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OLD BOY 30-06-2018 19:41

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35952465)
Just remember Michael Gove has a track record of stabbing his own in the back to further his own leadership ambitions..

That is very true, and we all know Gove has form. However, that doesn't detract from the fact that maximum facilitation is the way to go.

Maggy 30-06-2018 21:34

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35952465)
Just remember Michael Gove has a track record of stabbing his own in the back to further his own leadership ambitions..

And he runs away afterwards. It's not as if he would actually do the job any better. None of them can.

Sephiroth 30-06-2018 22:04

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
The politicians as a whole are a bad lot. The Tories are divided much as the country was at the Referendum. Labour are being for power by mocking the Tories without having an acceptable plan of their own. Both parties have difficulty in terms of their remainers in properly accepting the Referendum result.

The 52/48 vote was close enough to warrant a second referendum now that everyone knows what could happen in each of the scenarios. That said, Project Fear told everyone that leaving the EU meant leaving the institutions and Leave still won.

But unless there’s a binding vote in Parliament, we are leaving the EU and the remainers here should respect that.

One more thing, the remainers on the previous thread never challenged me on the facts I laid out about German hegemony and engineering the Euro to their advantage. Germany does not want that aspect of European order disturbed and we wouldbeqell out of that.

Gavin78 30-06-2018 22:43

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
I'm confused who is the person posting under the Cable forum name as opposed to the admin and mods I see with user names?

pip08456 30-06-2018 22:59

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
It could be any one of the admins or mods but the post has laid down the rules of the thread which all members should follow and admins and mods will enforce.

They have their own section of the forum where they discuss and decide these things.

Maggy 01-07-2018 08:19

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
Threads often get closed because of being long and unwieldy to manage.There are several versions of the Happy Thought thread for example.

Rexz 01-07-2018 10:33

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Sephiroth (Post 35952483)
The politicians as a whole are a bad lot. The Tories are divided much as the country was at the Referendum. Labour are being for power by mocking the Tories without having an acceptable plan of their own. Both parties have difficulty in terms of their remainers in properly accepting the Referendum result.

The 52/48 vote was close enough to warrant a second referendum now that everyone knows what could happen in each of the scenarios. That said, Project Fear told everyone that leaving the EU meant leaving the institutions and Leave still won.

But unless there’s a binding vote in Parliament, we are leaving the EU and the remainers here should respect that.

One more thing, the remainers on the previous thread never challenged me on the facts I laid out about German hegemony and engineering the Euro to their advantage. Germany does not want that aspect of European order disturbed and we wouldbeqell out of that.

That is because remainers can't see any fault within the EU. They think it should go on as it has, like one big happy family. The only reply they have is that we can't fix it when we are 'out of the club'. Problem is, it was never
planned to be fixed when we were in it. If the direction of the EU is tighter fiscal policy, with more control from Brussels, I wonder how long it would be until we would fall under those requirements. How long until our BoE loses more power? I sometimes wonder if our now devalued £ is perfect that if it was to all fail (planned that is). a simple adoption of the Euro would 'fix everything'. There is no telling what could happen in the next few years.

Chris 01-07-2018 10:51

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Gavin78 (Post 35952484)
I'm confused who is the person posting under the Cable forum name as opposed to the admin and mods I see with user names?

The CF account is used by either Paul or Mick. It is used when either of the site owners wish to give the clearest possible directions about forum conduct at the highest level.

The idea is for members to engage exclusively with the contents of the post without getting hung up on the personality behind it.

Mick 01-07-2018 12:14

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
The idea of another new thread is to move away from the "toxic" atmosphere that has existed, pretty much since the Referendum result. The bad attitudes consist of "We know better." or "I told you so." and this has happened on both sides, those for Remain and Leave.

The discussion should now be focused on new avenues, this is not a directive to force people to have positive views on Brexit, there are those who just won't accept Brexit and the opposite to this is those who are 100% behind Brexit. There is bound to clashes and absolute differences of opinion. Rather than each side chanting at each other, there should now be some effort to meet each other half way.

Every body should want to see Brexit being a success. There is no denial from me that, the British Government needs to get their act together and strive for a workable deal with the EU, the EU also needs to work towards possible solutions, not taking cheap digs at the UK, which some EU officials have done, like Jean Claude Juncker, insisting the UK leaving the EU, 'will not be an amicable divorce.'

