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alanbjames 20-01-2017 18:19

Re: US Election 2016
Trump said he wishes to build bridges with the uk, is that gonna be something like the channel tunnel?

Osem 20-01-2017 18:25

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35881386)
Quite. No one can say they don't know what they're getting.

They certainly believe they know what they're going to be getting but he hasn't left himself much room for manoeuvre has he? In fact he may have just issued his version of the 'longest suicide note in history' because it gives his political opponents so much to use against him unless he delivers in spades. Equally, unless he delivers in spades, I can't help thinking that there'll be a massive backlash against him if he can't pull off some sort of Putinesque mass brainwashing exercise...

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------


Originally Posted by alanbjames (Post 35881387)
Trump said he wishes to build bridges with the uk, is that gonna be something like the channel tunnel?

If it is he'll probably demand that we pay for it. :D

Hugh 20-01-2017 18:27

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35881388)
They certainly believe they know what they're going to be getting but he hasn't left himself much room for manoeuvre has he? In fact he may have just issued his version of the 'longest suicide note in history' because it gives his political opponents so much to use against him unless he delivers in spades. Equally, unless he delivers in spades, I can't help thinking that there'll be a massive backlash against him if he can pull off some sort of Putinesque mass brainwashing exercise...

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

If it is he'll probably demand that we pay for it. :D

It'll be a yuge bridge, the best, most brilliant bridge ever...;)

heero_yuy 20-01-2017 18:34

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Hugh (Post 35881390)
It'll be a yuge bridge, the best, most brilliant bridge ever...;)

Something like this?

Finance could be an issue though. :D

Damien 20-01-2017 18:45

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Osem (Post 35881388)
They certainly believe they know what they're going to be getting but he hasn't left himself much room for manoeuvre has he? In fact he may have just issued his version of the 'longest suicide note in history' because it gives his political opponents so much to use against him unless he delivers in spades. Equally, unless he delivers in spades, I can't help thinking that there'll be a massive backlash against him if he can pull off some sort of Putinesque mass brainwashing exercise..

I don't know. The amount of things people thought would finish him that didn't. He will have a list of people to blame if he doesn't deliver and that's when things could turn nasty. He is a very adept populist.

At his speech though it's clear he intends to act on the things he has said for better or worse, he wasn't just saying stupid things to attract attention. He meant them.

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40 ----------

Quite cool. Biden, who was famous as a Senator for taking the train to Washington from Pennsylvania left the ceremony and went right back to using the trains.

Osem 20-01-2017 19:00

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35881392)
I don't know. The amount of things people thought would finish him that didn't. He will have a list of people to blame if he doesn't deliver and that's when things could turn nasty. He is a very adept populist.

At his speech though it's clear he intends to act on the things he has said for better or worse, he wasn't just saying stupid things to attract attention. He meant them.

That's what I mean, unless he lives up to his own hype he's going to be in trouble unless he can do what Putin has. Yes he may mean what he's said sincerely - we can only guess at that - but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Unless he seriously gets on with building that wall along the border with Mexico, for example, he'll have gifted his opponents a huge stick to beat him with and Americans aren't renowned for their patience are they... ;)

Part of me thinks he's naive but then I give myself a slap and remember that he's a 70 year old billionaire who can hardly be that naive can he?... :shrug:

RizzyKing 20-01-2017 19:49

Re: US Election 2016
Given large sections of the US\Mexico border already have a fence it isn't going to be the hardest thing to deliver, hell they even have militias patrolling large parts of the border. I don't like the man or most of what he stands for but there is a part of me that hopes he succeeds so that a permanent dent is made into the type of political system we've had for the last thirty years which has been failing most of the people and benefitting a few. Anyone george soros doesn't like automatically gets my support as that ******* is the personification of everything wrong with the west and the sooner he shuttles off this mortal coil the better.

If Trump can toughen his approach to Russia and not be allowed to do some of the dafter things he's talked about he may well become a moderately successful president. I also think the majority of the US public will give him more time to accomplish things then they have other presidents, it will only be the democrats that attack quickly and i am not convinced that's the best approach for them. Time will tell but just like brexit hasn't turned into the nightmare we were told it would i don't think Trump will be as bad as many think\hope.

