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Ramrod 08-07-2017 21:24

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35906661)
No it was not a sad day, no I and others did not make any mistakes prior to voting leave, my reasons for leaving are totally justified and the right result was reached.

The morning after the vote I went on my usual walk with the dog. It was a beautiful sunny day and I actually felt that the grass was greener and the sky was bluer. I don't mind admitting that I had tears of joy in my eyes. I still get choked up about it now :)

Osem 08-07-2017 21:27

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by Ramrod (Post 35906752)
The morning after the vote I went on my usual walk with the dog. It was a beautiful sunny day and I actually felt that the grass was greener and the sky was bluer. I don't mind admitting that I had tears of joy in my eyes. I still get choked up about it now :)

Yeah but that's only because you were confused, misled, blah, blah, blah... ;)

papa smurf 08-07-2017 21:34

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by Ramrod (Post 35906752)
The morning after the vote I went on my usual walk with the dog. It was a beautiful sunny day and I actually felt that the grass was greener and the sky was bluer. I don't mind admitting that I had tears of joy in my eyes. I still get choked up about it now :)

i went to bed thinking we had lost -too many voting for holidays and roaming charges , who will make my coffee and other stupid things but when i turned the breakfast news on the following morning i could not believe it we had won ,i also still can't get my head around the amount
of treachery and backstabbing that's followed it and the utter contempt the losing side have shown for democracy and those who chose to leave

Osem 08-07-2017 21:40

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35906754)
i went to bed thinking we had lost -too many voting for holidays and roaming charges , who will make my coffee and other stupid things but when i turned the breakfast news on the following morning i could not believe it we had won ,i also still can't get my head around the amount
of treachery and backstabbing that's followed it and the utter contempt the losing side have shown for democracy and those who chose to leave

Yup. When they give up trying to subvert the process we'll no longer need to point it out. Simples.

1andrew1 08-07-2017 22:02

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35906754)
i went to bed thinking we had lost -too many voting for holidays and roaming charges , who will make my coffee and other stupid things but when i turned the breakfast news on the following morning i could not believe it we had won ,i also still can't get my head around the amount
of treachery and backstabbing that's followed it and the utter contempt the losing side have shown for democracy and those who chose to leave

I can't believe the lack of respect directed at people who chose to vote an alternative way to them. We all need to respect one another's choices but that doesn't mean everyone suddenly changes their opinion or ceases to point out factual errors or consequences of decisions.

Mick 08-07-2017 22:08

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35906759)
I can't believe the lack of respect directed at people who chose to vote an alternative way to them. We all need to respect one another's choices but that doesn't mean everyone suddenly changes their opinion or ceases to point out factual errors or consequences of decisions.

I respect people who voted opposite to me, however, I do not respect people who do not respect my vote choices, we have had nothing but contempt and mockery from some folk right from the get-go. Telling us we have made an error or been misled. When neither of those things had any impact on the choices I made.

TheDaddy 09-07-2017 01:00

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35906737)
Totally disagree on everything you said here. Corbyn should not even be a bloody MP, the traitor to this country that he is. We just had an election and he lost.

As for leaving EU. Many people had made their minds on leaving years ago. You go on about the lies, yes there were lies, on BOTH sides.

If people really really wanted another shot at a vote to stay or leave, then why didn't the Liberal Democrats win ? Over 80% of the votes went for parties that respected the Brexit result, I certainly would would not say people had their heads still switched off as you put it.

You disagree that it's better to have a well informed, active, healthy democracy that engages fully in politics all year round and not just one day every four years and you think that the opposite is good for democracy, really?

I thought I'd said that both sides campaigns should be ashamed of themselves but to some the result is all that matters regardless of how much they degrade themselves and the democracy they claim to care so much about.


Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35906761)
I respect people who voted opposite to me, however, I do not respect people who do not respect my vote choices, we have had nothing but contempt and mockery from some folk right from the get-go. Telling us we have made an error or been misled. When neither of those things had any impact on the choices I made.

Who has said any of that here, who has belittled you or told you personally that you made a mistake? And I personally respect any one that made an informed decision whether I agreed with their decision or not, those that based their decision on anything other than that or couldn't be bothered to inform themselves, well not so much respect going towards them from me.

RizzyKing 09-07-2017 03:21

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !
Er MrK has repeatedly talked in that way the Daddy and 1andrew1 has talked in less then positive terms as well, are you seriously going to say you haven't noticed the behaviour of a lot of the media if only the constant harping on about that stupid bus banner that pretty much everyone universally agree was wrong though there has been argument over it's true meaning. Leave voters have had a fair bit of rubbish thrown at them since the vote and yes some leaver's have resorted to less then helpful language in retort probably including myself on occasion.

The arrogance of some remain supporters has been very clear and it has not been pleasant pretty much like both the campaigns that were waged during the run up to the vote. A lot has been mentioned about xenophobic little englanders pulling up the draw bridge and cutting ourselves off from the world you must recognise that language as it's been used on here and in the media. Leave voters have had all their reasons lumped into two categories those who believed the bus and those who are xenophobes not a shock that many of us get a bit angry.

