View Full Version : Political compass, part 2

14-02-2004, 01:07
I do believe http://www.politopia.com to be slightly more accurate. However, the right side of the island do not represent the "right-wingers". Instead, this island measures two things: personal freedom, and economic freedom.

As you can see, the left-right scale represents personal freedom, where left is total freedom and right is no freedom, and the north-south scale represents economic freedom with north being total freedom, and south being no freedom.

There are nine "quadrants:" NW, N, NE, W, middle, E, SW, S, and SE.

However, I found it to be an excellent scale and very accurate, at least on the libertarian side. If you guys don't mind, please post your results.

It will ask for an email address. You do not have to type in a real address. It stores the record by email address though.

To look mine up, type in lastlegionary@hotmail.com. Take the quiz, and post the email address you entered here.

You can enter a fake email address, such as Bifta@nth.com

Just be sure to put it here. If you don't want to bother with that, just state the quadrant and copy the "meet a local" from the text provided.

I'm in the NW quadrant, with Ayn Rand.

NEO, a stereotypical Northwesterner

"Freedom to do whatever you'd like, as long as you don't interfere with the equal freedom of others."

My name is Neo, and I'm a software designer on the NW coast. I usually work from home, or from my sailboat while on an extended cruises. I've got friends of all stripes-some are making a lot of money in the software industry, some are gay, some are economists, some use recreational drugs, some are very religious-what they all have in common is that they're all very open-minded and tolerant.

I tend to be optimistic about the future. I believe that the most important natural resource is human creativity and that people should be able to pursue their hopes and dreams without interference from anyone else. While I recognize the importance of enforcing property rights and contracts, I think that in general, government interference in the marketplace only stifles human creativity. Politically, I describe myself as a libertarian. I loathe paying taxes, I'm disgusted by the "war on drugs," which is really just a war on people, and I think it's certainly true that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."


14-02-2004, 01:23
Jerrek. I think you may want to change the link above to www.politopia.com (you left out the (very appropriate ;) .com)

Edit: My result is:

Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."

And that is definitely not where I consider myself. I also think the test is very Americanized as it asks what the government should do, and it is quite obvious this relates to the Us government.

Still, from a psychological perspective, it is a fine example of how a couple of poorly worded and leading questions can give the impression of actually measuring something.

14-02-2004, 01:51
Not going to try this one, think this is far too American for someone from the UK to try this unless they have a lot of knowledge about US Government policy. Got any that are more 'international'?

14-02-2004, 02:08
I've tried the Politopia one before and I agree that it's very US centric with its attitude to what seems to be "right" or "wrong". The assumptions it makes and the conclusions it draws just don't seem to add up for me.

14-02-2004, 02:21
Sorry jerrek I too have come to the conclusion I'm not interested in this one.

As it is having at least one major ocean between each other only just provides enough comfort for me. Somehow the thought of being trapped on the same small island as you is just too much to comtemplate even on paper.

14-02-2004, 12:01
As it is having at least one major ocean between each other only just provides enough comfort for me. Somehow the thought of being trapped on the same small island as you is just too much to comtemplate even on paper.