Osem 20-01-2017 20:48

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by RizzyKing (Post 35881401)
Given large sections of the US\Mexico border already have a fence it isn't going to be the hardest thing to deliver, hell they even have militias patrolling large parts of the border. I don't like the man or most of what he stands for but there is a part of me that hopes he succeeds so that a permanent dent is made into the type of political system we've had for the last thirty years which has been failing most of the people and benefitting a few. Anyone george soros doesn't like automatically gets my support as that ******* is the personification of everything wrong with the west and the sooner he shuttles off this mortal coil the better.

If Trump can toughen his approach to Russia and not be allowed to do some of the dafter things he's talked about he may well become a moderately successful president. I also think the majority of the US public will give him more time to accomplish things then they have other presidents, it will only be the democrats that attack quickly and i am not convinced that's the best approach for them. Time will tell but just like brexit hasn't turned into the nightmare we were told it would i don't think Trump will be as bad as many think\hope.

Many of the same things were said about Ronald Reagan and he didn't turn out quite as bad as many forecast either so who knows. Trump has promised to turn the status quo upside down and rather like Brexit, it should be no surprise that those who've benefited most from it will not like that one bit. Having said that I believe those delightful Goldman Sachs chaps have already got their tentacles in Trump's Whitehouse. They're rather like a bad case of dry rot...

Arthurgray50@blu 20-01-2017 22:31

Re: US Election 2016
My prediction is that someone WILL take a pop shot at him quite soon. I was staggered to hear commentators say, on TV and Radio that. Trumps message has shocked a lot of Countries. And will a major war.

There have been major demos, in the US. And also in London. Trump may be BUSINESSMAN. But he is not an experience politician.

The biggest trouble is that, as he is a billionaire. He can buy everything. NOW he has to biggest coup going - the President of America

And what l have to laugh at. Did you see the amount of crowd there was, compared to Obama.

He is a ****.

figgyburn 20-01-2017 23:29

Re: US Election 2016
He will have to deliver after that speech which I thought was refreshingly honest and not typically full of spin. If he does all the infrastructure improvements etc that he says he will do,then middle americans who voted him in are not going to complain just that America's debt will be get even bigger.But as we all know they just vote to raise the debt ceiling to pay for it all.Just like us and quantitative easing.Raiding the mythical money tree.

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

Well I thought it was a very good speech and refreshingly honest and pulled no punches.Not the spin that politicians usually spout to try please everyone.If he carries out all the promises America's debt will skyrocket but,the middle americans who got him elected if they get jobs back etc will not care one iota.They will just do as they usually do,vote to raise the debt ceiling,just like us with quantitative easing.Raiding the mythical money tree.

RizzyKing 21-01-2017 03:06

Re: US Election 2016
He does have some ideas on debt reduction the test will be if the senate and congress will pass them he also plans to reallocate finances so like everything with trump it's a wait and see.

denphone 21-01-2017 06:15

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35881385)
"I just felt a great disturbance in the force as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

Well very sadly America stupidly elected him but it will be interesting when the brown stuff comes at him how he will cope..

Pierre 21-01-2017 08:41

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35881423)
Well very sadly America stupidly elected him but it will be interesting when the brown stuff comes at him how he will cope..

Yeah, because the last 18monthd have been scandal free.

RizzyKing 21-01-2017 09:54

Re: US Election 2016
Yes politics has been working so fantastically for the last thirty years absolutely no reason to change a thing just keep going with the same successful lot we've had so we can all moan and do nothing. Maybe Trump will be a disaster i doubt it but maybe but at least the americans had the courage to try a change unlike so many in the UK who do nothing but moan and back away the second they have a chance for something different.

denphone 21-01-2017 10:10

Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35881426)
Yeah, because the last 18monthd have been scandal free.

No doubt about that but that is likely to be a church tea party compared to what is likely to come....

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