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KungFuKitty 15-03-2008 20:56

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Recently watched [Rec] a 2007 Spanish (English subbed) Horror movie, for those who havn't seen it i'd def give it a shot :D Hmm as for rating i would say 8/10 :tu: which is pretty damned good in my standards, i've watched so many horror flicks now most just seem a bore :dozey: but really check that out sometime!

I tend to have a preference to foreign movies lately, seem to have a slightly different approach from your typical western movies, a great foreign movie i'd def recommend other than [Rec] is Nochnoy dozor (Russin Title) or Night Watch for us English speakin' folk :D it's a 2004 Action / Fantasy / Horror / Thriller i really enjoyed :) it's English subbed too and well worth a watch! :D

~ Kitty x

zing_deleted 15-03-2008 21:35

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Then you wanna catch Dnevnoy dozor or Daywatch which is the second in a trilogy and eventually there will be Twilight watch thats not been made yet :)

KungFuKitty 15-03-2008 21:42

re: Rate the last movie you saw

Originally Posted by zinglebarb (Post 34507826)
Then you wanna catch Dnevnoy dozor or Daywatch which is the second in a trilogy and eventually there will be Twilight watch thats not been made yet :)

Seen it! Brill movie too :D Lol is there really "Twilight Watch" in the making? That'd be excellent, gonna look it up now! :tu:
~ Kitty x

zing_deleted 15-03-2008 21:46

re: Rate the last movie you saw next year

KungFuKitty 15-03-2008 22:18

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Omg :eeek: that's gonna be awesome! thanks for the linky :D
Hopefully being filmed in English "Filmed in English, since it is co-financed by Fox, whereas the first two parts of the trilogy were made in Russian." won't take anything away and still have most of the same actors / style as the previous two :D
Woohoo! :hyper:
~ Kitty x

Hugh 15-03-2008 22:45

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Shoot em up - 8/10

Good fun (silly) film.

budwieser 17-03-2008 20:55

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Live free and die hard 4.0 Brilliant action packed film.:)

Mal 25-03-2008 00:46

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Die hard 4.0 - 9/10 I really enjoyed this.

Death Proof - 7/10 Not as bad as all the reviews (that I saw at least).

Maggy 25-03-2008 13:13

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Big Fish. 10/10.Very enjoyable film.

zing_deleted 25-03-2008 18:29

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Went to see The Spiderwick Chronicles today enjoyable kids film not really for the younger child though imo

alferret 25-03-2008 20:53

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Cleaner with Samuel L Jackson, I fell asleep 5\10

alferret 27-03-2008 14:56

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Rise of the foot soldier.
Gritty British gangster movie, superb acting, makes Essex boys look like a walk in the park. Although they are both based around the same true story of the triple murder in Dec 1995 this is by far more factual. What makes this a bigger and better film is the portrayal of the main characters and the intro\bio of Carlton Leech, how he rose through the ranks from ICF to become a not so stupid villain\hard case.
Its rough, its tough and with a little bit of artistic license its real.
Gets a big fist in yer face 10\10 from me.

altis 27-03-2008 15:39

re: Rate the last movie you saw
Subway (1985, France)
Directed by: Luc Besson
Principle Actors: Christopher Lambert, Isabelle Adjani (pretty or what!)

We went to see this at the cinema when it first came out and loved it. I recently bought it on DVD and didn't! It could be something to do with the dubbing - first time we saw it in French with subtitles. Something has definately been lost in translation (Iroquoi - Quoi?) and the occasional American accent grates somewhat. There's some great gags - like the roller skates with headlights - but the whole thing just seems interminably slow. I'd remembered the outline of the plot - which is pretty simple - but, appart from the odd one or two, most of the scenes had been erased from my mind. Unlike...

Diva (1981, France)
Director: Jean-Jaques Beineix
We only saw it once some 27 years ago but I could remember so much detail. This is a beautiful film with lots of plot and fantastic photography. I wish we had a projector so I could see it on a large screen again. It's in French with subtitles so if, like me, your French is pretty rusty then you have to be quick at reading. But then this film is more about image than dialogue. A bit dated now maybe but definately recommended.

mouqeet 31-03-2008 20:04

re: Rate the last movie you saw
step up 2

dilli-theclaw 31-03-2008 20:07

re: Rate the last movie you saw
War of the worlds 2 the next wave

Um, worse than Battlefield earth (but only just)

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