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whydoIneedatech 07-11-2008 19:49

re: Rate the last movie you saw

Originally Posted by sir_drinks_alot (Post 34670748)

could have gose to see the new 007 movie but given what's gone on
This week i picked.while good in part like the whole straggling to get
The approval of his father overcomeing his alcoholic side stuff like that
It painted too much of a sympathetic view of the man for my likeing,
This could and should have been done even more in the style of oliver
Stone's other movie Nixon witch to a point it was but after that point
The movie just turned in to hearts and flowers look at the bush years.

This movies release in this country should have been straight to DVD if at all, can you imagine the Americans going to see a film called "Blair" they would probably think it was a Blair Witch Project sequel and walk out half way through.:D

Enuff 07-11-2008 20:06

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Eden Lake 4/10

whydoIneedatech 07-11-2008 22:00

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Mirrors with Keifer Sutherland a reasonably good horror film 6/10

bopdude 08-11-2008 00:21

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Tropic Thunder -10 / 10 yep, that was a minus in front, absolute pants IMHO

Enuff 08-11-2008 01:43

re: Rate the last movie you saw
How to lose friends and alienate people. 7/10

altis 08-11-2008 14:36

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Kes (1969) directed by Ken Loach

I last saw this years ago on TV when I was a child. I remember it was striking that I recently bought the DVD to look again. It's about a scrawny lad growing up in Barnsley where everyone is trying to put him down. He finds solace in training a young kestrel that he has stolen from a nest. There's some great scenes of him training the bird to a lure. David Bradley who plays the boy, Billy, gives a tremendous performance that outshines everyone else - including Colin Welland who plays the sympathetic teacher and Brian Glover, the sadistic games master. (Several scenes of boys in showers - weren't they all skinny then!). The dialogue is very 'Bratford' so you'll need a keen ear to hear it all and the style is very TV orientated (not suprising since Ken Loach cut his teeth on Z-Cars). It's very dated but, IMHO, still a classic piece that is well worth watching.

admars 08-11-2008 22:52

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Saw V - 6.5/10
Missus and I like all the Saw films. this one is ok if you like the others and want a continuation of the Saw story.
If you didn't like/haven't seen the other don't bother, as you won't like it/won't understand it.
it's more about the ppl, than the traps in this one, but it's still more or less more of the same.

Fatec 09-11-2008 15:20

re: Rate the last movie you saw



Raistlin 09-11-2008 15:24

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Let's see.....last films I saw.....

Wanted: Utter tosh, worth it just for Angelina Jolie, but that's about it - 5/10

Iron Man: Not bad, Gwyneth Paltrow was easy on the eye, easy watching and some good action - 7/10

Russ 09-11-2008 15:56

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Heh am going to see Wanted later :D

Indiana Jones - 8 out of 10. I liked it although some parts naturally were silly, like 60+ year old Indy gets punched, kicked and beaten by a man half his age, a foot taller and about 5 stone heavier yet he still manages to get up :rolleyes:

Gary L 09-11-2008 16:08

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Hot Nurses Vol 2

Acting was awful, but the action was good.

zing_deleted 09-11-2008 16:09

re: Rate the last movie you saw
I enjoyed Wanted its brain in neutral stuff just switch off rational thought before you watch it

bopdude 09-11-2008 17:39

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Tropic Thunder, after a long wait to see it I thought it was pants

Russ 09-11-2008 18:50

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Just saw Wanted. 7 out of 10 for the film (it lost a point for the twist you could see a mile off) but 10 out of 10 for the butt-shot of Angelina Jolie.

It has to be said though she's looking really skinny these days, I much preferred her curviness in Lara Croft.

Tezcatlipoca 09-11-2008 21:17

re: Rate the last movie you saw
I thought Wanted was awesome.

Stupid, utterly stupid. But awesome.


Originally Posted by Fatec (Post 34671915)



Oldboy rocks.

Have you seen Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance & Sympathy for Lady Vengeance?

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