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Tinky 12-05-2015 19:35

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Hi Jo, so nice to hear from you all again. We had a nightmare of a move. On the Monday of the week that we were due to move out, we found out that the house we intended to purchase, had no building regs. Our buyers were moving in on the Friday, we had no choice but to pull out of the purchase of the no regs house, rendering us, in effect homeless. We had to rent, another nightmare, the flat required an itinerary (not the correct word) to drawn up, then a gas certificate, they found a gas leak, all this prevented us from moving in on the Friday. So we went on a short break over the weekend. We had ordered £1600 worth of carpets for our intended house, and when we tried to cancel (on the same day order was placed) we were told we couldn't have the money refunded, only a credit note. I could go on and on, but I am very happy to say that all's well that ends well. We were very fortunate to find a modest little bungalow, just as well as Mr T had to have a complete knee replacement op, rendering him unable to climb stairs. I think fate finally took a hand, thankfully :) We are very happy now, and we have good neighbours, ah bliss.

joglynne 12-05-2015 20:14

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
That does sound like a nightmare move but so glad you ended up on the right side of good fortune. Getting good neighbours has to be the icing on the cake.

We only intended staying in our house for 5 years but kept putting off the move to a bigger and better home as we were soooo reluctant to move away from all our neighbours who, 40 odd years later, we now consider to be some of our closest friends. Which is really off topic as it should be in the Happy Thread. :)

Off to look unhappy as a penance. :D

Tinky 12-05-2015 20:56

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Better the devil you know eh Jo? We downsized moving from a 4 bed, 2 public, 2 garage, long driveway, to a 2 bed bungalow, no driveway but our Council tax is in a higher band......... don't ask :rolleyes:

Uncle Peter 13-05-2015 00:07

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Drummers :mad:

nashville 13-05-2015 09:47

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Tinky (Post 35777496)
Thank you all for your sweet replies. I have not been around a lot recently as we have moved house. But I have been watching, maybe I can start posting again soon. :)

Nice to hear from you. Hope they can give you something to help, Take Care Nash

Tinky 13-05-2015 11:09

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Thank you Nash, I have an inhaler now, hope I am using it properly :rolleyes:

MalteseFalcon 13-05-2015 11:34

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
My Nan had to have an ECG done because of some breathing difficulties, apparently it showed some irregularities on it and then had a pain in her side. Being referred to the rapid chest pain clinic for further tests.

I know who I blame for this whole episode, my aunt who goes on at me for not stressing her out but it is fine for her to stress her out every day.

denphone 13-05-2015 12:08

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
l am sorry to hear about your Nan Mark and l do hope there is nothing untoward or serious with her health.

Taf 13-05-2015 13:58

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Santander's website.

When I click "Log Off" I want to log off, not getting another page several seconds later asking me if I REALLY want to log off.

thenry 13-05-2015 14:38

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

weenie 13-05-2015 15:54

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35777641)
Santander's website.

When I click "Log Off" I want to log off, not getting another page several seconds later asking me if I REALLY want to log off.

I really dislike the online banking service when that happens Taf, hope it's up and running fine for you now.

Tinky 13-05-2015 16:20

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35777606)
My Nan had to have an ECG done because of some breathing difficulties, apparently it showed some irregularities on it and then had a pain in her side. Being referred to the rapid chest pain clinic for further tests.

I know who I blame for this whole episode, my aunt who goes on at me for not stressing her out but it is fine for her to stress her out every day.


heero_yuy 13-05-2015 17:31

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Taf (Post 35777641)
Santander's website.

When I click "Log Off" I want to log off, not getting another page several seconds later asking me if I REALLY want to log off.

What I really hate is HSBC trying to ram Trusteer Rapport down your throat. No I don't want a very suspect program that hooks the OS API's at the same level as viri and cripples the machine for all other functions.:mad: No way.

When it is hacked, as such a tempting target will inevitably be, the banks are going to <insert suitable word related to excrement> themselves and everybody who has installed it will have their bank details compromised.

nashville 13-05-2015 18:16

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I don't think I would feel safe banking on line, it is better to talk face to face, I Don't like the hole in the wall either .

heero_yuy 13-05-2015 18:28

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I'm happy with on-line banking but I have my own precautions in place that I trust further than the banks. In 15 years only 5 odd suspect attacks all caught before they could gain access. :)

I am not complacent but knowing the machine, I trust my instincts.

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