Dave42 01-07-2018 13:10

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35952509)
The idea of another new thread is to move away from the "toxic" atmosphere that has existed, pretty much since the Referendum result. The bad attitudes consist of "We know better." or "I told you so." and this has happened on both sides, those for Remain and Leave.

The discussion should now be focused on new avenues, this is not a directive to force people to have positive views on Brexit, there are those who just won't accept Brexit and the opposite to this is those who are 100% behind Brexit. There is bound to clashes and absolute differences of opinion. Rather than each side chanting at each other, there should now be some effort to meet each other half way.

Every body should want to see Brexit being a success. There is no denial from me that, the British Government needs to get their act together and strive for a workable deal with the EU, the EU also needs to work towards possible solutions, not taking cheap digs at the UK, which some EU officials have done, like Jean Claude Juncker, insisting the UK leaving the EU, 'will not be an amicable divorce.'

the thing is only way can be a deal is if the uk government can agree on something that they want and if not it gonna be a no deal which will be very big disaster for us IMHO

denphone 01-07-2018 13:15

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)
Brexit transition could be extended to help firms as deep divisions remain in cabinet.


The business secretary, Greg Clark, has suggested the post-Brexit transition period could be extended to allow companies more time to prepare, as he criticised cabinet colleagues for airing their differences in public.

He suggested the computer systems and other infrastructure needed to avoid friction at the borders between the UK and the EU might not be ready by December 2022, when the transition period is due to end.

The housing minister, James Brokenshire, also acknowledged deep divisions in cabinet when he appeared on the BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show, but insisted ministers would reach a consensus on Friday that could be set out in the white paper to be published soon afterwards.

OLD BOY 01-07-2018 13:39

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Dave42 (Post 35952513)
the thing is only way can be a deal is if the uk government can agree on something that they want and if not it gonna be a no deal which will be very big disaster for us IMHO

The Cabinet is united in most respects, but there are a few sticking points which are matters of detail and require careful consideration.

Something as complex as Brexit was never going to be done and dusted in a jiffy. Decisions made now will affect our trading relationship with the EU for a very long time so it is right to take time in order to get it right.

And when it comes to delays, the EU should not be let off the hook so easily. They have been less than co-operative, to say the least.

Sephiroth 01-07-2018 14:49

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Rexz (Post 35952501)
That is because remainers can't see any fault within the EU. They think it should go on as it has, like one big happy family. The only reply they have is that we can't fix it when we are 'out of the club'. Problem is, it was never
planned to be fixed when we were in it. If the direction of the EU is tighter fiscal policy, with more control from Brussels, I wonder how long it would be until we would fall under those requirements. How long until our BoE loses more power? I sometimes wonder if our now devalued £ is perfect that if it was to all fail (planned that is). a simple adoption of the Euro would 'fix everything'. There is no telling what could happen in the next few years.

A very important point made there about the Euro. Had we been in it we would have been embroiled in the Greece business and would have had no independent scope for defending our economy during the credit crunch. Nor could we lent the Irish the 7 billion.

OLD BOY 01-07-2018 16:12

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by Dave42 (Post 35952513)
the thing is only way can be a deal is if the uk government can agree on something that they want and if not it gonna be a no deal which will be very big disaster for us IMHO

They will agree a deal, Dave. The only reason Gove made the gesture he did in relation to the 'Customs Partnership' idea was that he knew he wouldn't risk his office by doing so. Despite some press reports to the contrary, Theresa May is not wedded to the idea of a customs partnership and she understands that this would prevent us from forging new trade deals. However, it is on the agenda for debate because some remainers within her Cabinet rather like that idea.

The only solutions available are 'maximum facilitation' or 'no deal'. That is the real choice. The EU doesn't want a 'no deal' because the EU has an €80bn annual trade surplus with Britain. So it doesn't really take a lot of brain power to work out the best option both for Britain and the EU.

Common sense will prevail in the end. :)

1andrew1 01-07-2018 16:26

Re: Brexit Discussion (New thread-Follow First Post Rules!)

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35952515)
Brexit transition could be extended to help firms as deep divisions remain in cabinet.

Not sure that the EU would be happy for an extension unless the UK contributed to the EU budget and doubt Messrs Gove, Johnson and Rees-Mogg would be keen.
But if the Cabinet can't agree on Friday then I guess extending the road so that Theresa May can continue to kick her tin can down it is a possibility.

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