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pip08456 18-04-2017 16:51

Re: June 8th General Election
May has shown that she is very shrewd. 21 points ahead of Labour is a good time to call a snap election. It goes further than that though, it also reinforces the Brexit vote.

She ain't stupid.

denphone 18-04-2017 16:58

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Maggy J (Post 35895335)
Doesn't matter what I vote. This is a Tory stronghold.

Yep my parents live in Hampshire probably not that far from you and the area have voted a Tory in for as long as they can remember.

OLD BOY 18-04-2017 17:13

Re: June 8th General Election
It'll certainly be an interesting result. There is no doubt really that the Conservatives will win many more seats, but it will be interesting to see how Labour and the Liberal Democrats do.

So many traditional Labour supporters do not rate their leader at all that I would not be surprised to see their support completely collapse. But will the Liberal Democrats benefit from Labour's devastation, together with additional support from diehard Remainers? Quite likely I think - I believe UKIP will remain on the sidelines, but they could pick up a few seats - only single figures, though.

It will also be very interesting to see how the Scots Nats do. Most Scots don't want another referendum on leaving the UK, and the economy is worse in Scotland now than when the last referendum took place. This, together with the poor record of the Scottish National Party in government, could lead to a substantial loss of votes for them, and fewer SNP MPs in the House of Commons. A better Conservative presence in Scotland certainly cannot be ruled out.

If the UUU take over in Northern Ireland, this might relieve the deadlock at Stormont.

The big win for Theresa May will be that all the obstacles to Brexit that the usual suspects are putting in her way will evaporate overnight. She will get the mandate she needs for a hard Brexit as well as the authority not to put a final vote to Parliament as demanded by the Lib Dems.

She's pulled a blinder, and good on her!

Chris 18-04-2017 18:00

Re: June 8th General Election
Theresa May for a landslide. Hopefully she can pick up at least one more Scottish seat as well. One of the snp seats in the borders is sitting on a majority of less than 400.

Hom3r 18-04-2017 18:47

Re: June 8th General Election
I have been a life long Labour vote, but as I voted to leave the EU, I'll vote for the best pro Brexit party, even if it is Tory.

Best of all will this destroy Sturgeon?

MalteseFalcon 18-04-2017 19:06

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Hom3r (Post 35895351)
I have been a life long Labour vote, but as I voted to leave the EU, I'll vote for the best pro Brexit party, even if it is Tory.

Best of all will this destroy Sturgeon?

Can but hope!

Arthurgray50@blu 18-04-2017 19:23

Re: June 8th General Election
Well if you are a Labour voter, then it wont be worth turning up to vote. Corbyn will be slaughtered.

I have voted Labour all my life. But, not this time. I said long ago when Corbyn, had the no confidence vote.

That he is a joke and NOT fit to be PM.

I also said that if TM called a snap election, and l said a few months ago. TM would win by a landslide.

Labour NEED a leader that will be thought enough to take on TM. Corbyn, don't me laugh.

I will decide when l am in the Voting booth.

RizzyKing 18-04-2017 19:24

Re: June 8th General Election
This election more then many before it gives the scottish people the chance to send a clear message on the indyref and that is a big issue to be considered given the damage another vote will wreak on scotland and it's people many of whom have not fully restored all the family and friend damage the last one caused. This will also send a clear message on the type of brexit the british people want and unlike the referendum i hope whatever that message might be is accepted and respected by those who don't get what they want.

Damien 18-04-2017 19:24

Re: June 8th General Election
Markets went crazy today. Pound went up as traders think this will give her cover for a 'softer' brexit.

TheDaddy 18-04-2017 19:30

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by adzii_nufc (Post 35895324)
Why is Corbyn so excited? They'll lose and he'll get das boot. I'm waiting for Arthur to show up and spread his wisdom, best character on CF.

I had 2 thoughts on this, first ugh not another round of electioneering and second wouldn't it be clever and underhand for jeremy to say he supports an election and privately tell his mps to vote against it, makes Mrs May look silly and may even inspire her own party to question her credibility and judgement, is jeremy that clever, he probably is actually but is he that underhand, I doubt it, guess we'll find out tomorrow.I'll be voting liberal or green depending on whose jib I prefer the cut of

Damien 18-04-2017 19:43

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35895363)
I had 2 thoughts on this, first ugh not another round of electioneering and second wouldn't it be clever and underhand for jeremy to say he supports an election and privately tell his mps to vote against it, makes Mrs May look silly and may even inspire her own party to question her credibility and judgement, is jeremy that clever, he probably is actually but is he that underhand, I doubt it, guess we'll find out tomorrow.I'll be voting liberal or green depending on whose jib I prefer the cut of

Labour would look mad if they refused the chance to kick out the Tories. Might cause even more desertions from the party.

Arthurgray50@blu 18-04-2017 19:49

Re: June 8th General Election
TM is one bright lady, and is not stupid. SShe knws that she is way ahead of the polls in this one. This is why she has gone for it - as l predicted several months ago.

This election will be much worse than the destruction Michael Foot.

This is why l say that Labour will be totally blown out of the water. It will probably end up

Tories win
Lib Dems second
Labour Third

Mick 18-04-2017 19:54

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35895368)
Labour would look mad if they refused the chance to kick out the Tories. Might cause even more desertions from the party.

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, said today that no opposition party is going to say no to a early chance of a General Election without losing a ounce of credibility, in fact he was ridiculing the Fixed Term Parliament Act, saying it's a ridiculous act for reasons we will find out tomorrow.

LSainsbury 18-04-2017 20:43

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35895262)
Prime Minister Theresa May, has announced today she seeks approval for a General Election on 8th June 2017.

Who would you vote for?


Mick: Just for fun, can you do another vote as an exit poll at 10pm on the 8th? :-)

Mick 18-04-2017 20:51

Re: June 8th General Election

Originally Posted by LSainsbury (Post 35895378)

Mick: Just for fun, can you do another vote as an exit poll at 10pm on the 8th? :-)

I am sure either me or Damien will do so (and I am not working that night). ;)

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