View Full Version : SACM needing specific mac addy in PC?

Jim galbally
25-01-2006, 23:12
Here's a wierd one, on my STB i can plug it into whatever network card i ike and it works... iuntil recently.

now it only works in the one card! (others dont respond tpo DHCP request)

so i buy a router, and that does not work!

untill clone the mac of the working nic... bingo starts working!

anyone seen similar? i thought SACMs didnt need specific macs like STBs?

25-01-2006, 23:17
SACMs don't need a specific MAC, but if you change to a network card with a different MAC, then it won't work until you unplug the SACM from the mains, and then reboot it.

26-01-2006, 08:59
And remember, you have a lease limit ( i think its a max of 4 running at any one time), so if you exceed this, you have to wait untill the lease's expire before you can tie a new Ethernet card MAC to the modem.

Most people never get that far tho ;)

Graham M
26-01-2006, 10:28
If your Internet is provided by STB, you must plug it in, reboot your STB, reboot the router/attached PC then when you try and access the Internet again NTL will put you through to the provisioning pages once again, where you will need to name your connected device and reboot everything once more.

Jim galbally
28-01-2006, 11:07
sorry the topic said STB but i meant SACM. It must be the rebooting thing that i was missing, didnt realise you had to.. thanks guys

Graham M
28-01-2006, 13:08
Yep that'll be it Jim

Chris W
28-01-2006, 21:14
And remember, you have a lease limit ( i think its a max of 4 running at any one time), so if you exceed this, you have to wait untill the lease's expire before you can tie a new Ethernet card MAC to the modem.

Most people never get that far tho ;)

It's three.... the fourth is when the problems start :) It will be granted, but... well... you'll know when you see 4 in bluetools and a customer is having problems ;)