Where you and i do agree is on the disappointment in those on both sides who voted in total ignorance be it immigration ignorance or those who voted remain as they believed leaving meant no more roaming charges or holidays in any EU nation. There was stupidity aplenty on both sides and sadly both campaigns played to that rather then give out factual information for people that were undecided to help them make an informed choice. It was a low point in the democracy of the UK and a little embarassing but we better get used to it because campaigning on the politics of fantasy seems to be the preferred method now.

papa smurf 09-07-2017 08:53

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !
it's nice that we all respect each other :rolleyes: but there's a couple of thousand posts that suggest the opposite :)

and now it's only democracy with specified caveat's

1andrew1 09-07-2017 09:30

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35906793)
it's nice that we all respect each other :rolleyes: but there's a couple of thousand posts that suggest the opposite :)

and now it's only democracy with specified caveat's

We can all interpret posts in different ways. One man's insightful humour is another's patronising sarcasm. That's a constraint of forums.

papa smurf 09-07-2017 09:39

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35906795)
We can all interpret posts in different ways. One man's insightful humour is another's patronising sarcasm. That's a constraint of forums.

so you wish you had voted leave :tu:

1andrew1 09-07-2017 09:43

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35906784)
Where you and i do agree is on the disappointment in those on both sides who voted in total ignorance be it immigration ignorance or those who voted remain as they believed leaving meant no more roaming charges or holidays in any EU nation. There was stupidity aplenty on both sides and sadly both campaigns played to that rather then give out factual information for people that were undecided to help them make an informed choice. It was a low point in the democracy of the UK and a little embarassing but we better get used to it because campaigning on the politics of fantasy seems to be the preferred method now.

Well, staying in the EU has meant an end to roaming charges but I do agree that political campaigning seemed to change for the worst in the Brexit campaigning.
But on the positive side of things:
1) a lot of people did take an interest in Brexit and bother to vote
2) Subsequently, a lot of younger voters who have ignored politics are now taking an interest and registering to vote
3) the fact-checking services like FullFact have surfaced which are very useful in understanding highly politicised issues.

---------- Post added at 09:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 ----------


Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35906797)
so you wish you had voted leave :tu:

lol, no Re-grets from me. :D

papa smurf 09-07-2017 09:47

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35906798)
Well, staying in the EU has meant an end to roaming charges but I do agree that political campaigning seemed to change for the worst in the Brexit campaigning.
But on the positive side of things:
1) a lot of people did take an interest in Brexit and bother to vote
2) Subsequently, a lot of younger voters who have ignored politics are now taking an interest and registering to vote
3) the fact-checking services like FullFact have surfaced which are very useful in understanding highly politicised issues.

---------- Post added at 09:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 ----------

lol, no Re-grets from me. :D

why are romans being charged ???

so really sad then [ i like this interpreting posts in different ways idea ] ;)

Osem 09-07-2017 10:19

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35906784)
Er MrK has repeatedly talked in that way the Daddy and 1andrew1 has talked in less then positive terms as well, are you seriously going to say you haven't noticed the behaviour of a lot of the media if only the constant harping on about that stupid bus banner that pretty much everyone universally agree was wrong though there has been argument over it's true meaning. Leave voters have had a fair bit of rubbish thrown at them since the vote and yes some leaver's have resorted to less then helpful language in retort probably including myself on occasion.

The arrogance of some remain supporters has been very clear and it has not been pleasant pretty much like both the campaigns that were waged during the run up to the vote. A lot has been mentioned about xenophobic little englanders pulling up the draw bridge and cutting ourselves off from the world you must recognise that language as it's been used on here and in the media. Leave voters have had all their reasons lumped into two categories those who believed the bus and those who are xenophobes not a shock that many of us get a bit angry.

Where you and i do agree is on the disappointment in those on both sides who voted in total ignorance be it immigration ignorance or those who voted remain as they believed leaving meant no more roaming charges or holidays in any EU nation. There was stupidity aplenty on both sides and sadly both campaigns played to that rather then give out factual information for people that were undecided to help them make an informed choice. It was a low point in the democracy of the UK and a little embarassing but we better get used to it because campaigning on the politics of fantasy seems to be the preferred method now.


The facts about the bus banner is that it was created by a campaign group, was not government policy (far from it with DC and GO so opposed to Brexit) and could not have been a pledge or promise because the campaign group responsible for it had no power to either issue or deliver such. It's perfectly clear to those who want to see but will forever be cited by some as a broken promise which it categorically wasn't and until Brexit is completed we won't have any idea how much money will have been saved and thereby made available for public spending at HMG's discretion on the NHS or anything else for that matter. Then and only then can the figure quoted in the banner be properly judged.

And here we go again - another leading remainer who just won't let it go.

It's a bit rich whining on about Brexiteers taking umbrage all time when we're subject to a diet of this sort of thing on a daily basis in spite of the referendum result. The 'letting go' has to be done by those who lost the vote not the other way around.

denphone 09-07-2017 10:29

Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 35906795)
We can all interpret posts in different ways. One man's insightful humour is another's patronising sarcasm. That's a constraint of forums.

This is my view Andrew about both sides of the Brexit debate on here .

People are very much entitled to their views and opinions in the rules and constraints of a forum as we know whether they believe in Brexit or not as democracy involves free speech unless some have forgotten that as the last thing we want on here is patronising and superciliousness which IMO there has been too much of lately as yes disagree with someone else's opinion but don't bloody patronise or decry them because their view is different from somebody elses.

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