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Chris 18-07-2016 23:37

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...

Paul 19-07-2016 02:56

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850244)
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...


Stuart 19-07-2016 11:15

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850244)
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...

V true..

My posts on here make me look quite anti Netflix, and they do have their faults, I still find their recommendations at best, laughable, and they do tend to overhype their shows, which tends to put me off shows that I might otherwise like, as I get sick of hearing about them. Also, their shows are generally, but not always, good or excellent. I genuinely not anti Netflix, or anti Amazon Prime Video. I have subscriptions to both, and go through phases where I make a lot of use of both.

The only real complaint I have about Netflix is that they don't allow downloads. It's all well and good saying people can stream the programmes, but we don't have 100% mobile coverage, and are not likely to ever. For instance, despite repeated complaints, the mobile coverage from pretty much all the networks on my train home is variable to say the least. I'd love to be able to download episodes (or films) on my home Wifi, or at work, then play them on the train. The other reason for downloading via Wifi is simple. I have limited data. OK, so it's a high limit, but it's still there.

I am looking forward to Star Trek. There seems to be a good team behind it, and I'm hoping they are allowed to do pretty much what they want without corporate interference. I don't know if Netflix are co-producing the series (they do seem to be doing this increasingly), but if they are, they don't seem to interfere with the production. Orphan Black, for instance, hasn't changed much since Netflix came on board as a co producer with BBC America.

Chris 19-07-2016 11:29

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
My kids have watched entire seasons of Mako Mermaids (google it ...) on Dailymotion which seem to have been ripped from Netflix somehow.

Stuart 19-07-2016 12:21

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850265)
My kids have watched entire seasons of Mako Mermaids (google it ...) on Dailymotion which seem to have been ripped from Netflix somehow.

Oh, I know there are other sources (I have used them from time to time), but I would prefer to keep things legal.

Chris 19-07-2016 12:26

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Indeed, however you wonder why they bother spending a fortune on acquiring rights they then hope to recoup via subscriptions, if they're going to allow their stuff to be downloaded and then shared on a YouTube clone that requires absolutely no cunning or lawbreaking to access.

Stuart 19-07-2016 12:54

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850279)
Indeed, however you wonder why they bother spending a fortune on acquiring rights they then hope to recoup via subscriptions, if they're going to allow their stuff to be downloaded and then shared on a YouTube clone that requires absolutely no cunning or lawbreaking to access.

They don't... They actually work quite hard to prevent it (at least from a technical point of view), but, no security system is perfect. Even the best protection systems have flaws, and with any security changes, it's only a matter of time before the system is broken again.

The problem, from a security point of view, with sites such as Youtube is that these sites carry far to much media to be properly vetted by Humans, and while Google does have (apparently very effective) systems for blocking copyright infringement, they are not perfect.

That said, I don't think Google actually do as much as they can (bear in mind they profit from any ads on the pirated videos, so it's not really in their interest to do too much). When I went into hospital last year, Youtube was only available in what they call "Restricted" mode. I was unable to watch ANY copyrighted videos, and searches for any TV series or movie names usually only returned videos of people talking about those TV series or movies, no video from the movie or TV series. This was annoying,as I was trying to watch Space 1999, which isn't on Netflix or Prime Video (so I couldn't have watched it legally).

Pierre 24-07-2016 22:45

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Star Trek: Discovery.

Trailer available online.

The ship design obviously heavily influenced by the design of the ship from the cancelled " phase 2" tv series from the '70's.

Paul 24-07-2016 22:53

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I've seen the "Trailer" and it looks like animation, so I hope its just test footage of what the ship will look like.

Stephen 24-07-2016 23:48

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Well it's not even started filming yet, so will likely be something knocked up quickly for comic con, as it is just a Teaser.

Incidentally the design for that ship was done by Ralph McQuarrie so has a star wars vibe about it.

While Discovery is a cool name for the ship it means the series initials are STD. Lmao

Teaser link

BenMcr 25-07-2016 10:14

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35850968)
Well it's not even started filming yet, so will likely be something knocked up quickly for comic con, as it is just a Teaser.

Even if that's the case, it's a very odd thing to do. Comic Con and associated press is aimed at the core target audience for the show.

So far most of the comments I've seen about the trailer are negative, and for multiple reasons. If the aim of the trailer was start to build excitement, so far it seems to have done the opposite.

And personally, for something that's supposed to in part celebrate 50 years of Star Trek, having a ship design that was purposely canned because it didn't feel like a Star Trek ship is an strange choice.

Scary 25-07-2016 10:59

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
to boldly go where no one has gone before, STD

Stephen 15-08-2016 15:29

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Confirmed details

  • Set 10 years before the Original Series
  • Female lead with be a Lt Commander
  • Expect around seven main characters, one of whom will be homosexual

"We're going deep into something that was for me always very tantalizing, and [we're telling] that story through a character who is on a journey that is going to teach her how to get along with others in the galaxy," showrunner Bryan Fuller is quoted as saying by THR. "For her to truly understand something that is alien, she has to first understand herself."

So is the Discovery part of the title actually about the lead character rather than explaring space?

Glad its in the old timeline though. Also before Kirk by only 10 years, does that means uniforms and sets will look like the 60s originals?

Paul 15-08-2016 17:41

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Oh great .. the obligatory PC characters, and someone "has to first understand herself".

I hope this is not as bad as it sounds.

General Maximus 15-08-2016 19:34

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I am surprised they are doing this tbh because I think part of the reason why Enterprise failed was the period it was set in and the lack of technology. I loved the stories in Enterprise where they were developing phasers, shields and photo torpedoes because you know what the end result is going to be but that being said, it isn't for everyone. It is like watching a cowboy film where you think "if they had P90's, a couple of Apache helicopters and A10s they would be sorted". A lot of the time in Enterprise when they faced with impending doom I would remember a technical solution from something like Voyager and sigh in frustration thinking "they can't do that yet".

I am sure I am going to enjoy it but I do wish they would do one based in the future and/or on the Relativity. It would give them a completely blank canvas for new worlds and aliens, technology and endless story opportunities.

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