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Dave42 25-01-2018 00:50

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35933829)
The British people have decided against the disaster of staying in.

and wait to the disaster hits when we leave the leavers be first to moan

Kursk 25-01-2018 00:53

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Dave42 (Post 35933830)
and wait to the disaster hits when we leave the leavers be first to moan

I think there's a remoaning monopoly on moaning ;)

TheDaddy 25-01-2018 03:15

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35933802)
No it was not.

'Let's give' is not a statement, it is a suggestion and it was definitely not a promise either.

'We promise to give to the NHS' is a promise and a statement. Those words were not used, so you are fundamentally incorrect.

Either way, all the people I know who voted for Brexit made their choice way before any red bus campaigining began because they had enough of the corrupt EU for many many years before hand.

It only became a suggestion or aspiration once they were asked to deliver upon it and the people that funded and ran the campaign said it was vital and we wouldn't be leaving without the bus, apparently 33% of the public thought it true and 10% still think it's true, I think I'll take that above the opinion of Mick and people he knows.

I find the truly bizarre thing is that people believed charlatans who have said numerous times they wanted to do away with the NHS altogether, the Farages and Banks of this world who all of a sudden wanted to bless the NHS will billions post brexit


Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35933826)
Cameron caught on camera admitting: Brexit ISN'T 'disaster' is 'not as bad as we thought'

Let's spend £9m of public funds on a leaflet full of bull.

You have missed the last part of his statement of your quote for some reason, you know the bit where he says it's still a big mistake

denphone 25-01-2018 05:12

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35933832)
It only became a suggestion or aspiration once they were asked to deliver upon it and the people that funded and ran the campaign said it was vital and we wouldn't be leaving without the bus, apparently 33% of the public thought it true and 10% still think it's true, I think I'll take that above the opinion of Mick and people he knows.

Nothing like politicians talking with forked tongue and then backtracking from their promises when it suits them..

---------- Post added at 05:12 ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 ----------


Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35933802)
Either way, all the people I know who voted for Brexit made their choice way before any red bus campaigining began because they had enough of the corrupt EU for many many years before hand.

Don't forget some of our own corrupt politicians in Westminster and beyond as some of them have been feathering their golden nests for a good many years and will still do even when we have left the EU but of course its one of our own so it must be alright..

Mick 25-01-2018 06:32

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35933832)
It only became a suggestion or aspiration once they were asked to deliver upon it and the people that funded and ran the campaign said it was vital and we wouldn't be leaving without the bus, apparently 33% of the public thought it true and 10% still think it's true, I think I'll take that above the opinion of Mick and people he knows.

I find the truly bizarre thing is that people believed charlatans who have said numerous times they wanted to do away with the NHS altogether, the Farages and Banks of this world who all of a sudden wanted to bless the NHS will billions post brexit

You're another one, who conveniently forgets the lies told from the Remain camp, how many people were 'took in' from lie after lie from them?

Does the crappy Mirror give a balanced view of the % of people took in by Remain camp lies...?

Then came the pathetic black mailing attempt from President Obama with the back of queue bullshit.

But oh dear, you are posting a poll from an Anti-Brexit paper. 1) Most polls are and have been wrong so I find them unreliable. 2) Mirror is Anti-Brexit, so I wouldn't trust them whatsoever. 3) Only one poll mattered, far bigger sample size of around 33 Million and it's being enacted on.

I couldn't give a toss what opinion you take over mine. I know why I voted and that's all I care about and it was not the damn 'suggestion' on the red bus, that persuaded me! :mad:

Farage and Banks were not in the official leave campaign, that launched the red bus and even if they had 'suggested money to the NHS', they were not in government to enact on it and as I have said repeatedly, no promise was made, read the bloody words.

Stop clutching at straws and looking for silly reasons as to why people voted the way the did to try and de-legitimise the result, it is not going to change the result.

Leaving this clip here, as I see we are here again, must be Groundhog Day!. :rolleyes:

TheDaddy 25-01-2018 07:51

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Kursk (Post 35933831)
I think there's a remoaning monopoly on moaning ;)

Really, you wait to hear the moaning if we leave in name only with the softest of soft brexit, then certain people will be expecting everyone to rally round to the will of the people, trouble is when over half the population have been told to shut up and that their opinion doesn't count they may well be inclined to remain tight lipped.


Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35933841)
You're another one, who conveniently forgets the lies told from the Remain camp, how many people were 'took in' from lie after lie from them?

Does the crappy Mirror give a balanced view of the % of people took in by Remain camp lies...?

Then came the pathetic black mailing attempt from President Obama with the back of queue bullshit.

But oh dear, you are posting a poll from an Anti-Brexit paper. 1) Most polls are and have been wrong so I find them unreliable. 2) Mirror is Anti-Brexit, so I wouldn't trust them whatsoever. 3) Only one poll mattered, far bigger sample size of around 33 Million and it's being enacted on.

I couldn't give a toss what opinion you take over mine. I know why I voted and that's all I care about and it was not the damn 'suggestion' on the red bus, that persuaded me! :mad:

Farage and Banks were not in the official leave campaign, that launched the red bus and even if they had 'suggested money to the NHS', they were not in government to enact on it and as I have said repeatedly, no promise was made, read the bloody words.

Stop clutching at straws and looking for silly reasons as to why people voted the way the did to try and de-legitimise the result, it is not going to change the result.

