge.

Shame I actually liked him.

He isn't the most conservative judge, but the loudest, Thomas is more conservative I understand, but he never speaks.

Damien 13-02-2016 23:02

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by downquark1 (Post 35821922)
Scalia is dead? This is tragic and huge.

Shame I actually liked him.

He isn't the most conservative judge, but the loudest, Thomas is more conservative I understand, but he never speaks.

Fair enough. Scalia is probably the more obvious one then. He tends to write the dissenting opinion when the left is in the majority isn't he?

downquark1 13-02-2016 23:05

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35821924)
Fair enough. Scalia is probably the more obvious one then. He tends to write the dissenting opinion when the left is in the majority isn't he?

Yes usually that's true. If he is replaced by a liberal that will skew the supreme court quite considerably.

Damien 13-02-2016 23:20

Re: US Election 2016
I wonder how long the Republicans can stall the nomination and it would be politically damaging for them to do so? A year is a long time to be without a Supreme Court Justice but it seems just short enough to be realistically possible, especially if they make it to the Summer and the whole thing shuts down in the time between the conventions and Election day.

The chance of him getting a pro-choice, pro-Obamacare, anti-Citizens United justice onto the court this year is close to zero IMO.

Maggy 14-02-2016 09:24

Re: US Election 2016

The comedy continues..

MalteseFalcon 14-02-2016 11:32

Re: US Election 2016
Is it true that Jeb Bush is the brother of George Dubya? If so, Trump is way better than him as President.

Hugh 14-02-2016 13:52

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35821953)
Is it true that Jeb Bush is the brother of George Dubya? If so, Trump is way better than him as President.

Well, much as it pains me to defend Jeb Bush, at least Jeb has history as the Governor of a State; all Trump has is a history of self-publicity and bankruptcy.

Trump isn't even a very successful businessman - he has a string of bankruptcies, and he would be twice as wealthy as he is now if he had just invested his father's legacy in a tracker fund.

He's incoherent, mysoginistic, and changes his position more times than a chess grandmaster - watch this Stephen Colbert video for examples.

The best that can be said about Trump is that he is not Cruz - but that's like preferring Syphilis to AIDS....

Damien 14-02-2016 14:09

Re: US Election 2016
Also it's not a secret Jeb Bush is the brother of President G W Bush. None of the realistic candidates for the Republican nomination are hardly encouraging. Rubio, the main 'non-nutter' candidate is quite right wing.

The best candidate IMO is Clinton. Moderation and competence seems to have become less popular though.

denphone 14-02-2016 14:32

Re: US Election 2016
Yes l echo those same thoughts as well.:tu:

Maggy 14-02-2016 16:16

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35821972)
Well, much as it pains me to defend Jeb Bush, at least Jeb has history as the Governor of a State; all Trump has is a history of self-publicity and bankruptcy.

Trump isn't even a very successful businessman - he has a string of bankruptcies, and he would be twice as wealthy as he is now if he had just invested his father's legacy in a tracker fund.

He's incoherent, mysoginistic, and changes his position more times than a chess grandmaster - watch this Stephen Colbert video for examples.

The best that can be said about Trump is that he is not Cruz - but that's like preferring Syphilis to AIDS....

Trump has no right to attack others for their family connections.

His own father claimed to be a real estate developer though he was infamous
as a landlord who refused to lease to African Americans and was a member of the KKK.. Mind Donald would think this was a good thing I suspect.

vincerooney 15-02-2016 20:10

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35821972)
Well, much as it pains me to defend Jeb Bush, at least Jeb has history as the Governor of a State; all Trump has is a history of self-publicity and bankruptcy.

Trump isn't even a very successful businessman - he has a string of bankruptcies, and he would be twice as wealthy as he is now if he had just invested his father's legacy in a tracker fund.

He's incoherent, mysoginistic, and changes his position more times than a chess grandmaster - watch this Stephen Colbert video for examples.

The best that can be said about Trump is that he is not Cruz - but that's like preferring Syphilis to AIDS....

Completely agree with all this. Jeb actually has a very, very good record as governor of florida. He got florida out of the red and also managed to grow floridas economy a great deal. Plus he seems far more intelligent than his brother...

Sadly i think george has sullied the bush name quite a bit so bringing george w in to help jeb may largely backfire.

At the moment it seems the two front runners bernie sanders and donald trump are succeeding because theyre promising completely unrealistic things without explaining how they're going to afford/implement it.

Cobbydaler 16-02-2016 02:22

Re: US Election 2016
Despite her protestations, Clinton is in the pocket of Wall Street. She has also changed her position on gay marriage and LGBT rights since running for President. She's now trying to paint Sanders as a single issue candidate. He's been an equality supporter in all senses for years.

heero_yuy 17-02-2016 10:05

Re: US Election 2016

Jeb Bush has a web problem. The Republican presidential candidate has been using as his main campaign website. But as the Daily Caller noticed on Monday, visitors to a more intuitive URL for the Bush campaign will find themselves at a rival's site.

If you type into your web browser, it'll automatically redirect you to, the official website for Donald Trump's presidential campaign. It's unclear whether this fun bit of trolling comes from the Trump campaign itself, or just an overzealous fan of The Donald.


MalteseFalcon 21-02-2016 09:53

Re: US Election 2016
So Trump won South Carolina, for once I am not supporting the loser.

Kymmy 21-02-2016 10:29

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35822969)
So Trump won South Carolina, for once I am not supporting the loser.

Things will change once they get out of the backwater states... It's a bit like comparing inner cities to rural counties in the UK elections. Unless Rubio or Bush get the nomination then there's likely to be a democratic president next term.

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