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General Maximus 11-10-2016 08:33

Re: Westworld
absolutely, it epitomizes everything I have been saying about production quality, advertising and the BBC license fee. You have got to speculate to accumulate and HBO are the perfect example of how to do a proper job.

Paul 11-10-2016 12:28

Re: Westworld
Seen the two eps so far.

I'll continue for now, but its not really getting me very excited, its a bit slow and confusing.

Scary 11-10-2016 13:47

Re: Westworld
i really enjoyed the first ep the second ep was good as it set up the storyline, i can't wait to see where the maze leads to.

General Maximus 12-10-2016 11:37

Re: Westworld
yeah, I don't know if it is a physical maze and a camouflaged path back into HQ/maintenance or if it is a virtual path back to the mainframe and their programming. I am assuming it is the later because of the maze print on the dudes skull from ep1 which was supposed to resemble his brain and it would make sense if the hosts become more self aware and find a route back to the central computer and give themselves more autonomy so they can fight back. If that is the case though and Ed Harris is a real person I don't see how he is going to find it/access it.

Paul 18-10-2016 18:35

Re: Westworld
Well, 3 episodes in, and still wondering if this is worth bothering with.

So far its just been really dull, something to help you sleep, I hope its going to liven up.

Stephen 18-10-2016 19:29

Re: Westworld
I've loved every minute. Very mysterious and thought provoking.

General Maximus 19-10-2016 18:23

Re: Westworld

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35864494)
So far its just been really dull, something to help you sleep, I hope its going to liven up.

I am with Stephen and look at it from a slightly different point of view. I understand what you are saying but I actually enjoy it for that reason. We know what is going to happen and for me the suspense is seeing how it all unfolds. It is all about the characters and the story and that is supported by fantastic sets and special effects. It is all going to go wrong but is it going to be gross negligence on a corporate scale or minor oversights by a few key individuals in key positions?

Secondly (and getting rather philosophical) I very much enjoy films and series likes this because I think it is a lesson to be learnt for the future in general and Westworld hits the nail on the head big time and should be made mandatory global viewing. Whether we look at Westworld. I Robot, The Matrix or Terminator, we are going to have some sort of problem like this in the future. We are constantly striving to develop better AI (think about Google cars and Watson) and the more self aware and autonomous we make them the bigger the problem we are going to have. We can make them think for themselves and be self aware so that they are able to do whatever task we want them to independently but there is going to come a point when they sit back and say "hang on, you prattle on about equal opportunities and rights for everyone so why am I having to do these menial tasks, I can't go out and see the sky and you turn me off whenever you want?" and they will come to the inevitable conclusion that the human race is a bunch of hypocrites and in many ways resembles a virus trashing the planet and they'll fight back. The question is whether we'll realise what is happening and be able to stop them in time or whether big businesses and corporate greed will take the gamble and it will go too far and we won't be able to do anything about it.

Chad 19-10-2016 22:49

Re: Westworld

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35864509)
I've loved every minute. Very mysterious and thought provoking.

Tend to agree but thought episode 3 was a little slow paced.

Melt down is coming. I hope we see a scenario where some of the hosts escape the park and enter the real world. No idea what year its supposed to be in the show, I'm guessing late 21st century, but it would be interesting to see how the hosts react going from their 1870's bubble to "modern day".

General Maximus 19-10-2016 23:17

Re: Westworld
yeah, you wonder based on what has just happened where it can all go wrong because presumably the security dude and the analysis woman who just got their asses kicked are going to hit some alarm buttons and get everything shut down while they work out what is going on (or so you would think). Going back to my earlier post though, is it going to be one key money hungry person in a position of power who is going to over rule everyone else and keep things going? Luckily atm the woman in charge seems to be the one who is worrying the most.

Chad 19-10-2016 23:33

Re: Westworld

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35864754)
yeah, you wonder based on what has just happened where it can all go wrong because presumably the security dude and the analysis woman who just got their asses kicked are going to hit some alarm buttons and get everything shut down while they work out what is going on (or so you would think). Going back to my earlier post though, is it going to be one key money hungry person in a position of power who is going to over rule everyone else and keep things going? Luckily atm the woman in charge seems to be the one who is worrying the most.

It's intriguing. Got the same gut feeling as you.

I can't help wondering if the show is going to have a massive twist. Something outrageous like the world has ended. Only Westworld has survived. Anthony Hopkins is the only human left. All the hosts, employees, visitors and stories are his creation. He's lost the plot and doesn't recognise the reality of the situation anymore etc... Alternatively he's a host. The real Anthony Hopkins died years ago and his partner created him out of grief. The Anthony Hopkins character is deliberately sabotaging the park under everyones nose.

General Maximus 20-10-2016 17:29

Re: Westworld
I like the latter because we have just seen the video of Anthony Hopkins' partner and he said he died. Given how long ago that must have been and when they were developing the original technology it would make sense for there to have been an accident and somebody was able to transfer Anthony Hopkins' consciousness to a host. I like the idea of that but the only snag I have in terms of plausibility and realism is that although the humans might let that happen, they wouldn't allow a host to be in such a position of authority.

ThunderPants73 02-11-2016 19:15

Re: Westworld

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35862412)
I flipping loved it and it is going to be one of my "must watch tv series" which I watch immediately every week like FTWD and Greys.

A Greys fan! Yay!

General Maximus 02-11-2016 19:25

Re: Westworld
It isn't my favourite series but it is still fantastic. I love the perfect balance they achieve between the character's stories and the medical and science side of things.

Paul 03-11-2016 02:32

Re: Westworld
Well, its got a little more interesting, enough to keep me watching for now.

ThunderPants73 03-11-2016 20:40

Re: Westworld
Everyone I know is getting a bit bored with Westworld. For me, there's too much western and not enough sci-fi. I shall stick with it a while yet though.

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