Leaving this clip here, as I see we are here again, must be Groundhog Day!. :rolleyes:

Said it before, the good thing about forums is your posting history is there for all to see and I was scathing to both sides in the run up to the referendum and on the night itself pre result about the amount of lies, lack of facts, scaremongering and shabby presentation, still don't get that get in the way of your angry little accusations.

I could go on but I know you're not a fan of clicking links from sources you don't like. Funnily enough I have my own take on polls and pollsters to

Sirius 25-01-2018 10:04

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35933802)
No it was not.

'Let's give' is not a statement, it is a suggestion and it was definitely not a promise either.

'We promise to give to the NHS' is a promise and a statement. Those words were not used, so you are fundamentally incorrect.

Either way, all the people I know who voted for Brexit made their choice way before any red bus campaigining began because they had enough of the corrupt EU for many many years before hand.

I made my mind up based on my feelings about the EU not the bull excreta during the run up to the vote.

Mr K 25-01-2018 10:29

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Sirius (Post 35933858)
I made my mind up based on my feelings about the EU not the bull excreta during the run up to the vote.

Always got to ask yourself, what's the alternative ? Do you think our Government could run a piss up in a brewery ? Look at the shambles they are in before Brexit has even happened ? The EU don't run our NHS for example, look at the state it's in.

The EU is far from perfect but does do some postive things e.g.
stopping drug firms ripping us off, getting rid of credit charges (even though Theresa tried to claim the credit for that !), cheap flights, freedom to work in the EU, consumer and worker protection

Be prepared to lose these, and the interests of the rich and businesses to come first. Still at least we'll have our country back (in a sort of Charles Dickens type way :rolleyes: ).

Mick 25-01-2018 12:14

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by TheDaddy (Post 35933844)
Really, you wait to hear the moaning if we leave in name only with the softest of soft brexit, then certain people will be expecting everyone to rally round to the will of the people, trouble is when over half the population have been told to shut up and that their opinion doesn't count they may well be inclined to remain tight lipped.

Said it before, the good thing about forums is your posting history is there for all to see and I was scathing to both sides in the run up to the referendum and on the night itself pre result about the amount of lies, lack of facts, scaremongering and shabby presentation, still don't get that get in the way of your angry little accusations.

I could go on but I know you're not a fan of clicking links from sources you don't like. Funnily enough I have my own take on polls and pollsters to

And all that had to do with what exactly ?

Because it had nothing to do with what you posted earlier and what I subsequently replied to.

---------- Post added at 12:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------


Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35933867)
Always got to ask yourself, what's the alternative ? Do you think our Government could run a piss up in a brewery ? Look at the shambles they are in before Brexit has even happened ? The EU don't run our NHS for example, look at the state it's in.

The EU is far from perfect but does do some postive things e.g.
stopping drug firms ripping us off, getting rid of credit charges (even though Theresa tried to claim the credit for that !), cheap flights, freedom to work in the EU, consumer and worker protection

Be prepared to lose these, and the interests of the rich and businesses to come first. Still at least we'll have our country back (in a sort of Charles Dickens type way :rolleyes: ).

None of those stop the EU from being Corrupt. I still want to leave the EU.

jonbxx 25-01-2018 12:38

Re: Brexit discussion
How exactly is the EU as an institution corrupt? I hear this mentioned a number of times. There is certainly evidence of corruption at a state level but I would be interested in hearing about corruption at the EU (Parliament, Council, Commission, etc.) level

Damien 25-01-2018 12:55

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by jonbxx (Post 35933900)
How exactly is the EU as an institution corrupt? I hear this mentioned a number of times. There is certainly evidence of corruption at a state level but I would be interested in hearing about corruption at the EU (Parliament, Council, Commission, etc.) level

Mr K 25-01-2018 13:30

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35933897)
And all that had to do with what exactly ?

None of those stop the EU from being Corrupt. I still want to leave the EU.

And you think our Govt. isn't corrupt Mick? A cabinet of millionaires, many with links and shares in private companies ? Are they going to make Brexit work for us, or themselves ?

Mick 25-01-2018 13:38

Re: Brexit discussion
Not that I am trying to defend Nigel, he can do that himself but he’s categorically denied what’s in that link. Wasn’t there issues with funds from the Remain camp too ?

The EU is corrupt in many ways. They lie, extort and just basically rip countries off and we are the ones getting ripped off. We are handicapped when taking trade deals. They did not listen when Cameron asked them to reform. Told countries they had to take extra migrants or else, when we are taking 300K per year already. Bit by bit, they want more control of our laws. They told us they are not trying to become a United States of Europe, but they have ambitions to be so and have a EU Army. No thank you.

Dave42 25-01-2018 13:41

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35933909)
And you think our Govt. isn't corrupt Mick? A cabinet of millionaires, many with links and shares in private companies ? Are they going to make Brexit work for us, or themselves ?

they only care about themselves

Mick 25-01-2018 14:08

Re: Brexit discussion

Originally Posted by Mr K (Post 35933909)
And you think our Govt. isn't corrupt Mick? A cabinet of millionaires, many with links and shares in private companies ? Are they going to make Brexit work for us, or themselves ?

And after what you claim, I would still choose them over a Corbyn/Momentum/Racist to Jews led government.

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