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ianch99 11-07-2019 19:13

Re: Leadership who is the next PM?

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 36002178)
Someone sets fire to a house, so the occupant of the house has to leave the house because his situation is untenable - it's not the occupant's fault they had to leave the house...

If there was a leak, it is unlikely the house would catch fire :)

Mr K 11-07-2019 19:16

Re: Leadership who is the next PM?

Originally Posted by ianch99 (Post 36002190)
If there was a leak, it is unlikely the house would catch fire :)

Have I missed something? Have they set fire to the ambassador's house now ? Bleeding Americans, they can't take constructive criticism.;)

ianch99 11-07-2019 19:23

Re: Leadership who is the next PM?

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36002187)
You can count Remainer civil servants on the fingers of one hand. Most civil servants I've spoken to are for it as it provides them with more career opportunities.
The language used was the down-to-earth language used for internal briefings, not a press release.

Regarding the alleged Remainer civil servants, Farage has made a sinister but not unsurprising move on the Civil Service and the Armed Forces:


Nigel Farage has called for the government to remove opponents of Brexit from the civil service, to claims it is 'fascism by the backdoor'.

He appears to want those opposed to Brexit to be removed from the civil service and military.

Asked on his radio programme by a caller about his remarks in which he said it was "crazy" to have a "Remainer" in the post of US ambassador, a man giving his name as Željko said: "Does it mean that, if we are Brexiting, that every civil servant, every ambassador, even the head of the army or head of the navy? Would they have to be replaced if they are Remainers? Is that democracy, Nigel?"

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said: "Absolutely."

He said: "The job of the civil service is to do what the elected government of the day tells them to do, and I know this government doesn't look like a Brexit government very often, but the fact of the matter is they were elected in 2017, on a manifesto to deliver Brexit and if civil servants are seen to be in obstruction to that, they should either change their ways or be removed."

A stunned caller asked: "Is that democracy?"

Farage admitted that perhaps the military was a step too far, because "we very rarely hear or know what their political opinions are" but said he did not agree with pro-EU diplomats, even though as part of their work they have to remain impartial.

Social media users, including politicians, turned to Twitter to express their anger.

Nicola Sturgeon wrote: "Who could Farage be thinking of? The last thing that should happen is the politicisation of the civil service and the replacement of honourable diplomats with charlatans like this guy."

Anthony Gardner said: "Farage said that anyone in UK civil service or military who doesn't believe in Brexit should be removed. My jaw dropped. This is outrageous. It is fascistic to apply a single issue to determine 'loyalty' as if we were in a war of religion. Shame on him."

Another said: "Fascism by the back door in Britain has truly arrived. Perhaps it was inevitable. But what matters right now, is what are we all going to do about it?"
Welcome to Farage's vision of the New England ..

1andrew1 11-07-2019 20:48

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
This aptly sums up the current situation:

Boris Johnson, a serial fantasist at best, is very likely to become prime minister. The leader of the opposition is Jeremy Corbyn, a man whose lifetime passion has been leftwing, anti-American politics. The country’s dominant force is Nigel Farage — a talented demagogue consumed by dislike of the EU. This is not a cast of leading characters for a country with a stable and mature democracy.

Sephiroth 11-07-2019 21:36

Re: Leadership who is the next PM?

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 36002182)
He didn’t ask for the ambassador to be fired. He was correct in the Ambassador called the Trump administration inept, when they are actually delivering on their election promised, mostly. Yet it is our government that is inept.

Good one!

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------


Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36002205)
This aptly sums up the current situation:

Yet the country moves along, gets on with stuff almost oblivious of the fools in Parliament & government - who have become irrelevant.

Chris 12-07-2019 17:36

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
Many posts removed.

Folks, this is not the Brexit thread by proxy and it is not the Tory leadership thread which you will find open fo business here:

Mobes 12-07-2019 20:59

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
You cant talk about this subject without bringing in the Tory Leadership and Brexit!

Chris 12-07-2019 22:53

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
Relevant comments are fine. I’m confident we’re all intelligent enough to know when a comment is relevant to this topic and when it’s not.

1andrew1 12-07-2019 23:06

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
Pleased to hear that the Police are investigating the leak.

Suspect they may be interested in today's Telegraph article whose authors claim to be in touch with someone close to the leaker(s) and quoting them as threatening other civil servants “This leak is a warning to all those other ambassadors who might be remoaners that whatever your personal views with Brexit don’t deliberately put a spanner in the works or you will get the chip as well”.

ianch99 13-07-2019 18:14

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36002314)
Pleased to hear that the Police are investigating the leak.

Suspect they may be interested in today's Telegraph article whose authors claim to be in touch with someone close to the leaker(s) and quoting them as threatening other civil servants “This leak is a warning to all those other ambassadors who might be remoaners that whatever your personal views with Brexit don’t deliberately put a spanner in the works or you will get the chip as well”.

You know if the Police manage to follow the trail and expose the Leaker then this could become incendiary. Imagine if the breadcrumbs lead back to a Leave organisation e.g. the Brexit Party,, etc. :)

*orders more popcorn* ...

Mobes 13-07-2019 19:47

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
The leak in itself isn’t the issue! Journalists have every right to publish in the national interest! What’s matters is the inability for Johnson to publicly back the ambassador! If he had he would still have his job! Now whats happened is the UK looks subservient to the piece of filth in The White House and Johnson looks like Trumps lackey (if we didn’t know that already)!

pip08456 13-07-2019 19:56

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables

Originally Posted by Mobes (Post 36002424)
The leak in itself isn’t the issue! Journalists have every right to publish in the national interest! What’s matters is the inability for Johnson to publicly back the ambassador! If he had he would still have his job! Now whats happened is the UK looks subservient to the piece of filth in The White House and Johnson looks like Trumps lackey (if we didn’t know that already)!

If the leak was in the public interest there would be no problem.

Mobes 13-07-2019 20:00

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
That doesn’t make sense as the only issue is the fact he had to resign! He wouldn’t had to do so if Johnson had backed him over Trump!

pip08456 13-07-2019 20:22

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables

Originally Posted by Mobes (Post 36002430)
That doesn’t make sense as the only issue is the fact he had to resign! He wouldn’t had to do so if Johnson had backed him over Trump!

What was the public interest in a private foreign office memo then?

Mobes 13-07-2019 20:29

Re: UK ambassador to the USA resigns over leaked cables
The public interest was to hear what someone close to the US administration thought about Trump in an unfiltered way! Trump would have you believe the administration is a well oiled machine! This shows ( if we didn’t know it already) that it isn’t! Throwing light into shade is in the public interest!

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